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[Suggestions]if ele skill,flame wall change- cicle,focus will more popular


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If I understand this correctly you want the line of the skill to become a circle? Problem is we already have that on dagger 4. That being said I am all for anything that can make Flame Wall more viable be it unblockable, more burn stacks, better damage, reduced cd, lower cast time and other debilitating conditions. Maybe an effect for allies that pass through even (maybe 5 seconds of superspeed and a fire aura).

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> @"mula.7426" said:

> [suggestions]if ele skill,flame wall change- cicle,focus will more popular


If tree branch, apple banana- purple,table will more food.


I mean, sorry but you could **at least _try_** to write **one** sentence without making our eyes bleed. Additionally, perhaps you could expand on your idea, instead of using a total of 11 words without any form of punctuation.

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Lowest power damage, lowest burn duration, longest cast time longest CD (yet similar uptime to the dagger or conjure axe fire field)... Well, it's true that the only thing this skill got for itself is it's range.


The skill could certainly use some buff in power damage and burn duration.

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In PvP (the gamemode I don’t really deal with) the skill seems to have low impact - while players prefer not to touch it, the danger of going straight through, sometimes even multiple times, with only a 0.1 dmg coefficient and minor burning, seems to be a minor risk. Without a massive overhaul, damage buffs as people have suggested would do much improvement to the skill and its intended function.


Switch over to PvE, the focus goes from being the ‘self-defensive’ option to meta for condi dps, mainly because this skill is practically Condi Font (or lava font v2) where all hits are expected to hit. The issue with the skill in this gamemode however, is not the damage (though it should be buffed to deal some noticeable power damage), it’s the fact that the skill is a hard-to-aim, line AoE that erratic enemies have trouble staying in. Adding CC would only nerf its damage role, and I don’t think granting boons works either as focus is a mostly selfish kit.


For the case of specific non-static enemies, I suggest that PvE-only flamewall should deal bonus, more damaging hits against foes upon both entering and leaving the wall, hitting both times if a mob passes through. This way, the skill has some actual use by predicting the targets’ path rather than only placing the wall directly on targets, and using the skill wouldn’t be punished randomly when the enemy decides not to sit in the wall anymore. For particularly rarer PvE cases where enemies who like to waltz in and out of the wall, this change could be somewhat broken, but random cases already happen with things like dancing back and forth on Test of Faith, sudden confusion proc spikes, etc.

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