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Charr need some Love!


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Lets gather all charr related requests/wishes, about new horns, faces, manes, and fur-patterns here.


IMO we need: 

More faces! Less doggy ones and more slender ones for male charr (morph feline features with bear, deer, or goat, features when creating a charr face)! And, for male charr, give them at least a few options where the canines are visible in a similar was as they are in female charr, a sabre-tooth tiger style (not just "teeth-in all directions" or "not visible-at-all") .


More Hairstyles/manes! Less goofy ones for male. Make them smaller (for male), and mone fine-textured (similer to the latest addition for humans). Do braids, (less thick) dreads and styles that doesnt clip with faces, ears and horns! And for onnaments (if any) - not just scrap metal or bones. Even charr could wear feathers or similer stuff i their hair.


Ands last but not least! 

New HORNS! Deer inspired horns (antlers), Ram inspired, curled horns and Gazelle inspired twisted horns! Ppl have asked for these three types of designes for ages (including me) and posted lots of inspiering and amazing pictures.


Also a new fur pattern inspired by the Oryx would be so cool. Juts because charr are feline-based creatures doesnt mean all their furr-patterns have to be inspired by feline furrs only.


I have been missing this at least from the first expansion (it actually got me very disapointed that there were no single addition AT ALL to character creation with HoT)!!!

If I got this I'd buy SO many makeoverkits!!!



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> @Odokuro.5049 said:

> And as always, Charr have it hard when it comes to clipping issues.


I really wish ANet could just hire a "Charr Clipping Prevention Intern". It's a pipe dream, I know, but even a slow, eventual progress is better than languishing with so many weird issues. (And I'd totally get the Bandit Sniper outfit if its issues got fixed.)


Beyond that, omg, some better faces. The Makeover Kit ones (aside from that forlorn-looking Charr Male Meta face) are monstrous. I'm not expecting ultra-smooth, direct-from-animal conversions, but the weird lesions and face paint just don't do it for me.

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I admit I am Charr biased, of the 24 toons so far Charr are the largest number. Though I am a dog person the dog influenced faces don't quite work out but maybe that's me. And I would give a shout out to a post from the old forums where a poster provided pics of a more upright Charr. One day that would be awesome, changes the look/feel of the Charr completely. Sometimes the leaning forward look hurts my back.

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I agree. All my characters are charr so I feel quite frustrated when I try to mix match armors. Most of them have terrible clipping issues/blurred textures.

I would love to see some new faces/horns/cosmetic items for charr and I would gladly spend some $ in the gem shop.

My wish is to see something similar to this : (female )


![](https://imghost.io/images/2017/09/13/baza.jpg "")


I know it's quite pathetic, but that's the best way for me to describe my wishes :3

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> I believe, more than anything, the non-human races deserve "more love" **the most** in the writing: dialogue style, voice acting, typical racial characteristics and cultural behavior -- that sort of thing. Everything else is only cosmetic and doesn't make it less painful to play non-human races.


As a mostly asura player, I do have a charr and I love him, and I completely agree that that non human races definitely need more love.


Also, I'm going to go ahead and drop this here. [Charr hairstyles at the bottom of this page](http://purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox "purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox")


Yeah, some of them are funky, but more variety can't hurt, and is definitely needed with charr and asura.

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Charr player checking in!! Let's keep this thread going strong.


I'm happy to see that ArenaNet has seemed to acknowledge the issue of tail clipping, as most of the recent outfits and armor sets within the past year or so do not have the issue.


Now the main things are the stretching on most sets and tail clipping still present on previous outfits and equipment. If more care were given to custom tailoring armor sets and outfits to the Charr playermodel's unique rig (just like how the same equipment may look different for male/female humanoids), it would probably be a more popular race than it currently is.


If I recall correctly, ArenaNet has stated they were disappointed with the race bias but were not prioritizing Charr playermodel cleanup due to it being a lesser-played race-- isn't this kinda oxymoronic? I mean, armor stretching and clipping is one of the most common reasons why people are turned away.

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The Charr need utter extermination. These beasts' entire society is structured around conquering and war, their family units are called warbands. They have taken Ascalon and caused the death of two great human civilisations, displaying our broken Stormcaller for all to see and parading our royal sword around on the hip of a tribune. Make no mistake, when they've done using us all against the dragons they will turn their eyes to conquest again.


Kill them now, before it is too late.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> The Charr need utter extermination. These beasts' entire society is structured around conquering and war, their family units are called warbands. They have taken Ascalon and caused the death of two great human civilisations, displaying our broken Stormcaller for all to see and parading our royal sword around on the hip of a tribune. Make no mistake, when they've done using us all against the dragons they will turn their eyes to conquest again.


> Kill them now, before it is too late.


Ugh, who let the ghost in?

