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PoF Intro Music is Just Bad

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Disclaimer: This post refers strictly to the Path of Fire character selection music/main theme and NOT to all the new music available in the expansion!


When we had access to the Path of Fire demo that implicitly came with the new character selection screen music, I did not think it will go live like that. Knowing that music is usually composed in the final stages of development of a film or of a game, the main theme seemed to be rushed to produce a general feel of “Egypt”. But I cannot believe that it actually made it live!


The music is just empty. No playfulness, no imagination, no story telling, it does not appeal to nor does it try to create a new feeling, no sense of dread nor of tension, no sense of the impending apocalypse of Tyria if Balthazar is successful. The god of war threatens to destroy Tyria. The god of fire, of force, of destruction, descends upon mortals to bring about the apocalypse! That is how the game was sold, but, instead, when we open the game to select our characters to enter this world on the brink of annihilation, we hear an amalgamation of stereotypical “oriental” music.


Too predictable without even trying to develop an expectation in the player of things to come. The only positive thing that I have to say about the main theme is that it reminds me of the good old “The Mummy” films. Unfortunately, not of the action, not of the suspense, not of the curiosity for an impressive ancient civilization, but of when the main characters were flying over the pyramids in a hot air balloon in the evening. Everything is calm, the wind is gentle, and that damn flute from Path of Fire starts to play stereotypes!


Four composers worked on this. Yes, four! I wonder if they ever had an argument. I wonder if any of them came forward and honestly say “guys… we can’t publish this” because I am certain that all of them, including all musically cultured listeners, agree that it is just bad.


Anyway, how about a community contest for the winning composition to replace the intro music?

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I like the music and I think it fits well with the theme of the expansion. Maybe you never played the original Guild Wars so this music choice doesn't make as much sense?


I have played almost every mmo there is. Out of the many, many I have played over the last 12 years or so, the Guild Wars games music and art style is by far the best of any of them. I was so happy when GW2 launched to find that they had brought the original music from GW1 into 2. I have never taken more screenshots in any other game than the Guild Wars games. As far as the music, and yes, I know this will sound cheesy, but there are some music pieces in this game that literally makes me smile every time I hear it. The music and art style are a big part of what drew me to the original GW's many years ago.


But anyways, I like the opening music on the character select screen. But of course everyone won't since we all like different things. But I really do feel it suits the theme of the expansion itself and it makes perfect sense to me that they would change the music to fit the theme of the latest expansion.

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I really like the new theme. Granted the urgency created by the HoT theme got me fired up when logging in, but I don't mind this more contemplative introduction. In a live stream Diemer commented that the intent was to have a slow introduction and then let the more dramatic music take over at dramatic moments. So you may artistically disagree but the music is definitely intended as is.


For me it gives the sense of reaching an exotic new land with a timeless edge. Again, I really like it. Tastes differ! (SummerRayne, I wonder if your "smile" music is the same as mine -- the Halloween theme is top of the list for me).

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> @Zedek.8932 said:

> Excelsior.


> I have the music turned off in any game, except for DooM and DooM II (I love FM music).

> Ambient soundwork is great in this game and I really recommend it to everyone over any muzak.


If you don't have the music turned on, I'm not sure you can call it muzak as you won't have heard it in order to form your dismissive opinion. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, sure. I mean, I can't turn music off fast enough if it starts getting metal. And due to over-hearing it in my college years, I am sick to death of Bizet's Carmen and turn off my radio when my station plays it.


But to me the GW2 music is stupendous, certainly far better than "muzak" which is a derogatory term for insipid bowdlerized elevator and waiting room lowest common denominator easy listening dreck. If you have heard all the music in the game and that is your opinion, fine, but please don't tell people something is awful if you haven't even listened.


(Note -- one can slide the volume level of distinct elements using the Sound Options panel so as to make sure the music does not drown out the ambient sounds, which indeed are also stupendous).

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I have to say I miss the HoT theme music which was dramatic and epic. The PoF music isn't bad, it just doesn't evoke any feelings of excitement like HoT theme did.


It would be nice if we could change it from time to time. The original theme was good too.

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> @Helvius.5682 said:

> Anyway, how about a community contest for the winning composition to replace the intro music?


You already can change the music yourself: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Customized_soundtrack

If the Music folder isn't there just create it. I tried this, it works. Without the code-line to search the music elsewhere both the music file(s) and the playlist file(s) must be in the Music folder (subfolders won't work). Renaming/removing the playlist file disables it and the original PoF music will be played again.

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I thought the HoT soundtrack was much better than the PoF. For the first expansion, there are some incredible melodies, and I'll find myself humming along while playing.


I feel like the soundtrack for PoF lacks any real identity. It's like they decided to just go full Lawrence of Arabia on it and make it just "generic-Middle-Eastern-desert-music". Think about it: you could take most of the music from this expansion, put it in literally any other Middle Eastern desert setting and no one would be the wiser.


I mean, there are exceptions. (The music for the Choya village is _perfect!_) But HoT definitely wins in music between the two.

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I really liked the HoT theme, although I found it a bit loud at first. Ironically I didn't even realize there was a PoF theme on the character page because it's so quiet. Only after I'd taken a minute to select a character did I start to notice it. I definitely prefer the HoT one, but an option to choose between them (and others) would be fantastic.

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I really love the sound of the PoF character selection screen. Then again, I in general love the vibe of this expac, and have always liked Middle Eastern sounds, something other than brass and strings.

I'd like to point out that the PoF music there will eventually be reverted back to the default GW2 music. Just like with HoT, it stuck around for a few months before going away. The same will happen here.

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You need to let it loop around, there are three parts to it, that I feel. It starts off with music we associate with being in a middle eastern desert, that Lawrence of Arabia vibe. It then kinda blends into a very Western main theme, which it does really well. Then it breaks down into this ethereal music, like you'd hear in some meditation or New Age music (if they still call it that). Then it starts over.


I think it works rather well.

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The whole expansion seems like it was on a budget and it shows. Half of the tracks are reused from GW1 or past living story episodes, and the ones that are new, like the intro theme, are just mediocre and bland.

There are no memorable tracks like the Rata Novus, Tarir or Verdant Brink ones.

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