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New PvP modes! Not Maps!

Neeman Oria.7504

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Vote Below -- all are considered worthy to earn Ascended Shards of Glory


Capture the Flag of Ascalon: Charr, like in the Urban Battleground fractal, try to capture the flag of the Humans; You become Charr for the entire match.


Plant the Bomb, Scarlet's War: You must plant the bomb on Scarlet's Airship to end her attack on Lion's Arch. Scarlet's Minions are able to defuse it.


Heist of the Bank of Lion's Arch: The wonderful vault of LA, stealth mechanics are implemented and you must pretend to be a citizen and not draw attention to yourself.

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We don't have enough population to split modes . I'd like more maps but with totally different mechanics than just what we have now ...


* 2 side points with a flag for the mid point

* 1 center altar and more like spirit watch mechanic to capture it ... ganking the runners and trapping them etc.

* Points that need to interact with a npc or a specific mechanic .

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My 2020 simple three point plan for PvP:


Create build templates

Create new game modes - capture the hill/escort and capture the flag

Incorporate these new game modes in the pvp rotation. Have the game modes get auto picked or voted on - this will replace the current map vote.


The problem with conquest is that it’s stale, requires a coordinated team, requires individual players knowing their role and to understand 3 point rotations. Creating two new game modes with one point as the objective makes it a lot easier and arguably more fun to play as a solo queue.

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Deathmatch would be great if done right.


And by done right, I mean that there should be no respawns. Game should end once one team is fully killed, similar to WoW arena. The reason GW2 deathmatch has been so bad is that in most games, one team gains dominance with the first wipe and then just continues to farm the other side as they stagger out of the starting zone into outnumbered fights and lose morale.


However, I would still love to see a good Capture the Flag mode added. Again, it would have to be done right and not like it's been tried before. For CtF to be balanced, it needs a larger, longer map, particularly since there are so many movement abilities in GW2. Some of my best PvP memories of all time are from Blood Gulch in Halo and Warsong Gulch in WoW. (Maybe the map should be called Ascalon Gulch then? ...nah...)


If I was to design a CtF map for GW2, I'd also probably do something a bit different than the traditional design from most games with 2 bases at opposite sides. I'd leave the capture point out in the open so that you don't run into teams that endlessly bunker down in their base until the other team gets a return. I'd put some defense points for flag carriers in the middle of the map, but that's about it.

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I think Deathmatch would be easy to implement and would bring a lot of people into PvP, would also likely be less frustrating to people since the concept is kill the enemy and don’t die yourself and the water doesn’t get muddied like it does in conquest (IE let them just neutralize or cap so you don’t die to AoE, rotating points etc).


That being said, plant the bomb, capture the flag and whatever the heist game mode would be would all be welcomed. Hell, if they fixed up stronghold and made it worth playing I’d play the shit out of that too.

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