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Guess how many mirages were in ToL finals!

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> @"felincyriac.5981" said:

> Oh wow so this must mean that mirage is totally balanced and fair at all levels of play, thanks mr mirage main!

Yeah OP protects his class in pretty much every single thread.


Now, the question is, what's percentage of mirages or mesmers one encounters in both spvp and wvw roaming? During hour I spent roaming yesterday 8 out of 11 players were mirages.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> > @"felincyriac.5981" said:

> > Oh wow so this must mean that mirage is totally balanced and fair at all levels of play, thanks mr mirage main!

> Yeah OP protects his class in pretty much every single thread.

The hell are you talking about though? Please quote these posts. Last time I checked I had around 3 posts about condi mirage in the last few months. I have actually raised my voice against scepter2 damage and evasive mirror, for example. I had some comments in deleted threads about how totally pointless it is to open a new thread every day when we have a hundred of them already, and I still hold up that point


I only opened this thread to counter balance the ridiculous knee-jerking that's going on here. Haters got triggered again though. Of course you can't draw big conclusions based on ToL, but at the same time the forum is full of pointless claims about mirage. There are some problems, but the massive overstatements by silver-gold level players are just ridiculous - although mesmer has always been like that, being targeted by the less skillful because of the mechanics, like clones.


Even in this thread there is a lot of ridiculous stuff:

- mirage only strong in soloq - what?? why? Perfect example for this is deadeye, but mirage? I would love some explanation.

- people taking NA seriously - there is one good team on the whole server, apart from that it's a noobstomping ladder, match quality is the worse I have ever seen even, the ToL final tells everything honestly

- mirage is a threat when there are more of them / stacked with scourges - really? so everyone should just reroll to mirages / scourges at the beginning so guarantee a safe win right? because stacking a class > a balanced team, right? Even in soloq ranked gameplay this just sounds ridiculous

- people mixing condi mirage with power mirage and chronomancer just to support their claims how imba condi mirage is - this is probably the worst

- we should focus on the average player regarding balance, not the top players? Well, this is an argument noone will ever agree on.. There is no simple solution. If Anet could rework some mechanics to have the same viability in gold and legend, that would be perfect, but this will never happen. As long as clones stay, for example, people will complain, same goes for mirage cloak.


Condi mirage DOES need some SLIGHT toning down, along with soulbeast and a few others (actually, a lot of builds).

Soulbeast, for example, is the biggest offender in current meta, but it doesn't seem to get the masses angry for various reasons, like no 'annoying' mechanic and the high skill ceiling where it really excels.


The only thing that made me angry is that Anet nerfed power mirage to ground even though we had around 2 or 3 (!!) power mirages in top250 even after release. I was maining power mirage till S12 and it took a LOT of skill to make it viable at top level. And why the nerf? Because the masses of low level pvp AND WvW (where it was actually OP) kept complaining about it on the forums and reddit so Anet decided to make it totally unviable (also some condi mirage nerfs hit power too, like Vigor trait nerf and jaunt). I couldn't care less about condi mirage honestly, but my example about power mirage is the a perfect example how NOT to balance the game. It's never good to entirely delete builds from the meta.


Also whoever couldn't read my first post, this season I was playing bunker chrono and core guard (GS) about 40-40% and 20% condi mirage (an off meta build). Just to make it clear. All other seasons I played mainly power mirage, core ranger and sometimes reaper.

