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Discussion on Policy: Third-Party Programs


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Have you read [the policy on third-party programs](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65547/policy-third-party-programs#latest "the policy on third-party programs")?


> EDIT: the policy is being discussed in [this thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65638/discussion-on-policy-third-party-programs "this thread")


Didnt know. Thanks!

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Its 2019 Anet! I think its time you allow us to customize our UI! It looks bloody horrible its so outdated and clutterd its insane. Same with the Floating Damage values obscuring the whole fucking enemy model. I couldnt care less if my axe autos hit for 3k or dont crit and only hit for 1k. i want to see the guy im attacking and his animations not the red splash of numbers in the foreground. The forced HP Circle is outdated and doesnt make sense in the grand scheme of things. Id rather have a bar above my skillbars and underneath the hp bar a seperate class bar. (Holo heat, Adrenalin, Clones, Shroud) and also a seperate endurance bar. Condis and Boons above the hp bar slightly or something it would make perfect sense! Everything would be visible without taking away from the actual gameplay. Like this people have to break their neck checking if they have 20 stacks of confusion on them or not.

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MODERATOR EDIT: Comment refers to previous title, before threads were merged. The title of this thread is accurate.


Also just a quick clarification for those stumbling over the misleading topic: The policies were **NOT** updated. Only the sticky threads explaining them were updated, the policies stayed the same.

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Can anyone post a Before and After of the Policy update to see if it actually affects the use of : gw2 taco , arcdps , radial mount , musical macros and mouse keybind programs...


someone pointed out the only update is that customer service cannot specify anything about the use of third party programs but that hasnt changed , if thats the case then no biggie i guess


PD: Hope this doesnt affect the development of Blish Hud

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> @"Nor.2057" said:

> Can anyone post a Before and After of the Policy update to see if it actually affects the use of : gw2 taco , arcdps , radial mount , musical macros and mouse keybind programs...

* **ArcDPS:** not affected. It's is a special case because of its developer's relationship with ANet. @"deltaconnected.4058" won't add features without consultation.

* **GW2 TacO:** not affected. It's an overlay that doesn't interact with the game at all, and uses the game's own API to compare your location with interesting spots in the game.

* **Musical Macros:** not affected. Not even sure why there's a question about it, since it's explicitly mentioned.

* **Mouse Keybinds:** affected, in that ANet specifically allows "autoclicking" for the purpose of interacting with vendors or consumables (not during combat). Otherwise, the policy is unchanged.

* **Radial Mount:** nothing changed that would affect this directly. I am not sure, however, what its status is.

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> @"Tiscan.8345" said:

> That made me laugh so hard. They are obviously so "not thrilled" that they have to tweet links to Tekkit's guides where he shows off his marker-packs:

So you "laugh" because what ? TACO - is only give navigation markers, but you should youself press all buttons on keyboard and use dodge on avoid attack. Someone like wath video before run, of jp, someone watch video 5 times, someone 1, someone use taco, someone find mate who whatch video 5 times, or use taco, ..

If you load some plugin, press one time 1 button, and get 100% map complete - ou, thats is hack!


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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"Tiscan.8345" said:

> > That made me laugh so hard. They are obviously so "not thrilled" that they have to tweet links to Tekkit's guides where he shows off his marker-packs:

> So you "laugh" because what ? TACO - is only give navigation markers, but you should youself press all buttons on keyboard and use dodge on avoid attack. Someone like wath video before run, of jp, someone watch video 5 times, someone 1, someone use taco, someone find mate who whatch video 5 times, or use taco, ..

> If you load some plugin, press one time 1 button, and get 100% map complete - ou, thats is hack!



He laughed because the other person (who he quoted!) claimed that "ANet was not thrilled" with Taco, despite having officially promoted it through their twitter.

You misunderstood and lashed out at the wrong person.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > @"lare.5129" said:

> > > @"Tiscan.8345" said:

> > > That made me laugh so hard. They are obviously so "not thrilled" that they have to tweet links to Tekkit's guides where he shows off his marker-packs:

> > So you "laugh" because what ? TACO - is only give navigation markers, but you should youself press all buttons on keyboard and use dodge on avoid attack. Someone like wath video before run, of jp, someone watch video 5 times, someone 1, someone use taco, someone find mate who whatch video 5 times, or use taco, ..

> > If you load some plugin, press one time 1 button, and get 100% map complete - ou, thats is hack!

> >


> He laughed because the other person (who he quoted!) claimed that "ANet was not thrilled" with Taco, despite having officially promoted it through their twitter.

> You misunderstood and lashed out at the wrong person.


Yeah, that exactly what I meant. ANet has promoted gw2taco dozens of times so I highly doubt that they have any issues with people using it.

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I love how people think that programs that give extra information about what you are doing as an unfair advantage. It is not. It must be sth that directly affects your performance. Like movement hacks for example.


Thinking things like TACO and ARC as an "unfair advantage" is like saying that using a timer to count a sprinter's performance on the 100 meter dash is cheating in the same way as using steroids would be. Please use some common sense.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> * **Radial Mount:** nothing changed that would affect this directly. I am not sure, however, what its status is.


This tool simply converts a key press followed by a mouse movement into a different key press. Since the same inputs always result in the same keys being sent to the game, this is exactly as "violating" of the rules as reassigning keybinds within the game.

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> @"Nightgunner.2896" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > * **Radial Mount:** nothing changed that would affect this directly. I am not sure, however, what its status is.


