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What will wvw be like in gw3?

Duck Hunt.8027

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> @"SlateSloan.3654" said:

> i doubt there ever be a gw3 cause anet knows that alot of players have spend now years to acomplish what they have and alot players have by now put hundreds and thousands dollars into their accounts and alot players have already the grind of gw1 and gw2 in their bones.


> letting these players start from scratch with a gw3 will be the nail into the coffin for alot of players.


> i rather think they will go the same road like WoW. develope the game further.


And lots of people have spent years and money on Guild Wars 1. Or any other game or hobby. This argument just doesn't really have strong merits. Like business care about people's personal feelings. There is fresh blood coming, fresh blood is always there you know, me and you, we can be easily replaced by the 10 years old kid that will want to play new and modern MMORPG, or by the person that will soon be able to spend their earned money.


The World is not the static thing, it is ever changing. New technology, new consumers, changed wants and needs, changed trends.

Just because you and me, and that 3rd person there, are part of this community, doesn't mean we can't be replaced by another 3 persons that would enjoy different Guild Wars game more than this one, the same 3 or 4 consumers that are not playing this version of the game.

There are a HUGE need and hunger for new quality MMORPG out there, just waiting for it, GW3 could be that one they are waiting, and that player base could be much larger than ours.


So do not think that Anet really shares your opinion, if their game fails to bring profit, they will change things around. Do not think otherwise.

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> @"Mikali.9651" said:


> There are a HUGE need and hunger for new quality MMORPG out there, just waiting for it, GW3 could be that one they are waiting, and that player base could be much larger than ours.


Depends if you consider games like "Apex Legends" a MMORPG or not. Surely these are Multiplayer games, many with Massive playerbase, but these are not MMORPG same way GW2 is.


Personally, I believe many of the rules WoW established 15 years ago have been permanently changed or completely abandoned by now. I doubt GW3 would continue with same traditional MMORPG systems, unless it will be developed on extremely tight budget and is targeted to GW2 veterans only.

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