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mirage isn't op

it's rewarding for high skill which doesn't make it op


high rated people that can play the game say it unless they're biased/carried, most high rated ppl prefer fighting mirages cus bad ones are easy to farm


statistics and representations also say it


i don't understand why when statistics aren't on the side of plebs they resort to blatant lying while spamming and begging the developer for buffs,.. i played some other game a few months ago and there are 9 classes and out of those 9 classes, two of them had 50%+ playrate (meaning they had same play rate as the other 7 classes COMBINED) and one of them had 60% win rate (while all other classes are 35-53% win rate official statistics) for more than half a year and despite that people kept begging for buffs on the class and asking for nerfs on the other classes while BLATANTLY IGNORING STATISTICS and then after a certain patch the playrate on these classes went down and the playrate on other classes went up, because other classes were more fun, and all the "Bias-sjw-knights "started using statistics for a week until the stats stabilized again and until this class became #1 again (in both game modes, not just one game mode) with much higher win rate than anything and then they stopped using statistics again and resorted to lying and propaganda as they were doing in the first place


ironically all the pro gamers just followed the mass QQ on the forum and rerolled to whatever the forum said was op and the actually best players didn't follow any of this cause they knew what balance is like themselves and all the other "'pros" rerolled for no reason then went back


it's the same stuff in gw2, some rage god started a rebellion against mirage and it's been going on despite the class getting nerfed every single patch in a row and it doesn't deserve at least a third of those nerfs but it still isnt enough for the general public




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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> mirage isn't op

> it's rewarding for high skill which doesn't make it op


But you aren't a high skill player,yet you are highly rewarded by playing mirage?


It's not a coincidence that none ever recognized you since 2012-2018 before you started to play mirage and that you never got in touch with anything related to ESL.

Not a secret that players on silencia lvl suddenly have become 'decent' by playing Mirage,while being much worse on any other spec.


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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> - mirage only strong in soloq - what?? why? Perfect example for this is deadeye, but mirage? I would love some explanation.

> - people taking NA seriously - there is one good team on the whole server, apart from that it's a noobstomping ladder, match quality is the worse I have ever seen even, the ToL final tells everything honestly

> - mirage is a threat when there are more of them / stacked with scourges - really? so everyone should just reroll to mirages / scourges at the beginning so guarantee a safe win right? because stacking a class > a balanced team, right? Even in soloq ranked gameplay this just sounds ridiculous

> - people mixing condi mirage with power mirage and chronomancer just to support their claims how imba condi mirage is - this is probably the worst

> - we should focus on the average player regarding balance, not the top players? Well, this is an argument noone will ever agree on.. There is no simple solution. If Anet could rework some mechanics to have the same viability in gold and legend, that would be perfect, but this will never happen. As long as clones stay, for example, people will complain, same goes for mirage cloak.


I've already answered this concerning mirages and scourges, but once you play in gold division ( which i assume you do not) you get the problem. The problem when you stack mirages and scourges is that :

- it's fairly easy to get snowballed, which means it takes 1 less experienced player, 1 bad setup, 1 little mistake to get rolled quite easily. Also it's impossible to win as 4v5

- it's so common to face that setup, and so easy to die to it, that it gets boring after a while


I'm not considering mirage or scourge individually OP to be fair, it just requires too much job to beat players that are , for most of the time, looking like they're spamming skills on recharge.




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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > mirage isn't op

> > it's rewarding for high skill which doesn't make it op

> >


> Not a secret that players on silencia lvl suddenly have become 'decent' by playing Mirage,while being much worse on any other spec.



Amen. Same goes to deadeye in ranked

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > mirage isn't op

> > it's rewarding for high skill which doesn't make it op

> >

> But you aren't a high skill player,yet you are highly rewarded by playing mirage?


> It's not a coincidence that none ever recognized you since 2012-2018 before you started to play mirage and that you never got in touch with anything related to ESL.

> Not a secret that players on silencia lvl suddenly have become 'decent' by playing Mirage,while being much worse on any other spec.



your ignorance isn't other people's problem so stop trying to make it sound like it is?


just because *you* personally don't know me it doesn't discredit me. I don't know every single millionaire/billionaire/prince of a random country either, doesn't make them any less of a human. Sure it's not the perfect example bcause the world is bigger than gw2 is but you *know* who i am in gw2 so your example isn't good either. As for why you didn't know me before

