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How to deal with Mirages in PvP as Revenant?

Kain Francois.4328

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You kind of can't... Like, you can kill a Mirage 1v1 if you're better than them obviously, but there are just so, so many better things that you should be doing with your time than forcing an insanely lopsided and time-consuming 1v1.


If the other team has a good Mirage, you should just try to monopolize your time winning the team fights and let someone on a class that can actually hold off a mirage on point deal with him until you can come +1 him after the team fight was won.


I know that wasn't really what you were looking for as an answer, so here's some general fighting a mirage tips:

Quickly identify their weapon sets. If they're using sw/x/axe/x you stand a much greater chance than if they're using staff.... Hybrid Mirage with a Staff is borderline unkillable as a Rev if they at all know what they are doing.

Even though they can quickly and endlessly resummon clones, it's always worth it to try and cleave them with skills you'll be using anyways like CR and SotM, but don't waste too much energy specifically going after them.

Try to force their distort early in the fight--this clears the clones and gives you a solid 42-50 second window to do it all again and go for the kill.

Use precision strike either from inside his hitbox to make sure none of the bolts are wasted on the clones, or deliberately from outside to keep chill on his clones to kite them (this doesn't work vs staff).

When going for the kill make sure you use GoD to block his invisibility and have enough energy (or legend swap off cd) to be able to pursue him with PT/sw5.

Always dodge axe3... Not only does it hurt or its own, but it's more often then not followed by a shatter combo. It's super predictable though because it forces you to drop target.


I dunno, there's a lot more... And some people have made videos about the matchup (youtube it), but really, it's not a fight you should be looking for in sPvP. There's very, very, veeeeery few situations where 1v1'ing one is the best move for your team. Just play the match with smarter rotation and stick to team fights where you outshine them.

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I'd say that, assuming the same skill level, the only thing that should give you a possible fighting chance would be swapping Devastation for Corruption to take Pulsating Pestilence, but at that point you'd be sacrificing a ton of your damage. Also once they understand you have Pulsating Pestilence, they can just kite you and/or deny your transfers via Infinite Horizon. It is still a nice trait though, even without any condition damage investment.


I roam sometimes with a core condi rev spec and I can win against condi mirages, but they only have to play decently and I have to play extremely well. One missed transfer and I am easily screwed. I also struggle the most with staff mirages like @"narcx.3570" said, despite me playing a very different build.

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Only way to beat Mirages as a Revenant is to convince A-Net to delete them from the game entirely or Nerf them to hell. I also can beat every other class if I play right but the only time I can beat a Mirage is if I gang up on him, he's already about to die, or if he's a totally new player. It's impossible to tell what they're doing in the middle of a thousand condi projectiles hitting you and getting gangbanged by multiple illusions.

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It's pretty impossible unless the mirage has two left hands, no matter what I do they just dodge or absorb any damage I try to do meanwhile I'm getting stacks and stacks of condi on me.

The only time I seem to win from Mirages if I manage to dodge every condi pressure they want to apply on me, but as soon as they manage to gank me from stealth I mostly can't recover

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Kain Francois.4328" said:

> > @"ollbirtan.2915" said:

> > Play bunker renegade ---and laugh at their condi eaten by your barrier or kitten -2-5 damage.


> What build is this and how barrier on a rev?


Sanctuary runes and _optional_ Song of the Mists in Dwarf stance. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQJASmnXNWMTqJvmR/kdzsgytZ4QZ2MYr8bmlZl6/BrwNUNASgGg9FuhdA-jpxHQByrMwQ2fAAHBgv9AAg3hAIhXAAA

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If they are bad and leave you an opening you can almost 1 shot them with sword 4 and 5 in combination but that's kind of a gamble. You can't outsustain them, can't out kite them, and once they get clones out you can't out damage them (too many dmg splits between targets for rev weapons). Either you get lucky and manage the outplay, or you gotta peace out and come back later to outnumber them (only to be told by the mirage how bad you are and how op your class is, but hey that's rev life)

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You need certain conditions to be able to 1v1 a mirage:


1. Dodge every single burst

2. Then you need to cleans all the "average" condies between 2 burst by using the ones you have

(Staff 4 - legend swap - sigil of purification - elite skill on leadership runes)

3. Not being scared to use Line of Sight a lot

4. The mirage must not chase you too hard

5. The mirage having some CD down when you engage is a plus.


But honestly it's a pain match up ... You really need a huge understanding of your class and a good read on the mirage gameplay to succeed.


Don't be ashamed to disengage and if the mirage chases you , then try to make him waste the most time you can.

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