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Best Vanilla Build?


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Just downloaded the game again out of boredom. I played since the beta but quit right before heart of thorns came out. I pretty much exclusively played sPvP because I'm a masochist. What is the absolute best build that doesn't require any of the expansions? I can't really find any recent information on this topic. I'm assuming there has to be a couple decent ones... right?

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Guard and Thief both have meta or semi-meta builds on core, Core War has gained popularity again recently. Ranger and Nec can be okayish aswell but already quity clearly weaker than their elite specs. Rest is useless on core or at least a lot weaker than the respective elite specs.

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Core guard is the best Free To Play build for new players. It's easy to learn, forgiving, has high damage and feels immediately impactful and fun, and has potential to take you to the top of the leader board if you get good at it. Thief is also top tier but requires far, far more finesse and knowledge and I wouldn't recommend it for new PvPers.


Core Warrior, necromancer, and mesmer are solid. Platinum worthy but not top 25 worthy like Core Guardian and thief.

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