~ i didn't stick to 1 char or name as i do now, i didn't play gw2 actively (played a few weeks every few months) but i have played gw2 since release on the highest level and i've been in soloq highest mmr before ranked was even added and before esl happened, and during esl. I played against people in soloq who were also in the esl at the time and i was better than them at my own class and role but i didn't play gw2 as seriously

*because it wasn't my main game, and i'll explain why gw2 never became my main game below*

https://i.imgur.com/yTSE1bj.jpg heres a random screen of meeting orng logo in soloq in 2015(that was the full team, i don't remember if their 5th dced at the start or at the end tho)

I didn't follow gw2 forums or scene cause i couldn't care less cause at the time i was playing other games (and while we're talking about other games, i was the #1 highest kills and score in my aion server, the #1 in tera arena for as long as i played + you could go ask around and people will still remember me probably, despite not playing since 2014/5, but it doesn't even end there i was also #1 highest kills both eu+na battleground in BDO and i don't care about that game any more but i probably still am cus of how far ahead i was when i quit)

but i was also #1 in my l2 server which i played before gw2 and i was a guild leader and my guild was undefeated in arranged pvp and had the best castle while at it too so it wasn't only good at small scale


and you can search about all of this on the internet


so at the end of the day i've played multiple mmorpgs and have been the most known player in every single one of them except gw2 and you wanna know why is that?


the reason why i didn't main gw2 and why i never took gw2 seriously and why i played other games in that whole time and only played gw2 as a secondary game is because the way gw2 is designed

>team environment which is designed to undermine the individual. There's only so much you can do as an individual player, you'll never be recognized in this game unless you're politically correct and accepted by the normies which are the biggest voice of the game as it doesn't have a regular scene or casters like league of legends does where over time you can make a name for yourself. In gw2 most of the stuff happens behind the scenes and the reputation comes from the word of mouth which is not a reliable source of player skill

in league of legends or w/e you can snowball your lane and impact team-fights because of it. In gw2 you can't. In gw2 you can only be on 1 place when there are 3 places that you have to be at - THE INDIVIDUAL IS EXTREMELY LIMITED AND UNDERMINED BY DESIGN and there is absolutely no way to carry IF YOUR TEAM IS FALLING BEHIND. In fact, if the game was pure 5v5 from start to finish on mid point - you would could still have more impact on the game than you do right now on higher elo (not talking about lower elo where u can just faceroll all the ppl and watch them drop at you one by one). On top of that gw2 has roles, unlike league (which i only give as example cause its 3 lanes/points and a 5v5 but both are different and i'm showing you why both are different) and in gw2 you can play a role that doesn't carry while in league you can carry as any role if you're fed because items exist and that's your snowball. In gw2 if you play a ganker thief your ability to carry a 5v5 is // on average // much worse than a proper team-fighter build's ability is, while in league your role limits you less in your ability to carry - as long as you're fed. Sure it's not equal but it's not as hard/different as gw2.


but you might ask how did i get popular in other games if i'm not a sjw normie and friendship with everyone (sort of like how @"bluri.2653" is) ? I got popular by controversy but that makes you more enemies than friends, until you beat your enemies and they start acknowledging you , unless they are delusional. This can't happen in gw2 because "beating" people in gw2 doesn't mean anything in many cases because of the game's design, as i have explained. There are a lot of factors in gw2 which can make you win and more of them are not related to your skill or even build and understanding of the game.. ironically.. at least in soloq environment where players don't have equal skill that is. In gw2 rating isn't representative. Top 10 is irrelevant, top 10 is the same as top 50 at the end of the season, except the people in top 10 // on average // play in duo more or are luckier and in some cases are actually better than others but it isn't a given. If rating in gw2 isn't representative then results in gw2 don't matter as much and then you can't become popular by achieving results either because results are not tied to the individual in this game, even soloq is more like duoq and if they removed the duoq system then the majority of the top 20 regulars wouldn't be top 20 regulars because not all of them deserve to be there but they duo.


so that's the reason why i never took gw2 seriously, in this game you'll never be "the best player" unless you keep a good / friendly relationship with other top players so that they can talk you up and even then you still have to be good.. but good in this game is subjective as there are four different roles (support, dps, ganker, duelist) and every role does a different thing and every class can play as every role . If you're a bad player when you look at a mesmer you expect him to do duelist stuff because that's the meta role for mesmer but the mesmer can also play a ganker or a dps or even a support build and if you're incapable of acknowledging his build and then judging him by his role and by comparing him to other people of the same role and by their efficiency of the role then the problem, again, lays in you and your bias and not in the other player.


