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Owon Dyah.3905

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There are some theories about this. That there are multiple versions of Tyria, each of which form a faction of the Mist War, but maybe there is only one Tyria, but several factions in the Mists are fighting over the borderlands and Castle Stonemist, which seems to be an important location around which all these skirmishes revolve. The fighting is intense, even acknowledged by NPCs in game and apparently you're able to take things out of the mists, even some rather nice items, all in all the keeps and lords and their purpose seem rather mysterious.

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According to [this interview](



> Tyria exists has multiple worlds, but not like a traditional 'infinite multiple-worlds' setting where there's divergance based on probability (eg. One universe where Snaff is dead and another universe where he isn't). There is a set number of "versions" of Tyria, and that's the servers: Tarnished Coast, Blackgate, Gate of Madness, etc. Each server is another version of Tyria (or "world") that exists within the Mists. [...] World Vs. World is where all of these different versions of Tyria fight each other for resources in their own respective battles with the Elder Dragons, (The Borderlands and such are the literal borderlands between different versions of Tyria). [...] The vast majority of the citizens of Tyria have no knowledge of the multiple worlds because they already have too much to worry about to be bothered with it. Mist Warriors who participate in The Mist Wars however, will have some (albeit very limited) understanding of it.


To expand, the Mist Warriors view the other Tyrias, knowingly or not, as uncaring, unknowing, evil forces:


Mist Warrior (1): What is evil, anyway? Isn't it just a different view of the same thing?

Mist Warrior (2): Spend some time in the Mist War, and you'll get it. Evil is the enemy. It will destroy us, so we must destroy it first.

Mist Warrior (1): I see so many go through that portal who never come out again.

Mist Warrior (2): That's evil's work. You recognize it by how it kills—without purpose, need, or gratitude.



Mist Warrior (2): Think we'll hit our quota? The world team could sure use some muscle and magic.

Mist Warrior (1): Sure. Who doesn't want the chance to travel to the Mists and clash with evil? It's the vacation—and vocation—of a lifetime.




Adventurer: You there. How do I get to the Mist War?

Mist Warrior Hjalla: You have to go to Lion's Arch to find the portal. You looking to build your legend?

Adventurer: Yeah, I heard the true battle between good and evil happens in the Mists. I'm ready for a real challenge.



Well, belief, or constant propaganda to get recruits. Or both.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> According to [this interview](



> > Tyria exists has multiple worlds, but not like a traditional 'infinite multiple-worlds' setting where there's divergance based on probability (eg. One universe where Snaff is dead and another universe where he isn't). There is a set number of "versions" of Tyria, and that's the servers: Tarnished Coast, Blackgate, Gate of Madness, etc. Each server is another version of Tyria (or "world") that exists within the Mists. [...] World Vs. World is where all of these different versions of Tyria fight each other for resources in their own respective battles with the Elder Dragons, (The Borderlands and such are the literal borderlands between different versions of Tyria). [...]


then every version of tyria also has to have their own 'mists' and those borderlands are the border between their mists not their world. or are there multiple kralks in the mists at the same time fighting over the magic? also what does prevent one of em invade another version of tyria to consume more magic there?

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > According to [this interview](


> >

> > > Tyria exists has multiple worlds, but not like a traditional 'infinite multiple-worlds' setting where there's divergance based on probability (eg. One universe where Snaff is dead and another universe where he isn't). There is a set number of "versions" of Tyria, and that's the servers: Tarnished Coast, Blackgate, Gate of Madness, etc. Each server is another version of Tyria (or "world") that exists within the Mists. [...] World Vs. World is where all of these different versions of Tyria fight each other for resources in their own respective battles with the Elder Dragons, (The Borderlands and such are the literal borderlands between different versions of Tyria). [...]


> then every version of tyria also has to have their own 'mists' and those borderlands are the border between their mists not their world. or are there multiple kralks in the mists at the same time fighting over the magic? also what does prevent one of em invade another version of tyria to consume more magic there?


