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[Bug] Can't make Mystic Clovers

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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> its not 100% you get mystic clover in the combo. Its like 1 in 5 you will get a clover or is it like 1 in 9 its one you have to wast a lot of mats to get some. also if its just not leting yo combine the mats sometimes all you need to do is log out and log back in to fix the issue.



> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> It's RNG, you get a bunch of different materials.


If you two clicked on link to see the picture, you would see that the OP have inserted all the materials necessary for the forging but the button is greyed out.



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> @"Belishine.7493" said:

> its not 100% you get mystic clover in the combo. Its like 1 in 5 you will get a clover or is it like 1 in 9 its one you have to wast a lot of mats to get some. also if its just not leting yo combine the mats sometimes all you need to do is log out and log back in to fix the issue.


It's actually fairly close to one in **three**.

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> @"DarkEagle.7381" said:

> I have tried the Mystic Forge in Mistlock Sanctuary, the portable Mystic Forge Conduit and the Mystic Forge in LA but none let me use the materials necessary for getting clovers (using the recipe for 1 clover), see the screenshot linked below.

> https://imgur.com/a/YdfnWIh


It's a quite common bug. Reloging or switching characters will fix it for you :)

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