With all this being said, the only way of knowing player skill in this game is by actually judging them yourself, correctly and without bias and without trying to make them look worse by only looking at their deaths or bad moments or hard counters but by looking at the whole story and by trying to be reasonable for your own sake because acknowledging player skill as X or Y level makes you better at fighting with or against those players as well, as you have more clear and better expectations of them. I already knew who you are long ago, dominik, because i have the habit of checking people's account names (as character names change) before the game starts and i have been doing this for many , many years. I've usually known the top players and people around my elo, which i believe was the highest as i would be matched with either top of the ladder either people who used to be in ESL. I've always known the pvp regulars in this game for around my elo, if they don't know me that's on them and not on me. Being ignorant is not the other person's fault and that's how things work.

Gw2 limits what you can do based on your role and even build (Cause you can play a dps as power or condi or hybrid damage and all 3 of those do different things and the expectations from you should be different and appropriate), on your team and the synergy between your team and the current build you're bringing and on your team's positioning and so on , there are many factors. If you truly want to judge a player for real, without calling him "trash" out of the blue cause you randomly 1shot him when he had no cds after killing three of your teammates in a mid-fight then go ahead but don't expect that to be a reality, cause it's not.


All this above is the reason why i can't take gw2 seriously, it's a fun game but if you take it casually. If you start getting too serious then there are way too many factors that are beyond you as an individual or your skill and all this makes it incredibly frustrating and pointless, as it is bashing your head against an empty wall. Ironically in this game you lose more rating the worse your teammates are which just goes to show how every metric of measuring skill in this game is flawed as hell and illogical and the only way to measure skill is by not being delusional and judging players fairly.


For me Sindrener isn't the best thief because other people say so but because i've seen him and fought him but not every popular player is the same as him, a lot of the popular players are actually nowhere near as good as their reputation is but they have the reputation because of (X factors which i mentioned above) and that's just an example, im not even claiming he's the best roamer or ganker as i've never actually even bothered trying to figure out who is the best of X or Y in my head because i don't really care. I just classify people as "X or Y" skill in my head and have more or less appropriate expectations of their abilities when they're my allies or enemies and that's enough. I don't really care who the absolute best player of gw2 is cus you probably will never be able to judge since the game has different roles and factors and you don't even need to care who the best is at that point.





> @"bluri.2653" said:

> > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > mirage isn't op

> > > it's rewarding for high skill which doesn't make it op

> > >

> >

> > Not a secret that players on silencia lvl suddenly have become 'decent' by playing Mirage,while being much worse on any other spec.

> >


> Amen. Same goes to deadeye in ranked


you literally have videos against the, at the time, best mirage (and that was before nerfs) and you kill a duelist build with your roamer build and those are the videos you posted as entertainment but you can't go 2faced now and claim that mirage is broken when, you, out of all people should know that this isn't necessarily the case as the class is very counterable and bad-mouthing it makes you look unfair or biased. On top of that if there are less mirages there's less free kills/plasmas for you so comments like these do you no favors.


