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Too Many Legendaries

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> @"sereniity seven.5603" said:

> Anet should of kept the precursor crafting method over questing . Tooo many people have legendarys and they really don’t even hold value as they once did !


Given that precursor crafting have never been significantly cheaper than buying them from the TP, and are now in fact *more* expensive for most of them, I very much doubt the crafting is the cause of the low precursor prices.

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> @"sereniity seven.5603" said:

> Anet should of kept the precursor crafting method over questing . Tooo many people have legendarys and they really don’t even hold value as they once did !


I'm not convinced that the point of having legendary items is for their perceived value? I don't believe that Anet incorporated them for any sustained market value?

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > The current preview window, whilst needing improvements all round, works well enough to decide whether a legendary is something you are going to put a lot of work and time into.

> >

> > And for the record, the game is 100% absolutely, unequivocably **not** about legendaries and how many you own/equip. The days where players care about showing off legendaries have long since past- they are too common a sight to have any real meaning in that way. Players are more impressed with an overall look that may or may not include a legendary item.


> If it's "too common a sight", it's because they feel like they have to wear them instead of having them skinned over, further proving my point.


I currently have 8, I like the skins, if I didn't like the skins I would just make the Ascended equivalent, Easy Peasy, They are the same thing!

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There cant be too many of anything in an MMO where all players can make everything.

If you want items that only some players but not all can have , then there must be some method of restricting the supply, and thats simply not possible in an MMO, unless the use of the RNG is a component of the crafting process, and who would want this.

ie you could require that one of the components to make a legendary could only be obtained from Black Lion Chests with an extremely low drop rate.



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*shrug* sorta OT but i just hate them on the principle of being bad with money (RL included). Say what you want about WoW, and while it's gone downhill (hell WoW made me switch back to GW after not playing since 2013), in WoW you do the hardest content in game and you just get the shiniest stuff, be it top ranked PvP or Mythic Raids you'll get stuff like spikier, shinier armor maybe a unique weapon skins, definetly a unique mount of some kind, and every other expansion the hard stuff is usually soloable because of the power creep so the shinny stuff becomes more way more easily accessible. Precursor crafting might have made it more reliable to get a Legendary, i dono if "easier" is the term i'd use. There's a few mounts i think i can count on both hands that were added as intentional gold sinks but those are more utilitarian than cosmetic (for those that don't know the mounts carry around stuff like vendors, repair and recently a "tp" merchant). I know i have neither the knowledge or... "cutthroutyness" to play the tp, hell for some stuff order / sell prices are within a couple of copper. I tryed using external sites and i'm pretty sure people manipulate those to to get idiots like me to waste gold. Hell tryed selling a primordus torch yday cos i had some spare lodestones gathering dust and within 12 hours the price went from like 35g listing to 15g *shrug*. I don't even know what that acomplishes, someone bought a few thousand lodestones 5 years ago and is unloading like a quarter now the rest in another 20 years?...


I just wish there'd be a hard boss or something with random modifiers (kinda like a personal fractal or something) you could bang your head on daily and he'd drop a legendary piece and in i dono 45-60 pieces you'd have a skin. Or hell just added some "legendary pieces" to fractals / raids / ranked pvp. (for those thinking "wait that IS how you make legendaries, i mean a goldless way).


I do understand OP in the sens that if i ever have the dumb luck to get like an auric elixir or invi boots or something and flip those for a legendary i'm sure as hell never taking that skin off as it'd be my only chance to get it.


*Shrug* i know i'm a baby at "only" ~1000hrs played since 2012 i know i'm whineing and i know most people don't care. *shrug* gameplay's fun and it keeps my attention for a while, but i dono something about the only significant progression being cosmetic and the only factor of that being economic strikes me as so... "asian". It's why i stopped playing back then, when freaking ascended gear didn't even exist i was like "ok, whelp, i've run all the dungeons and their paths, done 100% world completion, pvped for a few hundred hours and i have BiS gear... the only thing left is that shinny stick over there that'll take like 6 months to a year of targeted farming to get... hmmm... i'm out"

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> @"Poweroftwo.4631" said:

> I just wish there'd be a hard boss or something with random modifiers (kinda like a personal fractal or something) you could bang your head on daily and he'd drop a legendary piece and in i dono 45-60 pieces you'd have a skin.

