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Lack of Thief (Stealth) Characteristic in GW2


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Hey there,


Since the release of the game i am playing Thief as a main character. I always like the idea of being stealth and tricky in MMO games. But in my over 2500hrs with Thief play time. I never felt my character is tricky or stealthy enough.


At the release of the game Thief was more based on stealth skills, but after some months it has seen stealth could be replaceable with better skills for better play, damage, utility etc. Which i do not prefer. I still play as a thief but i also follow Meta builds to be better in-game and experience more content because out of meta is not helpful for other players and since it is a MMO game people prefers to play with better people to experience more content (For example Raids, WvW Zerging is pretty much locked content for Thieves for a long time).


Stealth still useful enough but it is not like "main" skill for thieves it is replaceable or ignored by many thief players. I think only thing we could do is nothing but wait Anet to give a character to Thieves (another 6 years maybe :)). This is just a feedback do not get me wrong. I would like to play Guild Wars 2 but when i see my Thief, i immediately log out again.


I am not saying Thief is Underpowered, it is just does not feel like it is a specialized on something, it feels so generic proffession. Neither it is specialized on stealth nor traps. It is feels like pure damaging character without any specific role.


If it is possible i would like to see permanent stealth, like in World of Warcraft Rogue's stealth could be introduced for Thieves in Guild Wars 2. It could even replace steal skill, (i never liked stolen skills at all). I just want to see more specialized (especially on stealth) gameplay on Thief. So i hope main thief specs will receive massive overhaul to catch up with other proffesions. 6 years time is enough for major overhaul for a proffession in Guild Wars 2 yet Thief have never had any overhaul since release (except deadeye), meanwhile all other proffessions received many. I think giving thief a specific character/role would make Guild Wars 2 better in overall.


It is just a feedback from me and how i feel playing as Thief.



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I actually feel like copying other mmos would not do any service to stealth here. If you liked that implementation of stealth I wander why are you still maining thief in gw2 after all these years. You have other places where you can bask in your fully satisfactory implementation of stealth in wow, swtor and others.


I'll tell you strait forward, this game has a better, more interactive and more fun stealth mechanic the both of those I mentioned above. This is my opinion after playing at least 1 year of wow and 4 of swtor where the only thing you could do with stealth was soft engage and use it ad a defence mechanic. I know wow introduces some stelath attacks at sime point, but still unless you are a troll, the way its implemented in gw2 is better, since while it is mor vulnerable aginst chanelled, cleave and aoe, revealed and stuff like this, it's also a mechanic you can use reliably both defensively and offensively while theoretically striving for not camping perma stealth, which I think is the best of what a mechanic like this can bring without being obnoctious.


Well opinions defer, but your post is a plead for a very subjective change, and while you mention the "6 years" development time for a change like this to take place, keep in mind you'll probably play something else at that point if anything at all, anyways.

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I actually like having stealth as another tool and not having to depend on it. I think the acrobat/agile-fighting-style arquetype is more fun to play than the stealth one. Permanent stealth is usually boring and not really fun to play as or against it.


Also, I think the "tricky" part is well covered, specially when playing core s/d. The amount of shadowsteps, temporal stealth, stun breaks and condi cleanse makes it absurdly fun to play.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Stealth gameplay is super boring and already generally quite low-risk/high-reward.


Stealth gameplay in general or are you talking about high uptime stealth? Doesn't really matter I guess, some people will find either way fun. You don't seem to like anything about this thief class or it's elites though, would this class be more legit if our only build was a turn based one skill boxing class?

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Stealth is fine. It’s the permastealth that is the problem because you have no ability to predict the burst (compare the Prestige).


Otherwise I think thief needs stealth to avoid being squished outside a few niche builds with high evade uptime. And we have enough stealth access if you just build for it (SA and some utilities put you where you need to be).

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > Stealth gameplay is super boring and already generally quite low-risk/high-reward.


> Stealth gameplay in general or are you talking about high uptime stealth? Doesn't really matter I guess, some people will find either way fun. You don't seem to like anything about this thief class or it's elites though, would this class be more legit if our only build was a turn based one skill boxing class?


High-uptime and chained stealth, or basing gameplay around being invisible to catch someone off-guard. You know, sitting and just waiting for someone to come to you to one-shot them while they're probably not ready for combat.


I probably should have clarified this, but I was at the mechanic's on my phone and didn't want to type a huge paragraph lol.



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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > Stealth gameplay is super boring and already generally quite low-risk/high-reward.

> >

> > Stealth gameplay in general or are you talking about high uptime stealth? Doesn't really matter I guess, some people will find either way fun. You don't seem to like anything about this thief class or it's elites though, would this class be more legit if our only build was a turn based one skill boxing class?


> High-uptime and chained stealth, or basing gameplay around being invisible to catch someone off-guard. You know, sitting and just waiting for someone to come to you to one-shot them while they're probably not ready for combat.


> I probably should have clarified this, but I was at the mechanic's on my phone and didn't want to type a huge paragraph lol.




I guess I get what you're saying, but sitting and just waiting is a choice, I really don't mind when someone is trying to set me up by chain stealth in a positioning game. Doesn't take long to see where they're popping out to target and pull and if they set me up right and got me then I still had a fun fight. Life is hard lately for that kind of build though, may be safer for them in higher tiers if those still have more clutter to get lost in or switch to daredevil w/ shortbow. I guess I can agree for the most part but that really depends on what they're doing while in stealth.

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