I completely destroy bad mirages because the room for failure on mirage is too big, the class has very high skill ceiling and you can fail at a lot of things and die really fast because of it(even if you have cooldowns you still have to use them appropriately) which already means that the class is high risk ,high reward. There are more forgiving mirage builds which are much lower risk , such as the popular staff/chaos/sage but these builds have other flaws which the public , for some reason, refuses to acknowledge. The more defensive mirage build is much lower risk but it's also much lower reward because your damage is so incredibly limited and much lower and much more conditional, staff is horrible for chasing down people compared to scepter for example but it's much better for fighting on point. Therefore if you kite a staff mirage and draw the fight away, he has a much harder time than if you go and fight into him. The reason why the "forgiving mirage build "isn't viable is because it's outclassed by soulbeast and it loses to soulbeast and there are probably specific counters that can also counter it. It also kills much slower than the "high risk high reward" build // on average // so the enemy team has much more room/time to intervene during that fight.

As it stands right now, mirage has 2 builds - a safer build which is the one most people whine about but that's because they try to fight it at its strongest and a riskier build which people don't cry about as much because it's failures are more spectacular and people remember those much more than the failures of the safer build so they assume it's worse when in my opinion the higher risk / reward mirage build atm is the only build you should run , as the other build loses to this one and to soulbeast and it doesn't have as much impact in skirmishes and in general it's worse in (fictional random number to represent a point) 7 out of 10 situations than the other build but for some reason people chose to only judge for half of the situations and not all of the situations, which is just wrong.



all that being said - mirage hasn't been op for a long while now , it's annoying but it's not op. It's not without counter-play, it's not omnipotent.


p.s. anet if you're nerfing mirage ,nerf staff xd

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > mirage isn't op

> > > it's rewarding for high skill which doesn't make it op

> > >

> > But you aren't a high skill player,yet you are highly rewarded by playing mirage?

> >

> > It's not a coincidence that none ever recognized you since 2012-2018 before you started to play mirage and that you never got in touch with anything related to ESL.

> > Not a secret that players on silencia lvl suddenly have become 'decent' by playing Mirage,while being much worse on any other spec.

> >


> your ignorance isn't other people's problem so stop trying to make it sound like it is?


> just because *you* personally don't know me it doesn't discredit me. I don't know every single millionaire/billionaire/prince of a random country either, doesn't make them any less of a human. Sure it's not the perfect example bcause the world is bigger than gw2 is but you *know* who i am in gw2 so your example isn't good either. As for why you didn't know me before

> ~ i didn't stick to 1 char or name as i do now, i didn't play gw2 actively (played a few weeks every few months) but i have played gw2 since release on the highest level and i've been in soloq highest mmr before ranked was even added and before esl happened, and during esl. I played against people in soloq who were also in the esl at the time and i was better than them at my own class and role but i didn't play gw2 as seriously

> *because it wasn't my main game, and i'll explain why gw2 never became my main game below*

> https://i.imgur.com/yTSE1bj.jpg heres a random screen of meeting orng logo in soloq in 2015(that was the full team, i don't remember if their 5th dced at the start or at the end tho)

> I didn't follow gw2 forums or scene cause i couldn't care less cause at the time i was playing other games (and while we're talking about other games, i was the #1 highest kills and score in my aion server, the #1 in tera arena for as long as i played + you could go ask around and people will still remember me probably, despite not playing since 2014/5, but it doesn't even end there i was also #1 highest kills both eu+na battleground in BDO and i don't care about that game any more but i probably still am cus of how far ahead i was when i quit)

> but i was also #1 in my l2 server which i played before gw2 and i was a guild leader and my guild was undefeated in arranged pvp and had the best castle while at it too so it wasn't only good at small scale


> and you can search about all of this on the internet


> so at the end of the day i've played multiple mmorpgs and have been the most known player in every single one of them except gw2 and you wanna know why is that?