That's pretty much how it works already. It's just that the "pieces" can be used for whatever you like, so you have to carefully save up.


To be fair, it's more than 2 months of a single boss to earn enough for a legendary, but not necessarily a lot more. First gen l-weapons run from 1400 buy offer to 2600 sell. Farms can net you 20g/hour (depending), so let's call that 10g/hour, which means 140 to 260 hours. At 2 hours/day, that's 70 to 130 calendar days. You can speed that up a lot by spending more time, or being more efficient. Or you can slow it down by not being careful with your spending (or how you sell on the TP), or not focusing on "farming."

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Poweroftwo.4631" said:

> > I just wish there'd be a hard boss or something with random modifiers (kinda like a personal fractal or something) you could bang your head on daily and he'd drop a legendary piece and in i dono 45-60 pieces you'd have a skin.

> That's pretty much how it works already. It's just that the "pieces" can be used for whatever you like, so you have to carefully save up.


> Farms can net you 20g/hour (depending), so let's call that 10g/hour, which means 140 to 260 hours. At 2 hours/day, that's 70 to 130 calendar days. You can speed that up a lot by spending more time, or being more efficient. Or you can slow it down by not being careful with your spending (or how you sell on the TP), or not focusing on "farming."


Ye but that's sorta my point in other games, to give another example, warframe so i don't bang the WoW drum, you just play the content of wich difficulty your confortable with and eventually a shinny thing pops out.


GW doesn't really have "passive" income as a concept, there's so many layers to stuff and i don't think i know a quarter of them. Like poeple say Istan is ~30g an hour i think i've made 20g in istan in ~4 hours and 10 of that was 2 Maws of the Damned poping up. "Doing" a farm won't really net you gold there's so many rules - salvage this, don't salvage that, open this, don't open that, ok, open that but on a lower level character (you have a character slot for that right?) , ok you can open that to but only after you've eaten this ... makes my head hurt. Like after running "alot" of the HoT Metas cos i was just catching up mastery xp, i capped out a few times on t5 materials, ok initially i figured out, sure i can use stones to turn them into t6, then i sold the t6 stuff. Like a month later i found out those t6 mats could be turned into... things *cough* scholar runes *cough* for a few hundred % the profit, then i cused for a while cos i sold like 50 elaborate totems thinkin "this is ok money". Or RIBA, i kept capping daily on stuff like silk and mithril whined about that then a guildy asked "what level are you opening the bags on?" i asked what he ment and some more cusing follows... i'm slowly learning that doing what comes natural to make gold is pretty much the worse possible idea.



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> @"Poweroftwo.4631" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Poweroftwo.4631" said:

> > > I just wish there'd be a hard boss or something with random modifiers (kinda like a personal fractal or something) you could bang your head on daily and he'd drop a legendary piece and in i dono 45-60 pieces you'd have a skin.

> > That's pretty much how it works already. It's just that the "pieces" can be used for whatever you like, so you have to carefully save up.

> >

> > Farms can net you 20g/hour (depending), so let's call that 10g/hour, which means 140 to 260 hours. At 2 hours/day, that's 70 to 130 calendar days. You can speed that up a lot by spending more time, or being more efficient. Or you can slow it down by not being careful with your spending (or how you sell on the TP), or not focusing on "farming."


> Ye but that's sorta my point in other games, to give another example, warframe so i don't bang the WoW drum, you just play the content of wich difficulty your confortable with and eventually a shinny thing pops out.

In GW2, the difference is: you can choose from the shiny thing of your choice. You can go to Istan or Silverwastes, or do fractals; you're not forced to do a specific thing 45-60 times.



> GW doesn't really have "passive" income as a concept,

On the contrary, it's mostly "passive" income. Stuff accumulates as a result of anything you do in the game, except chatting, sneezing, or waiting for loading screens.


> Like poeple say Istan is ~30g an hour i think i've made 20g in istan in ~4 hours and 10 of that was 2 Maws of the Damned poping up.

You'll notice first of all that I estimated 20g/hour and then cut that in half to allow for inefficiencies. Your reported rate of 5 gold/hour seems implausibly light **if** you are taking into account all the loot you get. To be fair, it's not always obvious that things like volatile magic (that drips slowly and directly into your wallet) is worth something.


