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[BUG] Adrenaline bug on spell breaker that breaks the class.


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If you cancel the rifle adrenaline burst on Spell breaker, the adrenaline gets depleted. This bug happens because the adrenaline is consumed when you press the button instead of being consumed after using the burst.


Now, there are a lot of people who know about this bug and also know another bug (or intended game mechanic, but it looks like a bug), So, the other bug is if you run behind players who have range weapons, it will cancel their skills, these players abuse these two bugs by doing the following:

* Run behind warrior so that the burst gets cancel and deplete their adrenaline.


You do not have to do any fancy dodging, just run behind or teleport behind the warrior to cancel the range burst.

Please fix this bug that breaks adrenaline consumption and breaks the warrior class.



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I don't think it's a bug, they call it "counterplay". Adrenaline is supposed to be depleted if you fail your burst, thus the way ANet chose to implement this is by draining it on skill activation.


The only thing which might need fixing, or not, is this issue of skills getting auto cancelled when your target walks through you. Perhaps they could make it so the character turns towards the character? Pretty sure they already do this on cast, so the cancel only happens if the target does it after you start casting. so, this probably counts as LOS play and is as such valid.


Only possible solution I see is for ANet to block players walking into each another in PvP modes. >_>

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> Adrenaline is supposed to be depleted if you fail your burst, thus the way ANet chose to implement this is by draining it on skill activation.


Your statement is somewhat true, it is true that adrenaline is supposed to be depleted if you fail your burst, HOWEVER, adrenaline IS NOT depleted on skill activation.

Did you read my post? the bug I am describing is about adrenaline depleting when you **CANCEL** the burst. For example by dodging or moving your character.


It looks like whoever wrote the code messed up the order in which adrenaline is consumed and wrote a code that depletes adrenaline on button press.


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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > Adrenaline is supposed to be depleted if you fail your burst, thus the way ANet chose to implement this is by draining it on skill activation.


> Your statement is somewhat true, it is true that adrenaline is supposed to be depleted if you fail your burst, HOWEVER, adrenaline IS NOT depleted on skill activation.

> Did you read my post? the bug I am describing is about adrenaline depleting when you **CANCEL** the burst. For example by dodging or moving your character.


If you "cancel" a burst, then it makes sense that you activated the skill, otherwise there's nothing to cancel.

> It looks like whoever wrote the code messed up the order in which adrenaline is consumed and wrote a code that depletes adrenaline on button press.

button press =otherwise known as skill activation. :P



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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> If you "cancel" a burst, then it makes sense that you activated the skill, otherwise there's nothing to cancel.


Just so you know, in this game, canceling a skill is a core mechanic of the game.

Canceling a skill has a penalty that involves setting the skill on a short cool-down.


Obviously if you think this is not a bug, you need to play more GW2 boy!

The bug is so blatantly obvious that any denial of its existence is either trolling or absolute lack of knowledge about how warrior burst work.


So, from now on if you want to continue with the discussion please take a warrior and investigate its core mechanics before you start another conversation.



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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > > @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > If you "cancel" a burst, then it makes sense that you activated the skill, otherwise there's nothing to cancel.


> Just so you know, in this game, canceling a skill is a core mechanic of the game.

> Canceling a skill has a penalty that involves setting the skill on a short cool-down.


Which is what happened here, as far as I know. :)


> Obviously if you think this is not a bug, you need to play more GW2 boy!

> The bug is so blatantly obvious that any denial of its existence is either trolling or absolute lack of knowledge about how warrior burst work.


Then, good luck getting more people to agree.



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It is bug because Killshot burst skill is not different skill when using Spellbreaker. It should not change how skill works (including adrenaline drain) when using Spellbreaker and core warrior or even berserker.


Some bursts have instant adrenaline depletion on all warrior specs, some have adrenaline depletion after skill finishes channeling, but after more testing, Killshot, Earthshaker and Eviscerate are different. Adrenaline depletion is suddenly changed on skill activation rather than skill channeling completion. Interesting, I never noticed this. So how is this not a bug? Or anet picked bursts randomly and changed adrenaline depletion method?


But anyway, let's be honset. Even if anet fixes this, who would use rifle on spellbreaker? Level 1 adrenaline Killshots with their cast times are laughable.


EDIT: Whirling Strike (underwater spear burst) is bugged, too

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > @"Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485" said:

> > Its not a bug, its how bursts work.


> And another one that just spills miss information! test the skills before you post nonsese here. Go and test them before you come here and say "that is how they work"


So... this isn't how it works? Your whole complaint is that it works this way. The only question is whether it's deliberate, and it makes total sense to me that it would be. When you cancel an action, you lose the resource that was needed to initiate it. Simple as that. You even said in your OP that it was possibly a game mechanic but that you thought it 'looks like a bug'. Now you refuse to acknowledge any possibility it's the former.

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This seems unintended to me. Here's a test for anybody with a warrior: try cancelling the animations for rifle burst and longbow burst on core warrior. Both skills don't lose adrenaline if cancelled during the precast. Now try the same thing on Spellbreaker. Rifle burst loses adrenaline on skill activation, but longbow still only loses adrenaline after the precast and can be cancelled. I don't see why they'd decide to change the functionality of rifle's burst but not longbow's in Spellbreaker specifically.


All I can imagine is that the precast used by lb and rifle are different in terms of the engine, and Full Counter incidentally used the same one as lb. Full Counter, of course, has to lose adren on activation or else you could just cancel the anim if you knew you'd whiff, so they changed its functionality and collaterally took rifle down with it. That's just speculation of course, but I can't really think of another reason for something like this.

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> @"Nema Tode.5637" said:

> All I can imagine is that the precast used by lb and rifle are different in terms of the engine, and Full Counter incidentally used the same one as lb. Full Counter, of course, has to lose adren on activation or else you could just cancel the anim if you knew you'd whiff, so they changed its functionality and collaterally took rifle down with it. That's just speculation of course, but I can't really think of another reason for something like this.


The thing is, they collaterally took also hammer, axe and spear with it... with no apparent reason. People who say that this isn't bug probably don't realize that all other weapon bursts (longbow, harpoon, mace and greatsword) don't have this issue. Why?

Sword's burst is special because the burst effect is applied immediately on skill activation, when channeling starts. THIS makes sense for instant adrenaline drain, but NOT for bursts that have their effects applied when channeling finishes.

I think if one has common sense, it is very easy to understand :)

I guess it is the typical "warrior op, omg fixing warrior would make them even more op, NO!"

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