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New PvP mode : dueling arena


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Currently, dueling in this game is overly complicated and annoying to set up. There is no direct way to do so.

But after discussing it much with the PvE community, it seems it would bother them too much to have open world dueling. So, this is not what I'm suggesting here.

My proposition wouldn't affect the PvE community in the slightest.


Here's how it would work :


A new category on the PvP pannel : "Dueling arena".

Multiple game modes :

- Random 1v1 : queue and get matched against another player in a 1v1 match, to play for fun.

- Party 1v1 : the real "duel" option : you can only queue in this mode with a party of 2 players. You get revived a few seconds after being defeated until you leave the instance.

- Brawl mode : you and your party of 3 or more players get summoned to a large arena with a terrace. You get revived a few seconds after being defeated until you leave the instance.


This would all be unranked, for obvious reasons. You could still have accumulated "Random 1v1" victories grant exclusive rewards, like titles or skins every X victories. Nothing too important though, like, no ascended or legendary components.


Thoughts ?

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  • 2 months later...

The better option in my opinion is to have dueling areas in the open world where you set the rules.


Pick which rule set you want to use: WvW or sPvP

Time limit

Best of 3 or 5


But honestly, these things are so far down the list that it basically won't ever happen.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> Thoughts ?


PvP has never had a new game mode since HoT over 3 years ago. A template of future plans was just released today that shows no signs in the cards for any new PvP game mode in the future. At this time, I think it is fairly safe to say that gw2 PvP will never get another game mode again.


I hope I'm wrong, but simply hoping for something doesn't mean squat.

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