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Machined Staff Shaft - bugged or rare?


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Hey all, I’m trying to finish my Yggdrasil collection for my ranger. I have to complete the machined staff collection as part of that. The last item I need is the machined staff shaft, but it’s not dropping from noxious pods or mordy’s chest.


Is it just a very rare drop or am I running into some kind of bug?

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> The final chest *should* have a guaranteed component, so if you're not getting something for *any* of your unlocked Machined collections there seems to be a bug.


Yeah, the machined staff collection is the only one I have unlocked and I’ve gathered everything else in the collection (as well as for Yggdrasil). Guess I’ll make a bug report?


Maybe it’s an issue with the specific instance of the map I was on...

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@"Svennis.3852" All the Noxious Pod / Mordy Chest drops for the machined weapons are, as you say, rare drops, except the ones you aren't looking for. Bear with it, though, because it will eventually drop. For reference, I have managed to finish all nine of the HoT elite-spec weapon collections. (Remember to open the collection for the Daredevil weapon "Bo" as well, since that's also a staff.)

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Just to be super sure, and I apologize for sounding like that Tech Support guy who asks "is your computer plugged in", but the unlock requirement for the Machined Staff is the Plated Staff (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Plated_Staff), and you will not get any part of the Machined Staff collection to drop without that unlocked.


It sounds as if you have, but I know I got tripped up by that once before, so thought I would ask :)

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