Let me put it another way:

If you really want a legendary in this game, and want to limit yourself to roughly the same sort of effort/time commitment as you have in other games, you can do that. You might have to reset some of your habits from those other games. If it seems daunting, start a new thread asking for help in achieving your goal; there are lots of people who will provide ideas and tricks to speed you along.


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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> I would rather equip a legendary skin than an item I find more aesthetically pleasing because I'm not going to spend all that valuable time and money to get something, only to not wear it


You do understand, right, that others would also prefer to see a more "aesthetically pleasing" item on you, and couldn't care less about how hard you worked to get this atrocious.. thing you're proudly wearing? Or am I the only one who has to brace himself to not puke surfing a crowd bursting with hideously looking auras and awkward mess of forms and shapes which apparently should show somebody's status (for those few who can tell the difference between some legendary trash and an arbitrary cheesy sword from a regular karma merchant)? Sorry, couldn't hold it to myself any longer.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> It's interesting that a horizontal progression game has managed to avoid all lashback in implementing a gear treadmill like every other MMO's.


Legendaries have exactly the same stats as ascended so maybe you'd like to elaborate on you comment?

They are just expensive and time consuming to get skins,nothing more,and from my experience likely to sit in your back pack and not in your equipment

slots after a while.

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I have over 30 legendaries. Why because i like the freedom to create different builds on the fly especially when new stats come out. I like fact that i can switch sigils and runes without losing them. Wish i was an anet partner with a fanbase so i can have people happily give me mats and such so i could obtain them all. But im not so i have to save for 3 months before i can create something new. Which is fine and gives me something to always do.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Taste is subjective, so legendaries aren't necessarily the best-looking items in the game... however, due to the effort in obtaining one (and the subsequent status that that brings), I would rather equip a legendary skin than an item I find more aesthetically pleasing because I'm not going to spend all that valuable time and money to get something, only to not wear it. And with each expansion, classes get to equip more weapon types, which means more legendaries. Yup--this game is now about who has the most legendaries on. (And yes, I am fashion-ing for others to see how prestigious I am, not just for myself. I would never go through all the trouble of getting a legendary if I couldn't show it off to others.)


My legendary armour and Backpack have both been reskinned to others i prefer. I got them for the changeability of stats not the look, my bow and sword on the other hand look very cool and i use them but my GS for instance uses Cobalt despite having a few legendary skins available, same with Scepter, freebie Wayward wand all the way. Its all about how it looks to me, I don't really give a kitten about what others think of my look (Cobalt fits perfect with requiem armour on my Norn DH :) )

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"sereniity seven.5603" said:

> > Anet should of kept the precursor crafting method over questing . Tooo many people have legendarys and they really don’t even hold value as they once did !


> I'm not convinced that the point of having legendary items is for their perceived value? I don't believe that Anet incorporated them for any sustained market value?


Well the first generation ones you can sell at the TP. Second generation you can't. I personally prefer how the second generation is because selling legendary weapons never sat well with me. That just cheapens the whole concept. At least for the second generation you will have to do some effort yourself no matter what.

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> @"serialkicker.5274" said:

> Must be hard to play the game to impress others who you never met and probably never will. I don't feel like I have to carry any skin that doesn't fit my character. For example, I crafted Shining blade just for my mesmer and carry it only on mesmer. I don't have a slight urge to have it on my ele for example.


That mesmerizes me as well (pun intended ;P ). If anything, I find somebody wearing a tons of - supposedly - status items which don't even match their character and overall stile simply disgusting. It reminds me this :P - http://www.blacknews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/black_pimp.jpg (and pls, it's about stiles, not about skin color or race). Though it may actually be perceived a valid and finely crafted look, under specific circumstances, 95% of the time it just looks stupid, not pleasant to an eye and even lore-unfriendly (with certain items at least).


I don't feel an envy or respect when I see it (or whatever those people want me to feel), just want to puke (those infusion auras is a special hell of mine; I would pay for premium shop item which would allow you to not see them on other people at all, cases when somebody actually care to build their look around them in such way they wouldn't look simply atrocious are extremely rare). In most cases I can't even tell whether it's a legendary, or something from a karma merchant, or just a not very often used skin. Most of those items looks equally cheesy, generic and unappealing to my eye as most of the rest.

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