> the reason why i didn't main gw2 and why i never took gw2 seriously and why i played other games in that whole time and only played gw2 as a secondary game is because the way gw2 is designed

> >team environment which is designed to undermine the individual. There's only so much you can do as an individual player, you'll never be recognized in this game unless you're politically correct and accepted by the normies which are the biggest voice of the game as it doesn't have a regular scene or casters like league of legends does where over time you can make a name for yourself. In gw2 most of the stuff happens behind the scenes and the reputation comes from the word of mouth which is not a reliable source of player skill

> in league of legends or w/e you can snowball your lane and impact team-fights because of it. In gw2 you can't. In gw2 you can only be on 1 place when there are 3 places that you have to be at - THE INDIVIDUAL IS EXTREMELY LIMITED AND UNDERMINED BY DESIGN and there is absolutely no way to carry IF YOUR TEAM IS FALLING BEHIND. In fact, if the game was pure 5v5 from start to finish on mid point - you would could still have more impact on the game than you do right now on higher elo (not talking about lower elo where u can just faceroll all the ppl and watch them drop at you one by one). On top of that gw2 has roles, unlike league (which i only give as example cause its 3 lanes/points and a 5v5 but both are different and i'm showing you why both are different) and in gw2 you can play a role that doesn't carry while in league you can carry as any role if you're fed because items exist and that's your snowball. In gw2 if you play a ganker thief your ability to carry a 5v5 is // on average // much worse than a proper team-fighter build's ability is, while in league your role limits you less in your ability to carry - as long as you're fed. Sure it's not equal but it's not as hard/different as gw2.


> but you might ask how did i get popular in other games if i'm not a kitten normie and friendship with everyone (sort of like how @"bluri.2653" is) ? I got popular by controversy but that makes you more enemies than friends, until you beat your enemies and they start acknowledging you , unless they are delusional. This can't happen in gw2 because "beating" people in gw2 doesn't mean anything in many cases because of the game's design, as i have explained. There are a lot of factors in gw2 which can make you win and more of them are not related to your skill or even build and understanding of the game.. ironically.. at least in soloq environment where players don't have equal skill that is. In gw2 rating isn't representative. Top 10 is irrelevant, top 10 is the same as top 50 at the end of the season, except the people in top 10 // on average // play in duo more or are luckier and in some cases are actually better than others but it isn't a given. If rating in gw2 isn't representative then results in gw2 don't matter as much and then you can't become popular by achieving results either because results are not tied to the individual in this game, even soloq is more like duoq and if they removed the duoq system then the majority of the top 20 regulars wouldn't be top 20 regulars because not all of them deserve to be there but they duo.


> so that's the reason why i never took gw2 seriously, in this game you'll never be "the best player" unless you keep a good / friendly relationship with other top players so that they can talk you up and even then you still have to be good.. but good in this game is subjective as there are four different roles (support, dps, ganker, duelist) and every role does a different thing and every class can play as every role . If you're a bad player when you look at a mesmer you expect him to do duelist stuff because that's the meta role for mesmer but the mesmer can also play a ganker or a dps or even a support build and if you're incapable of acknowledging his build and then judging him by his role and by comparing him to other people of the same role and by their efficiency of the role then the problem, again, lays in you and your bias and not in the other player.


> With all this being said, the only way of knowing player skill in this game is by actually judging them yourself, correctly and without bias and without trying to make them look worse by only looking at their deaths or bad moments or hard counters but by looking at the whole story and by trying to be reasonable for your own sake because acknowledging player skill as X or Y level makes you better at fighting with or against those players as well, as you have more clear and better expectations of them. I already knew who you are long ago, dominik, because i have the habit of checking people's account names (as character names change) before the game starts and i have been doing this for many , many years. I've usually known the top players and people around my elo, which i believe was the highest as i would be matched with either top of the ladder either people who used to be in ESL. I've always known the pvp regulars in this game for around my elo, if they don't know me that's on them and not on me. Being ignorant is not the other person's fault and that's how things work.

> Gw2 limits what you can do based on your role and even build (Cause you can play a dps as power or condi or hybrid damage and all 3 of those do different things and the expectations from you should be different and appropriate), on your team and the synergy between your team and the current build you're bringing and on your team's positioning and so on , there are many factors. If you truly want to judge a player for real, without calling him "trash" out of the blue cause you randomly 1shot him when he had no cds after killing three of your teammates in a mid-fight then go ahead but don't expect that to be a reality, cause it's not.


