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Guess how many mirages were in ToL finals!

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > Well, apart from holo, all of those are self explanatory. Everything what a spellbreaker can do, a soulbeast does better. Deadeye is not viable at all in a premade competition. Core guard is debatable, there were a few of them around


> Never meant to imply that they're viable, just that people whine about them non-stop.


I think most Deadeye whining come from WvW where you can rely much more on stealth since you don't need to contest a point.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> I don't get the purpose of this as we all know that Mirage is only strong due to solo queue conditions..


This, and it's also about fighting multi necros/mirages together.

But top players cannot know how it is, since they keep popping at plat 2+, where people do not play these builds.

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This is entire argument is MOOT.


The ToL was premade teams. The ranked experience is solo-q where you are grouped randomly with strangers without much say in team comp.


You have to look at the entire ecosystem. Nothing is OP in a vacuum (or UP for that matter). When you can coordinate via voice-coms and when you have played together for a while and practiced strategies and developed a language/shorthand with your teammates ... that is WAY different than random solo-q.


Things that excel in one environment (strong duelists) will not in others. Things that are weaker in one (support), excels in others.


The only argument you are making in this thread is the argument I have been making since I started PvP in GW2.


RANKED should be team-q ONLY. This should be the most rewarding version of play. Thinks WoW arena or rated BGs.


UNRANKED (casual) should be solo or team-q and winning should still grant pips. Losing should not. It should NOT be as rewarding as team q and more for fun and for solo-q folks to have a good competitive time. Think WoW skirmishes or unrated BGs.


There are no solo-q raids. There should not be solo-q ranked play. It's common sense.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> This is entire argument is MOOT.


> The ToL was premade teams. The ranked experience is solo-q where you are grouped randomly with strangers without much say in team comp.


> You have to look at the entire ecosystem. Nothing is OP in a vacuum (or UP for that matter). When you can coordinate via voice-coms and when you have played together for a while and practiced strategies and developed a language/shorthand with your teammates ... that is WAY different than random solo-q.


> Things that excel in one environment (strong duelists) will not in others. Things that are weaker in one (support), excels in others.


> The only argument you are making in this thread is the argument I have been making since I started PvP in GW2.


> RANKED should be team-q ONLY. This should be the most rewarding version of play. Thinks WoW arena or rated BGs.


> UNRANKED (casual) should be solo or team-q and winning should still grant pips. Losing should not. It should NOT be as rewarding as team q and more for fun and for solo-q folks to have a good competitive time. Think WoW skirmishes or unrated BGs.


> There are no solo-q raids. There should not be solo-q ranked play. It's common sense.


Most relevant post in the entire thread

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> @"Brendan.1309" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > NA is a joke tho, even US players aren't playing there any more.


> How is NA a joke? Everyone that plays both sides say nobody knows how to play no matter what.

> When is the last time the top EU team and top NA team played against each other anyway?



Was on NA servers so USA had a slight ping advantage, though since NA servers are near the east coast the ping isn't too bad for western Europeans. Considering that rank 55 has mostly broken up since then while USA is still mostly intact I doubt any of the current EU teams would be able to beat USA in a LAN currently.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> > @"Brendan.1309" said:

> > > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > NA is a joke tho, even US players aren't playing there any more.

> >

> > How is NA a joke? Everyone that plays both sides say nobody knows how to play no matter what.

> > When is the last time the top EU team and top NA team played against each other anyway?




> Was on NA servers so USA had a slight ping advantage, though since NA servers are near the east coast the ping isn't too bad for western Europeans. Considering that rank 55 has mostly broken up since then while USA is still mostly intact I doubt any of the current EU teams would be able to beat USA in a LAN currently.


"slight ping advantage" I run a normal 30-40 on EU and 170~ avg on NA with spikes up to 200. Not to mention misha and zan lives in eastern europe and slovakia prolly has worst internet of all time so he prolly ran 200-300 ping



These two tournaments were played back to back so i'd say it was 1-1 and both were played with "slight ping advantage" and not to mention they banned Chrono for the one you linked


If lan's were to return I am more than sure that EU would have a lot of former "pro players" return to scrim for 50k € and it would be worlds all over again

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@"bluri.2653" Ping is a real issue and I do not want to denigrate that fact.


NA seems more willing to experiment with different team compositions than EU, that alone might make it difficult when EU teams all run similar compositions. I don't think you can really discount NA as a joke when there hasn't been a LAN game setup in a long time.

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> @"Brendan.1309" said:

> @"bluri.2653" Ping is a real issue and I do not want to denigrate that fact.


> NA seems more willing to experiment with different team compositions than EU, that alone might make it difficult when EU teams all run similar compositions. I don't think you can really discount NA as a joke when there hasn't been a LAN game setup in a long time.


Everything would change if there was 50k € lan event meaning scrims and different comps, so no

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@"bluri.2653" things would change and I would hope that it would inspire more competitive players in NA to attend as well.


What I'm trying to get at, is that I don't think just because Mesmer is not on the 1st place teams in EU tournaments doesn't make it less viable. I also don't think NA is just Trash in 5v5 either. I may have the wrong video, but I think you mentioned something along those lines as well in your conversation with Teapot, Jawgeous, and Vallun a few weeks ago.


Now having said that, it seems like ANET is going to give pvp more love soon and if that's true, I am excited to hear what it will do to bring the community together.

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> @"Brendan.1309" said:

> @"bluri.2653" things would change and I would hope that it would inspire more competitive players in NA to attend as well.


> What I'm trying to get at, is that I don't think just because Mesmer is not on the 1st place teams in EU tournaments doesn't make it less viable. I also don't think NA is just Trash in 5v5 either. I may have the wrong video, but I think you mentioned something along those lines as well in your conversation with Teapot, Jawgeous, and Vallun a few weeks ago.


> Now having said that, it seems like ANET is going to give pvp more love soon and if that's true, I am excited to hear what it will do to bring the community together.


Then u mistake me for someone else. Or heard smth else?

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