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Balance Patch Predictions?


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My predictions:


Maim The Disillusioned: Reduced the torment duration to 2s.

Lingering Thoughts: Decreased the torment from 3 stacks to 2 stacks.

Axes of Symmetry: Reduced the player confusion from 6 to 3.

Infinite Horizon: This trait now has a 5s ICD.

Evasive Mirror: This trait now has a 10s ICD

Phantasmal Duellist: Reduced the damage by 50%

Duellists Discipline: Reduced the bleed duration to 2s

Arcane Thievery: Reduced the conditions transferred to 2 and the boons stolen to 2.

Chaotic Dampening: Reduced the protection duration to 2s.

Bountiful Disillusionment: Reduced the might duration to 5s, Reduced the Vigor duration to 5, Reduced the Fury duration to 5s and reduced the Regeneration duration to 5s.

Chaotic Interruption: Reduced the immobilise duration to 1s, reduced the might duration to 5s, this trait now has a 5s ICD.

Jaunt: Increased the count recharge to 40s in PvP only.

Ambush skills: All Ambush skills have a 5s ICD.


![](https://res.cloudinary.com/teepublic/image/private/s--UTdApbXF--/t_Preview/b_rgb:ffffff,c_limit,f_jpg,h_600,q_90,w_600/v1477095667/production/designs/747626_1.jpg "")



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Well it's a tongue in cheek post where you get to make fun of the silly nerfs likely to come that won't actually fix anything while nerfing core mesmer and aspects that aren't competitive on anything else into the floor.


Also Arcane thievery nerf, how many people know the skill still doesn't do what it's supposed to half the time?

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Let me try!


Note: This is not what i personaly want but my guess what could happen.



* Mindslash/ Mind Gash: Vulnerability Duration reduced to 3 seconds.

* Mind Spike: Boon Rip removed.

* Illusionary Leap: Cooldown increased to 15 seconds.



* Phantasmal Duelist: Power Dmg reduced by 15%.

* Magic Bullet: Now bounces only 2 times.



* The Prestige: Stealth duration decreased to 2 seconds. Blast Finisher removed.

* Phantasmal Mage: Daze removed.



* Auto Chain: Power dmg reduced by 15%.

* Axes of Symmetry: Power dmg reduced by 20%.



* Phase Retreat: Cooldown increased to 12 seconds.

* Phantasmal Warlock: Now only spawns one Warlock.

* Chaos Storm: Duration reduced to 3 seconds. Now applys cripple instead of chill.



* Mirage Mirror: Weakness removed.

* Arcane Thievery: Is now blockable.

* Illusionary Ambush: Range reduced to 500.



* The Pledge: Burning removed. Now grants 15% Burning Duration.

* Maim the Disillusioned: Torment duration decreased to 3 seconds from 4 seconds.

* Master of Manipulation: Reduced Mirror duration to 1 second from 2 seconds.

* Bountiful Disillusionment: Stability Removed.

* Descent into Madness: Lesser Chaos Storm now only last 2 seconds. Now applys cripple instead of chill.

* Master of Fragmentation:

1. Mind Wrack: Decreased the Increased Crit Chance to 15% from 25%.

2. Distortion: No longer reflects but destroys Projectiles.




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Is it tomorrow then for sure?


> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Sadly, even if all that happened, the nerf mesmer threads would continue.


Yep this is the only certainty - a matter of guessing how long it will take for the first "MESER ENTITLED BABIES EVADE NERFS" thread to come up, and how many new threads there will be. :p

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> @"Only Even.6193" said:

> So... Only nerfs ? But no improvements/changes gameplay-synergy wise ?

> Nothing will change if it happens, except mirage (potentially mesmer overall) will be trash the day they found out what is the real problem, because of all the unecessary damages and ICD nerfs done in the past.. =/


OK here's your buff:

Dragon's Tooth: Increased the damage by 7% in the hopes of creating new memes now Shatterstone is getting old.

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Now me! Now me!


* Time Warp -- This skill can no longer have its cooldown reset by other mesmer abilities.

* Mass Invisibility -- This skill can no longer have its cooldown reset by other mesmer abilities.

* Gravity Well -- This skill can no longer have its cooldown reset by other mesmer abilities.

* Signet of Humility -- This skill can no longer have its cooldown reset by other mesmer abilities.

* Blurred Frenzy -- Blur now starts with the first hit, not the startup.

* Shattered Concentration -- This trait can only remove boons once per shatter, no longer removes boons per illusion shattered.

* Critical Infusion -- Increased internal Cooldown to 15s.

* Master of Manipulation -- No longer grants cooldown reduction for Manipulation skills.

* Restorative Illusions -- No longer removes conditions.

* Blurred Inscriptions -- Signet of Inspiration no longer gets increased target cap. Instead it now grants 3s of Retaliation to the mesmer.

* Phantasmal Force -- Maximum number of stacks is now 10.

* Chronophantasma -- This Skill now uses the 50% damage reduction in all game modes.

* All's Well that Ends Well -- No longer heals. This now adds a pulse to wells. This pulse will be a copy of the last pulse.

* Well of Recall -- Aclacrity duration decreased from 5s to 2s.

* Well of Action -- Quickness duration decreased from 5s to 2s.

* Illusion of Life -- Removed invulnerability on ressurected targets.

* Mimic -- Increased aftercast by 1s.

* Ether Feast -- Now destroys all Clones. Healing per Clone is increased by 13%.

* Mirror Blade -- Reduced number of bounces from 3 to 2.

* Chaos Storm -- Removed Daze from the list of possible effects. Decreased Cooldown from 35 to 34s.

* Confusing Images -- Increased number of ticks from 7 to 13. Increased damage per tick by 27%.

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> @"MinervaPiton.2097" said:

> Jaunt: CD reduced to 0, also charges reduced to 0 :disappointed: :P

> jokes aside, hopefully they won't destroy mesmer based on kitten "OP" forum posts but they work on something that makes sense


If this was any other company I would give them the benefit of a doubt. But Anet balance team has been on a special kind of bull as of late

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IH - clones no longer have mirage cloak when you dodge. ICD 10sec.

Deceptive evasion - when you dodge while having one clone up, you create a clone.

IA - range reduced to 450, no longer give access to mirage cloak.

Phantasmal Warder - number of hits reduced to 6x (too strong on USA!)

Mirage cloak - when you dodge while cc'ed you get 3sec exhaustion. (too much of a hassle to remove the ability to dodge while cc'ed)

Imagined Burden - damage reduced: 50%

Mental Anguish - damage reduced to 5% and 10% vs inactivity


Edit: Clones hp reduced by 50% (thanks for the idea monkeygeous - "why the clones have so much health it's ridiculous")

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