> All this above is the reason why i can't take gw2 seriously, it's a fun game but if you take it casually. If you start getting too serious then there are way too many factors that are beyond you as an individual or your skill and all this makes it incredibly frustrating and pointless, as it is bashing your head against an empty wall. Ironically in this game you lose more rating the worse your teammates are which just goes to show how every metric of measuring skill in this game is flawed as hell and illogical and the only way to measure skill is by not being delusional and judging players fairly.


> For me Sindrener isn't the best thief because other people say so but because i've seen him and fought him but not every popular player is the same as him, a lot of the popular players are actually nowhere near as good as their reputation is but they have the reputation because of (X factors which i mentioned above) and that's just an example, im not even claiming he's the best roamer or ganker as i've never actually even bothered trying to figure out who is the best of X or Y in my head because i don't really care. I just classify people as "X or Y" skill in my head and have more or less appropriate expectations of their abilities when they're my allies or enemies and that's enough. I don't really care who the absolute best player of gw2 is cus you probably will never be able to judge since the game has different roles and factors and you don't even need to care who the best is at that point.





> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"dominik.9721" said:

> > > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > mirage isn't op

> > > > it's rewarding for high skill which doesn't make it op

> > > >

> > >

> > > Not a secret that players on silencia lvl suddenly have become 'decent' by playing Mirage,while being much worse on any other spec.

> > >

> >

> > Amen. Same goes to deadeye in ranked


> you literally have videos against the, at the time, best mirage (and that was before nerfs) and you kill a duelist build with your roamer build and those are the videos you posted as entertainment but you can't go 2faced now and claim that mirage is broken when, you, out of all people should know that this isn't necessarily the case as the class is very counterable and bad-mouthing it makes you look unfair or biased. On top of that if there are less mirages there's less free kills/plasmas for you so comments like these do you no favors.


> I completely destroy bad mirages because the room for failure on mirage is too big, the class has very high skill ceiling and you can fail at a lot of things and die really fast because of it(even if you have cooldowns you still have to use them appropriately) which already means that the class is high risk ,high reward. There are more forgiving mirage builds which are much lower risk , such as the popular staff/chaos/sage but these builds have other flaws which the public , for some reason, refuses to acknowledge. The more defensive mirage build is much lower risk but it's also much lower reward because your damage is so incredibly limited and much lower and much more conditional, staff is horrible for chasing down people compared to scepter for example but it's much better for fighting on point. Therefore if you kite a staff mirage and draw the fight away, he has a much harder time than if you go and fight into him. The reason why the "forgiving mirage build "isn't viable is because it's outclassed by soulbeast and it loses to soulbeast and there are probably specific counters that can also counter it. It also kills much slower than the "high risk high reward" build // on average // so the enemy team has much more room/time to intervene during that fight.

> As it stands right now, mirage has 2 builds - a safer build which is the one most people whine about but that's because they try to fight it at its strongest and a riskier build which people don't cry about as much because it's failures are more spectacular and people remember those much more than the failures of the safer build so they assume it's worse when in my opinion the higher risk / reward mirage build atm is the only build you should run , as the other build loses to this one and to soulbeast and it doesn't have as much impact in skirmishes and in general it's worse in (fictional random number to represent a point) 7 out of 10 situations than the other build but for some reason people chose to only judge for half of the situations and not all of the situations, which is just wrong.



> all that being said - mirage hasn't been op for a long while now , it's annoying but it's not op. It's not without counter-play, it's not omnipotent.


