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I want more Bitterfrost Frontier gameplay.

GW Noob.6038

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One of the favorite parts of my GW2 day is farming, and fighting, in the Bitterfrost Frontier. I like the respond-to/defend Koda's Brazier from the Icebrood...that's the kind of gameplay I'm looking for. I was wondering if this type of gameplay is available in any of the season 4 maps?

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> @"Turin.6921" said:

> Pretty much the whole game is like that. What is the specific thing that you like about Bitterfrost?


I like the respond-to/defend Koda's Brazier from the Icebrood...that's the kind of gameplay I'm looking for. The reason I like these events is because I can solo them pretty easily with my squishy guys and don't have to wait around for other people to show up.

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> @"GW Noob.6038" said:


> wait around for other people to show up.

Keep in mind this is a _multiplayer_ RPG. There's tons of solo-able content, but many events are intended to be completed with groups.

I also find it annoying when there's some achievement involving a group event that only pops up once in a while and is often failed because there aren't enough players in the area -- but that's the nature of the game sometimes. There's often people around willing to help out if you ask.


If you're just interested in things you can do by yourself, there's plenty of options on pretty much every open world map in the game. Actually this is probably the friendliest online RPG I've played with regards to how much high level content you can do by yourself, just due to how the game scales.


~ Kovu


edit- Also, its kind of sleazy, but you can get credit for most events by 'tagging' them and moving on to something else, such as killing some related enemies or contributing to the event's objective. If you don't want to sit around waiting for allies to show up you can often just 'tag' the event and move on to something else while others complete the event. >.>

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  • 3 weeks later...

You can wait for a long time I think.


This is the most selfish map out there, and I have to admit I do it too.

Whereas elsewhere I would happily help people, this map frustrates me so much, that I get in - get what I need - get out.


And the reason is simple: The overuse of Freeze Boons by Anet on this map. Is it really necesairy to have this boon put upon me every time I even dare to think about engaging an enemy there?


As long as that keeps happening a dozen times on each simple farm run, I won't stick around for ANY event in that map.

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