One Mist, as it connects the worlds/reality together. As for other ED's they may or may not exist, They may all sleep and wake at different times to feed. We may just never fully know.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > According to [this interview](


> >

> > > Tyria exists has multiple worlds, but not like a traditional 'infinite multiple-worlds' setting where there's divergance based on probability (eg. One universe where Snaff is dead and another universe where he isn't). There is a set number of "versions" of Tyria, and that's the servers: Tarnished Coast, Blackgate, Gate of Madness, etc. Each server is another version of Tyria (or "world") that exists within the Mists. [...] World Vs. World is where all of these different versions of Tyria fight each other for resources in their own respective battles with the Elder Dragons, (The Borderlands and such are the literal borderlands between different versions of Tyria). [...]


> then every version of tyria also has to have their own 'mists' and those borderlands are the border between their mists not their world. or are there multiple kralks in the mists at the same time fighting over the magic? also what does prevent one of em invade another version of tyria to consume more magic there?


The Mists is literally the entire multiverse. It's like the afterlife, perpetual big bang, and outer space combined into one. There is only one "Mists", though there's likely to be multiple Underworlds, Realms of Torment, etc. each pertaining (and changed somewhat) for every world (not just Tyria) given that we never see non-Tyrians in the afterlife (sans Hall of Heroes / The Rift, which is the center of the multiverse that must be passed through to reach other worlds).


As to multiple Kralkatorriks, Kralkatorrik has remained in the part of the Mists bordering Tyria still by all indication, remaining within Tyria's specific afterlives. Given the Hall of Heroes PvP design in GW1, that seems to be the closest part of the Mists to Tyria, so he hasn't gone very far out. In effect, the way I see the connection between Tyrias given all lore we've seen is:


Tyria1 -> afterlives1 -> borderlands1 -> Eternal Battleground || The Rift <- borderlandsA <- afterlivesA <- TyriaA


Tyrians have managed to explore up to and partially including the borderlands, while atm, Kralkatorrik is solely in the afterlives section. Due to Kralkatorrik's connection to The All, it's unclear if Kralkatorrik can even reach the borderlands (let alone the Rift) without causing Tyria to begin to collapse in on itself. Though I will state that having the Kralkatorrik finale being a battle against three Kralkatorriks over the ruins of the Hall of Heroes would be a beautiful thing. But there'd be no way in hell that ArenaNet could possibly top such a thing for when we inevitably go after the DSD (and possibly Primordus/Jormag).


> @"Owon Dyah.3905" said:

> this is rather fukd up lore... seems dumb and made up to justify game mode which is there to appeal to more pvp focused crowd


> "Important NPC's however, (Destiny's Edge, Kiel, Magnus, Scarlet, etc.) are constants across all versions of Tyria for a reason not yet clear" ----> LOL (taken from the interview linked above)

> Seems like they ran out of inspiration to think quality excuse here... so... we have to settle with "not yet clear" haha


> This entire game lacks lore immersion and quality story... Wish they would devote one patching cycle just to fix that. If you have to logout to figure out what's the world about, you know that guy who worked on that part of game fukd it up big time.


Eh, the idea of multiverses come from the very first piece of GW1 lore, so it's nothing new. They just never cared to delve into it beyond stating "it exists" because, quite frankly, they never had plans to explore beyond the world of Tyria. I wouldn't call it "running out of inspiration" but rather "not bottlenecking themselves by making up a reason now when they may not touch it for decades if ever".

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> @"Owon Dyah.3905" said:

> this is rather fukd up lore... seems dumb and made up to justify game mode which is there to appeal to more pvp focused crowd


> "Important NPC's however, (Destiny's Edge, Kiel, Magnus, Scarlet, etc.) are constants across all versions of Tyria for a reason not yet clear" ----> LOL (taken from the interview linked above)

> Seems like they ran out of inspiration to think quality excuse here... so... we have to settle with "not yet clear" haha


> This entire game lacks lore immersion and quality story... Wish they would devote one patching cycle just to fix that. If you have to logout to figure out what's the world about, you know that guy who worked on that part of game fukd it up big time.


I found it a creative way to create a lore to satisfy the "die-hard guys of immersion", the guys thats require lore for all mechanics of the game(if they played Mortal Kombat, they would want a lore that explained how Liu Kang is alive for the next match after suffer a fatality).

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