> p.s. anet if you're nerfing mirage ,nerf staff xd


the only one in that orange logo screenshot is rom


there's been 3 versions of orng











And if ur talking about me dueling misha, ye he was 1 day axe/pistol sword/torch without chaos and sage. I dueled him on stream when he was staff and it went in his favour most of the time. If he ran sage and chaos im sure it would be onesided to his favour


just nerf https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mirror procc (increase icd or whatever they wanna do)

nerf chaos storm on heal (remove that shit)


rest idc about


the #1 thing they need to do is delete deadeye

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> Pretty sure you just wasted ur time typing a book cuz nobody is going to read that




> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> Pretty sure you just wasted ur time typing a book cuz nobody is going to read that




I got as far as "I diddnt stick to 1 char name like I do now"

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Valid argument since usually, you check acc name anyways.


> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > Pretty sure you just wasted ur time typing a book cuz nobody is going to read that

> >

> >


> > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > Pretty sure you just wasted ur time typing a book cuz nobody is going to read that

> >

> >


> I got as far as "I diddnt stick to 1 char name like I do now"



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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > - mirage only strong in soloq - what?? why? Perfect example for this is deadeye, but mirage? I would love some explanation.

> > - people taking NA seriously - there is one good team on the whole server, apart from that it's a noobstomping ladder, match quality is the worse I have ever seen even, the ToL final tells everything honestly

> > - mirage is a threat when there are more of them / stacked with scourges - really? so everyone should just reroll to mirages / scourges at the beginning so guarantee a safe win right? because stacking a class > a balanced team, right? Even in soloq ranked gameplay this just sounds ridiculous

> > - people mixing condi mirage with power mirage and chronomancer just to support their claims how imba condi mirage is - this is probably the worst

> > - we should focus on the average player regarding balance, not the top players? Well, this is an argument noone will ever agree on.. There is no simple solution. If Anet could rework some mechanics to have the same viability in gold and legend, that would be perfect, but this will never happen. As long as clones stay, for example, people will complain, same goes for mirage cloak.


> I've already answered this concerning mirages and scourges, but once you play in gold division ( which i assume you do not) you get the problem. The problem when you stack mirages and scourges is that :

> - it's fairly easy to get snowballed, which means it takes 1 less experienced player, 1 bad setup, 1 little mistake to get rolled quite easily. Also it's impossible to win as 4v5

> - it's so common to face that setup, and so easy to die to it, that it gets boring after a while


> I'm not considering mirage or scourge individually OP to be fair, it just requires too much job to beat players that are , for most of the time, looking like they're spamming skills on recharge.



People spamming skills on recharge shouldn’t be winning and snowballing for victory. If it appears like that to people then they likely deserve their current placement.


This may be a problematic situation for many players, but this just means they are plateauing on the learning curve that’s heading towards being actually good, and these people need to learn to overcome this.


If it was not this combo it would be something else, removing these barriers doesn’t do anyone any favours as the people who struggle will never learn to get better. If you really find this problematic and unacceptable blame conquest as a whole.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> in league of legends or w/e you can snowball your lane and impact team-fights because of it. In gw2 you can't. In gw2 you can only be on 1 place when there are 3 places that you have to be at - THE INDIVIDUAL IS EXTREMELY LIMITED AND UNDERMINED BY DESIGN and there is absolutely no way to carry IF YOUR TEAM IS FALLING BEHIND. In fact, if the game was pure 5v5 from start to finish on mid point - you would could still have more impact on the game than you do right now on higher elo (not talking about lower elo where u can just faceroll all the ppl and watch them drop at you one by one). On top of that gw2 has roles, unlike league (which i only give as example cause its 3 lanes/points and a 5v5 but both are different and i'm showing you why both are different) and in gw2 you can play a role that doesn't carry while in league you can carry as any role if you're fed because items exist and that's your snowball. In gw2 if you play a ganker thief your ability to carry a 5v5 is // on average // much worse than a proper team-fighter build's ability is, while in league your role limits you less in your ability to carry - as long as you're fed. Sure it's not equal but it's not as hard/different as gw2.


You basically sumed all my problem in this post.

This used to be false actually, in the old metas i felt you could have an impact on a game, whether it's about skill but also about tactics in chat. It's simply impossible at gold level when you have games involving scourges and mirages


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