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Display Name Query Answered.

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My arenanet account ID has been changed without my permission. I have tried sending a ticket to CS but due to the 'Account display name' field not recognizing either my old account display name nor the new unauthorized changed one, the request is not going through. It is simply shown as 'invalid account name' I have not received any notification regarding inappropriate display name and I have had the account for 6 years now.


Edit: Required information obtained. Thank you.

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Your display name (Primal Duolog.9863) is not required to submit a ticket. Simply leave it blank.


As for it being changed, they don't really inform you when they do it, they just temporarily ban your account and change it. Note that your current name is an anagram of your old one, which is what they usually do when they rename it for you. Your old name referenced drug use, so the only thing you'll get out of support is that confirmation (they're not going to change it).

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> Your display name (Primal Duolog.9863) is not required to submit a ticket. Simply leave it blank.


> As for it being changed, they don't really inform you when they do it, they just temporarily ban your account and change it. Note that your current name is an anagram of your old one, which is what they usually do when they rename it for you. Your old name referenced drug use, so the only thing you'll get out of support is that confirmation (they're not going to change it).


I see, that explains it somewhat. Thank you for the information. A drop into my email or inbox from their CS side would have been nice though.

What was baffling me was that in-game the account id kept jumping to and fro between the old and the one it was changed to whenever I changed modes (invisible, away, online)

I get that the vetting in account creation is not comprehensive in their selection of words they deem inappropriate but in the 6 years I have been playing, no one has mentioned to me that my account name was even moderately offensive so this really came out of left field. I will try to send in a ticket later.

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Do be aware: Changing a Display Name will engender several bugs related to in-game mail, Friend's list, Guild lists, etc.

It's one of the consequences of having a Display Name changed, which is why it is not a service offered by choice.

The CS Team doesn't actively look for names that have somehow slipped by the filter; someone reported the name either in-game or on the forums.


Good luck with your ticket.

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> @"Primal Duolog.9863" said:


> I get that the vetting in account creation is not comprehensive in their selection of words they deem inappropriate but in the 6 years I have been playing, no one has mentioned to me that my account name was even moderately offensive so this really came out of left field. I will try to send in a ticket later.


Viewing your post history, you recently started posting on the forums just last month. Given you have had the previous display name for 6 years without an issue; what probably happened is some person saw your posts and decided to report you. Probably someone that disagreed with something you posted.

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> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > @"Primal Duolog.9863" said:


> > I get that the vetting in account creation is not comprehensive in their selection of words they deem inappropriate but in the 6 years I have been playing, no one has mentioned to me that my account name was even moderately offensive so this really came out of left field. I will try to send in a ticket later.


> Viewing your post history, you recently started posting on the forums just last month. Given you have had the previous display name for 6 years without an issue; what probably happened is some person saw your posts and decided to report you. Probably someone that disagreed with something you posted.


That is intriguing. I took a look at their naming policy (which they reserve the right to change) + the user agreement. It does not appear I violated any clauses in the account ID section of their user agreement when I bought the game but could be in violation of naming policy if they chose to view it that way. But then again, the naming policy also states names that reference real people would not be permitted and yet I see characters like Taylor Swift and etc in game. If I was a victim of such inconsistent practices simply because someone was having a bad day and wanted to report me for kicks on the forum for it then it says a lot about the forum community and also the staff that police it.

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> @"Primal Duolog.9863" said:

> But then again, the naming policy also states names that reference real people would not be permitted and yet I see characters like Taylor Swift and etc in game. If I was a victim of such inconsistent practices simply because someone was having a bad day and wanted to report me for kicks on the forum for it then it says a lot about the forum community and also the staff that police it.


The flaw in that logic is that ArenaNet does not go out and actively search for policy-violating names (I know of no MMORPG where that happens), so if there is a character called Taylor Swift, that means that nobody has bothered to report it yet, just as I have several characters in SWTOR whose names are in violation of their policy, and yet in all the time I've played, I've never had any problems with them.

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