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Losing Streaks

Ok I Did It.2854

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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Helped me coming off a rough set myself. :s


Glad it helped! Whew, as long-time PvPers, would we know how scuffed a set of games can get. We need to back off and just get a clear head so we don’t start self-doubting or assigning useless blame in boiling anger.


Hang in there, don’t give up and try to have fun!


>! Two friends I worked with to make top 250 together last season (we solo’d until the last 2 weeks and decided to Duo the last few games) experienced double losses for 3 days straight just now in S19. They had to stop to wind down for a bit, because it’s so rough on a player to perform their roles well and still barely lose, a few times in a row.


>! I’d say there’s still room to improve though - not just in skill, but perhaps switching out Duelist and +1 builds, in favour of teamfight DPS with minor support to hard-carry your not-so-proficient teammates is the better strategy. You know, instead of being forced to watch vore for the duration of the match.

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Bots certainly dont help as it causes most games to landslide in 1 direction or the other.

Generally though a loss if the game was a good game does not bother me. A loss when the game is just a washout land slide does. Its the most frustrating thing when everyone is making the wrong moves


- bots on team just run out and die

- people fighting in mid when no points are capped

- people not de capping or capping points

- people running in to be your +1 and getting killed faster than you although they been in combat a fifth of the time you have


Its rough.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> - people fighting in mid when no points are capped


this always happens when i switch to support build with a good carry power, the dumbs keep staring me at mid without moving, so i need call them on team chat... normally at start of match i warn "dont keep staring me at mid after we win there".

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