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Why majority of WvW players stopped giving feedback.


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It really is important that we be able to have unmoderated matchup threads because one of the most fun parts of gaming is the drama it creates between players. Without that the whole thing just isn't as much fun. Does it turn some people off? Yeah. Some people are kinda soft and they get their feelings hurt easily. But it scratches a particular itch for a lot more people who hate their enemies and want to taunt them and throw salt on emotional wounds and call them trash and get called trash etc etc. I firmly believe that getting rid of the matchup threads, trying to reduce the "toxicity" of the community, has been one of the primary things that has extinguished hardcore player interest in WvW.


A lot of people, whether they want to admit it or not, play online multiplayer pvp oriented games to get outside the boring polite humdrum milquetoast experience of their everyday social lives and take out all their pent up aggression on one another in a relatively safe context. Games like this can be a great outlet for that impulse but you have to let people be mean and insulting and say mean words and that's apparently a bridge too far for Anet.

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I always thought it went along the lines of...


_Players:_ communicate wit us!!

_ANet asks for:_ constructive feedback on x topic

_Player feedback equates to:_ throwing insults, derailing thread, argue/QQing missing the entire point, pointing fingers etc

_ANet:_ mods close thread, little to no communication

_Players:_ y u no communicate wit us?!!


Rinse and repeat.


...9 times out of 10 the thread will start off legit with 1-2 constructive posts but anything after that it devolves into baby-rage and you're up S creek without a paddle. Let's not forget anytime there's been constructive feedback/decent suggestions it's buried underneath the violent screeching of naysayers or new posts begging for "moar rewards".

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We did get better rewards, a reward track like PvP, a way to get ascended and legendary gear from wvw besides rgn rings/chest all good positives.

Before HoT, the game was still kinda neglected without any of the above but vanilla stats and vanilla game debut made it fun for fights of diff. sizes. Today a lot of dancing around when fighting; can be real long in big fights.


Anet did take a lot of feedback just prior to HoT so we got a new map and other stuff but the backlash and so forth kinda killed it.

(I didn't agree necessarily with whom Anet took feedback for the new map when they beta tested with livestream players of all levels...anyways.)


_**Theres no point now since Raymond confirmed there isn't room for any add-ons besides their part-time work of alliances.**_

(If Ray does glimpse my post in all the post posted: when you get alliances finished yous would need to separate balance from pve somehow and give the strongest server/alliance the red bl during each matchup.)


Cheers your neighborhood squirrel

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These days I only play the game 1-2 times per week, pretty much exclusively wvw.

The game has issues, the biggest probably being population imbalance (my server bounces to T1 every other week and those BQ blobs are something fierce,) but I make the most of it. I can understand the desire for updates, but its obvious this gamemode is the lowest priority of the developers and tends to have the fewest bodies dedicated to it. All we can do is make the most of it -- or move on if you're tired of it.

I don't play the game enough to feel personally offended when my personal favourite gamemode doesn't get the most attention.


I do feel the moderation here can be a little hefty at times (I actually had a post removed in the spvp forum once for putting it out there that people were whining too much) but the alternative of letting the place run rampant with insults and inter-server banter would be even worse. This is the official forum for an online game, those sorts of posts will turn new people away from the community and thus the game, regardless of the post's origin.


~ Kovu

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I stopped giving suggestions before the forum change i think,and yes its because i feel ignored.Not by the community because ive had good responses and people seemed to like some of the suggestions made.I played alot,still do but not as often anymore,i deeply cared about the game and it getting better in whatever way.I knew the game,i knew class balance,i knew what could be improved without breaking the game. Besides ive seen dozens of other people make great suggestions aswell for pvp/wvw/class balance/qol changes,but they never get a reponse from anet and nothing ever happens with the suggestions being made.Making suggestions for anet is a waste of time.Maybe not so if youre in direct contact with a dev,but through the forums it is.


I also remember a time we had a Suggestions section on the forum,the removal of that entire section said enough.

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> @"Warlord.9074" said:

> I feel like this is very constructive feedback here. The biggest problem with this game are the matchups and the server pairings, yet taking about them is against the rules. Not sure if this is the proper word to use but it is paradoxical or a oxymoron and it triggers the entire WvW community and all of the players who play this game and its why no one wants to post of these forums, to ever give any feedback.


You know if a Dev would randomly pop into a WvW related thread, say "we hear you, we're working on it." the WvW community would be a lot more lively and a lot less negative.


However, due to you know, toxic people being toxic. A lot of the devs in GW are afraid of the GW2 community, and they have every right to be.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> have to let people be mean and insulting and say mean words and that's apparently a bridge too far for Anet.


Guess all those school anti-bullying campaigns are way off the mark then, eh?


If someone needs to be mean and insulting to get on with life, they should stop playing video games and seek therapy.....immediately.



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> @"xZombieTaco.5809" said:

> > @"Warlord.9074" said:

> > I feel like this is very constructive feedback here. The biggest problem with this game are the matchups and the server pairings, yet taking about them is against the rules. Not sure if this is the proper word to use but it is paradoxical or a oxymoron and it triggers the entire WvW community and all of the players who play this game and its why no one wants to post of these forums, to ever give any feedback.


> You know if a Dev would randomly pop into a WvW related thread, say "we hear you, we're working on it." the WvW community would be a lot more lively and a lot less negative.


> However, due to you know, toxic people being toxic. A lot of the devs in GW are afraid of the GW2 community, and they have every right to be.


