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Enough of dragon ball!


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Several things are broken and completely stupid with that awful activity. And it needs a global overall even concerning rewards:

1- Even if you lose if you have made at least one kill, you should earn dragon ball token, I'm always in the bad team so I don't deserve reward? Really great morale! It doesn't give me the envy to play more. At least it could give you 5 tokens when losing as consolation prize.

2- Timers? I used the steam trampoline and at the top take 10 seconds thinking what way I should pick... nope! The game TP you at the center between 4 enemies, thx kitten game.

3- BALANCE, when a guy make 12 kills per game, it would be cool if between games his/her team change. Tried 6 games, assassin/hackers/pro-players (call them as you want) were always in BLUE team, very strange.

4- Skill "Jump kick" the most suicidal and useless skill ever, replace it with a faster more efficient skill, a real kick in sum as fast as other skills.


I used to love that game, but I don't want to play a rigged game giving me 0 rewards what's the point seriously? AT this point even southsun cove survival seems more rewarding, what a shame!


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I’m going to sound like a bit of an ass, but a lot of the complaints you are having about it stem from you not being very good at the minigame.


HOWEVER, I do agree that it should be much quicker/easier to get the victory tokens, and they should do something about making the team balancing a bit better (maybe sort it based on kills during the previous game or something idk) and to shorten the game length further than they have.


I love dragon ball, but the games drag on, and having to win like 30 or 40 games to get your max envelopes is... extreme, even when you’re good at dragonball. I mean, cmon Anet, it’s a festival minigame, it should be quick and always “rewarding” much like the Halloween and wintersday ones are.

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Yeah it could be because of that but nah, I'm average, no top notch or patato player, and finally had a win after 20 games due to the awesome teamwork. And even when winning you have 0 tokens..... I mean what's the deal? Very hard to figure how to have tokens. None of those points are related to how good you are, apart eventually 4. 3 Kinda because it's linked on the fact: "Are you tracked down by 1 players of stabbed by 4 in same time?"


But gonna agree with what you said, this minigame should be quick AND rewarding.

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One of the many things I have issue about the dragon ball is, after couple of games I finally have 1 hard to come by chance to win, then when the other team is loosing, and the whole team rage quit, the winning team has a volunteer button showing up, even if you refuses to volunteer, after 10 seconds countdown you get automatically transferred to the loosing team with like not enough players and with an impossible catch up score, even enough you've contributed a lot to the winning team. I'm like... seriously? That immediately made my day the worst day ever. So salty!!!


My suggestion is that, if the loosing team forfeited the game, just conclude the game already and let the winning team wins. No need to drag the game and waste everyone else's time, especially the people who just joined the game but got allocated to the already loosing team with less than half the time left.

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There are already [several](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/813941 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/813941") [other](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/821985 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/821985") [threads](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/818709 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/818709") [about this](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/67250/the-problem-with-dragonball "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/67250/the-problem-with-dragonball").


I gotta agree with Durzlla, as someone who likes and is good at Dragon Ball - you really control your own destiny if you improve your play. Yeah there's some wonky physics and sometimes stuff doesn't work exactly like you want but 95% of it (other than the kick) is understanding how the game works and getting better at the strategy - and there most definitely is strategy if you are good. There is room for improvement but the situation is not at all as dire as people make it out to be. The biggest issue is like he said, even if you are good, 10 wins is somewhat tedious. But you shouldn't even be trying to get 10 (or 20 or 30 or 40) wins a day if you don't like the game that much. Just do something you like and buy envelopes instead.

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See also this discussion: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/67179/dragonball-needs-dishonor


I think the simplest and most feasible solution is just to give people a reason not to abandon games. Reward participation but reward more for winning. That's all. Whether this is implemented in the festival dailies and/or repeatable annual achievements, rewarding full participation (staying to the end of a match) will at least give people a reason to stay and not give up.


Right now there are no reasons to stay when hopelessly losing (other than for the [Dragon Ball Participant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Daily_Lunar_New_Year#Dragon_Ball_Participant "Dragon Ball Participant") daily), and there are zero consequences for quitting in the middle of matches, and potentially screwing over someone on the other team who's moved during rebalance. The current system basically encourages this outcome rather than discourages it.

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