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Command line option changes [not a bug]

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Game does not start with nopatchui parameter (white screen)

Windows 10 1803 64Bit

Gw2 20190122 94812


"PATHTOGW2\Gw2.exe" -email MAIL -password PASSWORD -nopatchui -64

"PATHTOGW2\Gw2.exe" -email MAIL -password PASSWORD -nopatchui -32

"PATHTOGW2\Gw2.exe" -email MAIL -password PASSWORD -nopatchui -64 -shareArchive

"PATHTOGW2\Gw2.exe" -email MAIL -password PASSWORD -nopatchui -32 -shareArchive


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It was intentionally disabled:


> We have disabled the use of –email and –password command-line parameters for the Guild Wars 2 client. These options involved storing account credentials in an unsecure way that could result in security and privacy risks. If you wish to expedite access to your game account, you may use the “Remember Account Name” and/or “Remember Password” options in the login window.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/66631/command-line-options-changed


For those wanting to run multiple accounts, you'll need to now use the multiple Local.dat method with -autologin and auto play checked.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> It was intentionally disabled:


> > We have disabled the use of –email and –password command-line parameters for the Guild Wars 2 client. These options involved storing account credentials in an unsecure way that could result in security and privacy risks. If you wish to expedite access to your game account, you may use the “Remember Account Name” and/or “Remember Password” options in the login window.

> >

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/66631/command-line-options-changed


> For those wanting to run multiple accounts, you'll need to now use the multiple Local.dat method with -autologin and auto play checked.


Do you have a link to this method? I have only ever used Launch Buddy

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" wrote:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/66631/command-line-options-changed

> We have disabled the use of –email and –password command-line parameters for the Guild Wars 2 client. These options involved storing account credentials in an unsecure way that could result in security and privacy risks. If you wish to expedite access to your game account, you may use the “Remember Account Name” and/or “Remember Password” options in the login window.


(Launch Buddy uses those parameters, just as if you typed them from a shortcut.)

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So, are we multibox users going to get a fix for this that doesn't involve having multiple copies of the same 40gb game installed on our machines?


Given there's email and password protection, and the -email and -password commands are local stored, usually on password protected machines, this seems more like a stealth 'fix' to be anti-multiboxing as opposed to being 'security aware'.

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This is exceptionally annoying. I was fully aware of the "potential security" risk, but I made the conscious choice to do it anyway.


Don't just remove the feature, provide a viable, more secure alternative if it's really that much of a concern. This, though, just sucks. #LosingFeatures

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> @"NSevenDanny.4107" said:

> So, are we multibox users going to get a fix for this that doesn't involve having multiple copies of the same 40gb game installed on our machines?

This doesn't prevent multiboxing and doesn't require having multiple databases. There are existing methods for launching multiple versions of the game using the same files.



> Given there's email and password protection, and the -email and -password commands are local stored, usually on password protected machines, this seems more like a stealth 'fix' to be anti-multiboxing as opposed to being 'security aware'.


I suspect ANet thinks that there have been too many cases of "friends" or relatives gaining access to the account. Also, using -password means the password is available to various windows processes and put the account at risk in other ways.


There's no question that it makes things a lot more inconvenient for the technically savvy, but the technically savvy don't typically need additional protections. Changes like this are for the bigger group that doesn't necessarily realize what risk|reward scenario they have chosen.

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> @"DarkEagle.7381" said:

> Do you have a link to this method? I have only ever used Launch Buddy


Local.dat stores the email/password you can set to be remembered on the launcher. The basic concept is you make a copy of this file for each account, each with their own remembered email/password and move it into place when you want to launch that account.


A slightly more advanced method without having to use a program is using this batch file to change where GW2 reads Local.dat from. This file would be called Gw2.bat and stored along side Gw2.exe:


> setlocal

> set userprofile=%appdata%\Guild Wars 2\Account%1

> start Gw2.exe %*


To use this, you would move the Local.dat file for you first account to %appdata%/Guild Wars 2/Account-1/Local.dat, then launch using "Gw2.bat -1", your second account would be /Account-2/Local.dat, "Gw2.bat -2" and so on. (your main account could be launched normally, using the default Local.dat)


The big flaw however is that every Local.dat file needs to be patched with every update, which is roughly 30 MB each time.


For an app-solution, see:


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I am livid by this! There is no good reason for this, if someone is going to take our account info, there are always other ways of doing this other than taking it from a config file or shortcut on our computer. With 2 factor, it makes it that much harder for them to get in so this makes no sense at all. It is our risk to take if we want to use the feature. I just don't get the decision making of Anet lately. Living story was the best part of this game and it is pretty much boring now because its a rinse and repeat thing. <-1 hour of story, New Map, New Currency, wait 3 months, repeat... What happened to the days of the LA being destroyed because of something and we have to ban together to take out down. This game is going down hill and to me, this is just another nail in the coffin.


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