> This tool simply converts a key press followed by a mouse movement into a different key press. Since the same inputs always result in the same keys being sent to the game, this is exactly as "violating" of the rules as reassigning keybinds within the game.


What I meant by "the status" is I don't know if ANet has mentioned it by name, which they have done with _some_ popular tools.


So sure, your explanation sounds good to me. And sure, if ANet was okay with it before, then they **should** still be okay with it. The problem is that we know that ANet has changed their enforcement of policy in the past, without warning.


Accordingly, I still don't think it's fair to say anything other than "nothing has changed in the policies that would affect _Radial Mount_ directly."



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Nightgunner.2896" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > * **Radial Mount:** nothing changed that would affect this directly. I am not sure, however, what its status is.

> >

> > This tool simply converts a key press followed by a mouse movement into a different key press. Since the same inputs always result in the same keys being sent to the game, this is exactly as "violating" of the rules as reassigning keybinds within the game.


> What I meant by "the status" is I don't know if ANet has mentioned it by name, which they have done with _some_ popular tools.


> So sure, your explanation sounds good to me. And sure, if ANet was okay with it before, then they **should** still be okay with it. The problem is that we know that ANet has changed their enforcement of policy in the past, without warning.


> Accordingly, I still don't think it's fair to say anything other than "nothing has changed in the policies that would affect _Radial Mount_ directly."


Additionally, because you can't mount in combat, and you can't mount in competitive game modes, this cannot give any player an advantage over another player.


It's just a flavor thing - hitting a single key on your keyboard is faster than holding a key and moving the mouse, so people using this are actually at a *dis*advantage compared to people playing without it.

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> @"Leuxy.3675" said:


Is this one allowed ?


They haven't commented on that one. Yet (although I'd be surprised if they do any time soon for a variety of reasons).


With that in mind, my personal opinion is that it should be okay.

* There are acceptable mods that also affect only visuals.

* D912pxy doesn't affect gameplay at all.

* It's open source now; if there was something untoward in the code, we'd find out about it.


Another important positive to me: the developer is very keen on making this a great tool. Despite a bad start with accepting feedback, they are working with other fan programmers to identify areas for improvement and have been pretty good in their public responses to criticism. I feel confident that if/when they reach out to ANet that they'd responsibly address any concerns. (Although, again: ANet might not have time to take a look.)


There are a few reasons for people not to use it:

* It makes little difference for those who have asked for DX12 the most: those with the newest/shiniest computers/GPU/monitors.

* It's unstable for some people, very unstable in some cases. (Some people say that with adjustment, it's fine.)

* It uses an injected DLL that overrides the official version. (However: see above; in this case, probably ok.)


And putting my money where my keyboard is: if it gets more stable, I might try it out. I don't _need_ better FPS, but I won't say no.

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I have 2 accounts.


Is there a way to get two game clients installed so that on my second account I can play around with yolo mouse and taco as well as keeping my launcher account names seperate?


I have tried to do this a couple of times and for some reason I can't download a second client...

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> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> Is there a way to get two game clients installed so that on my second account I can play around with yolo mouse and taco as well as keeping my launcher account names seperate?


If you wanted a secondary installation and have your main one completely unaware of the programs you're using with it, the easiest option would be using a secondary Windows account and actually switching to it. There is however little reason to actually go this far. Keep in mind that if you wanted to do this to be "safe", you would need to use a VM and a VPN (and never access the account on your real machine).


If you just wanted to run multiple accounts and keep their settings separate, the simplest option is using a bat file like this:




Save this as Gw2-64.bat in the same folder as Gw2-64.exe


set userprofile=%appdata%\Guild Wars 2\%1

start Gw2-64.exe %*


This would be exclusively for your extra accounts. If you were using a shortcut like this:

Gw2-64.exe -maploadinfo


It would now be this:

Gw2-64.bat 1 -maploadinfo


(where 1 is replaced with the # of the account)



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whenever i win WvW roaming fights, i shout deep inside me "Look, Ma, NO HACKS!" like Tsar Bomba and carry on upping my pips.


the only third party installed in my PC is embedded deep in the OS and installed in l33t ways and my l33t Viewers can see it all.


yeah, it's basically like "IWAY Warrior Television", but only the l33ts watches. no need for a third party website streaming as well.




gotta message for them. "Hello & get .V.. ..I.."

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > Is there a way to get two game clients installed so that on my second account I can play around with yolo mouse and taco as well as keeping my launcher account names seperate?


> If you wanted a secondary installation and have your main one completely unaware of the programs you're using with it, the easiest option would be using a secondary Windows account and actually switching to it. There is however little reason to actually go this far. Keep in mind that if you wanted to do this to be "safe", you would need to use a VM and a VPN (and never access the account on your real machine).


> If you just wanted to run multiple accounts and keep their settings separate, the simplest option is using a bat file like this:




> Save this as Gw2-64.bat in the same folder as Gw2-64.exe



> set userprofile=%appdata%\Guild Wars 2\%1

> start Gw2-64.exe %*


> This would be exclusively for your extra accounts. If you were using a shortcut like this:

> Gw2-64.exe -maploadinfo


> It would now be this:

> Gw2-64.bat 1 -maploadinfo


> (where 1 is replaced with the # of the account)




I am assuming that this doesn't break the new TOS?

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> @"Leuxy.3675" said:


Is this one allowed ?


I imagine it should be fine. It is just a graphics tool that just gives you (potentially) better fps. And the developer open sourced the code so you can be sure it is not doing anything weird and only does what it claims it should. That is always a big plus.

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