Sure wish every workplace had a safe space for when customers are mean

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majority of wvw players stopped giving feedback because they finally came to the realisation that GW2 is a PvE game and understood that their feedback leads nowhere unless it's directed at PvE content. Just look at the GW2 subreddit. If someone posts WvW or PvP related content, it gets removed or downvoted. That's an indication that the game caters to the PvE'ers of the community because it shows that the overwhelming majority of the the playerbase are PvE focused players.


The WvW players that remain are the ones that understand this but still find it fun to pug around with friends, have a good time, and not take it seriously.

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> @"Xterra.6172" said:

> majority of wvw players stopped giving feedback because they finally came to the realisation that GW2 is a PvE game and understood that their feedback leads nowhere unless it's directed at PvE content. Just look at the GW2 subreddit. If someone posts WvW or PvP related content, it gets removed or downvoted. That's an indication that the game caters to the PvE'ers of the community because it shows that the overwhelming majority of the the playerbase are PvE focused players.


> The WvW players that remain are the ones that understand this but still find it fun to pug around with friends, have a good time, and not take it seriously.


+1 to that. Since the game's release, 9 out of 10 changes are designed for pve. PVE got so many new maps, stories, new modes like fractals and raids and we still can't fix one issue with populations balance that was there from the start. PvE got masteries, mounts and we get ... gliding. They got few Story Seasons and we get ... few merchants. What is worse, in my opinon most of the specializations had negative impact on the wvw mode due to the fact they were designet for pve. In theory wvw players face the highest risk in this game cause we face actually unknown enemy - in term of skills, build, numbers. Yet we get probably the worst reward for the victory. And its not like these are new isuess - they were there since the launch. So what 's the point in participation in the discussion without some sort of the feedback when it's like talking to the wall for the last few years? Classess like daredevil with 1 shot potential should be excluded from this without any discusion, yet Anet doesnt see the problem with the fact that players die while being out of the combat, without any possibility to defend themselfs (cause thats 1 shot 1 kill is - 1 hit with stealth leaves you without opportunity to block, dodge etc). In my guild 90% of veteran wvw players already left the game. Those who are still active wvw players stayed for the social reasons and we are extremly casuals - no builds, no pressure on classes etc. We are done with hardtryin'. The moment there will be some new offer with fresh wvw-like experience we will leave gw2, but in fact anet won't cry after us - clearly we are not their target clients.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > have to let people be mean and insulting and say mean words and that's apparently a bridge too far for Anet.


> Guess all those school anti-bullying campaigns are way off the mark then, eh?


> If someone needs to be mean and insulting to get on with life, they should stop playing video games and seek therapy.....immediately.




Yes they are way off the mark. Bullying is an important part of human socialization, particularly for men. But that's a different discussion.


No they shouldn't seek therapy, they should realize that they are human after all and being mean and insulting and talking trash is a lot of fun for humans because it provides a safe and healthy outlet for aggression. Aggression which is present in everyone particularly in the modern high stress low rest work environment.


Our modern society has become so emasculated culturally that people have forgotten that we are still a species of violent cruel walking talking social warrior apes and that the impulse to kill and destroy the enemy whoever he/she is is not ever going away, it just has to be channeled into healthy avenues like exercise and play rather than unhealthy avenues like real physical violence and property destruction.


Most of the fun of gaming isn't the winning and losing, it's watching other people react to themselves and others winning and losing, hence the popularity of platforms like twitch.


The drama that this game used to create between players and guilds and even entire servers was magical and was one of the main reasons people got so committed to the outcomes of the matchups in the first place. Almost all of that is gone and a lot of that has to do with getting rid of the matchup threads where that great drama took place.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > have to let people be mean and insulting and say mean words and that's apparently a bridge too far for Anet.

> >

> > Guess all those school anti-bullying campaigns are way off the mark then, eh?

> >

> > If someone needs to be mean and insulting to get on with life, they should stop playing video games and seek therapy.....immediately.

> >

> >


> Yes they are way off the mark. Bullying is an important part of human socialization, particularly for men. But that's a different discussion.


> No they shouldn't seek therapy, they should realize that they are human after all and being mean and insulting and talking trash is a lot of fun for humans because it provides a safe and healthy outlet for aggression. Aggression which is present in everyone particularly in the modern high stress low rest work environment.


> Our modern society has become so emasculated culturally that people have forgotten that we are still a species of violent cruel walking talking social warrior apes and that the impulse to kill and destroy the enemy whoever he/she is is not ever going away, it just has to be channeled into healthy avenues like exercise and play rather than unhealthy avenues like real physical violence and property destruction.


> Most of the fun of gaming isn't the winning and losing, it's watching other people react to themselves and others winning and losing, hence the popularity of platforms like twitch.


> The drama that this game used to create between players and guilds and even entire servers was magical and was one of the main reasons people got so committed to the outcomes of the matchups in the first place. Almost all of that is gone and a lot of that has to do with getting rid of the matchup threads where that great drama took place.


the matchup threads and that old website, gw2wvw.net i think? i miss it.

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Vocal people are kinda gone from WvW anyways. Open raids have mostly turned from community improving and communicating into 1-man "commander" shows, or even sometimes even worse: "egoboosting" guild shows. People are just not smart enough anymore to realise that if they throw in comment/report or two, serious or jokingly, the community would feel much less distant.


Feedback would require people still being passionate about the game and I guess that just died out.


I feel like these 2 things are connected but thats how every game becomes when it ages, people either regress to staying quiet or didn't have imagination from the start.

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