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> @Schewe.1673 said:

> > @Coulter.2315 said:

> > The Charr need utter extermination. These beasts' entire society is structured around conquering and war, their family units are called warbands. They have taken Ascalon and caused the death of two great human civilisations, displaying our broken Stormcaller for all to see and parading our royal sword around on the hip of a tribune. Make no mistake, when they've done using us all against the dragons they will turn their eyes to conquest again.

> >

> > Kill them now, before it is too late.


> Ugh, who let the ghost in?


That's one guy who wasn't faster than a centaur. Y'know, that lesser race that beat the humans back to their front door?



Really though, let's get that Charr Clipping Repair Intern.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> I believe, more than anything, the non-human races deserve "more love" **the most** in the writing: dialogue style, voice acting, typical racial characteristics and cultural behavior -- that sort of thing. Everything else is only cosmetic and doesn't make it less painful to play non-human races.


Full agreement. Appropriate visuals are very important as well, but at the end of the day I'll still just feel like a human in a funny suit when my characters have no distinct dialogue, no callbacks to their past, no cultural beliefs and mannerisms, and if the NPCs treat them all alike. Shouldn't the presence of non-human PCs in Elona garner some pretty big "What are you?" or "Aren't you our enemy?" reactions, for one?


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Charr also need some help with their ability to magnetically hover back pieces and stowed weapons. There are so many pieces I would use on my charr, but I don't because they hover a foot off my back and it just looks strange. I get that charr use a modified human skeleton/mesh, which complicates things, but it's rather ironic that the charr birthday backpack can't really be used on charr (though at least that one looks like a drone or something that would actually hover).


More customization features are also needed. With femcharr, the choice in faces is either smooth and delicate, cute, or really out there/damaged. Males aren't much better. With the facial sliders you can tweak things a bit, but at this point there's 2-3 faces you usually see because people rarely ever pick anything else. And given that charr start training as young cubs and spend their lives fighting, there's a surprising lack of faces that are scarred or otherwise injured.


More manes that aren't super extreme is something else I'd say we need. The makeover kit ones are nice, but they're very in-your-face (with some being intentionally over the top). Some short, neatly clipped ones to balance out the saiyan ones, please? And I'm surprised no new horns have been added yet. They seem like they would be very simple to make yet we're stuck with the ones from launch even with the advent of makeover kits. And like faces, there's only ~3 that people typically choose.


I absolutely love charr but they really haven't been given much TLC compared to the other races even though they're the unique race Anet has pushed the most.

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> @Coulter.2315 said:

> The Charr need utter extermination. These beasts' entire society is structured around conquering and war, their family units are called warbands. They have taken Ascalon and caused the death of two great human civilisations, displaying our broken Stormcaller for all to see and parading our royal sword around on the hip of a tribune. Make no mistake, when they've done using us all against the dragons they will turn their eyes to conquest again.


> Kill them now, before it is too late.


While I see the humor in your post, apparently many do not. ;)


I used to despise the Charr myself for those very reasons (GW1 scorched me in that regard, pun intended). But with many things explained later in GW2, and since I created my first Charr character, I really started appreciating the differences between those two races and now enjoy playing my former "enemy of the state". :)


But we are going off-topic with this, so I'll leave it at that.

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What I would definitely like to see as a person who has 28 characters and only 7 of them not charr, I have a problem, Is some better looking horn styles and some serious love to the hairstyles and the faces. I know some people like the big, goofy, DBZ, ridiculous hair styles, but it's high time that some of the artists at Anet sat down and created some more manes that looked realistic and believable. I have a hard time sometimes thinking that a charr would be caught dead with some of these hair styles. And by new hairstyles i don't mean three new haircuts both male and female charr models can use. I mean three new manes for the males and 3 new manes for the females.


Then of course we have the horns. The devs could maybe six new styles? Three for males and three for females. I don't think we have had any new horn styles save for the one style that we got for females back when Rox was introduced. To be honest I still am surprised that they have not introduced any new horn looks since then. I know that people keep saying things like how charr are a low population of player base, but does that mean leave a whole group of your players out of the new flashy cosmetic fun?


Lastly there are the faces. Some have been good, others bad. As I said its up to the person's likes or dislikes as all of these things are. However I've noticed an annoying trend where Arena net announces a new face style and when we log in to look and see what's new, we just see one face with three different variants of it. Usually just markings, face paints, etc. Kind of going to say the same thing here that I mentioned about hairstyles but lets get three new faces for the males and three new faces for the females that have some nice looks to them and aren't giant eyed nightmare fuel.....*shudders*.


I'm not expecting something like this to just be done on a drop of a hat thought. Designing good faces, hairs, horns takes time and I'd be happy if their artists took their time and care into making some good looks for charr. I also have no idea how difficult things like implementing new looks goes, but I don't think that these things aren't unreasonable. I do hope like many other people who like charr that we get some good looking faces and things soon in this new expansion.

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