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Anet... These Chairs Need Some Help


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These Chairs are lovely and I do appreciate the work put into them but after chair number 3 or 4 I think it is now some one needs to bring this up if its not been done already.

I love chairs in mmo's probably more so than I should and its a shame that such lovely ones dont look good on larger races because they aren not scaled big enough and the same cramped seating positions are used on them in most cases.


We really need.. Large scaling on chairs for bigger races (norn / charr) almost every chair released sense they became a new personal toy to use has been too small on these two races in particularly.


The Club chair (most recent release) looks rather large when you preview it in the novelty window but once you actually sit in the chair it way too small for charr and norn even at their smaller sizes.


For example Looking at a few other chairs

**Standard chair - For both Charr and Norn,**

- It looks fine... maybe even ok its a bit small but the sitting position makes it work rather nicely.


**Bench of the Final Judge - Charr specifically,**

- The chair is big enough how ever the sitting position is still slightly questionable (hands dont quite fit on the arm rest as smooth as they should the crossed legs clip way too hard)


**Emblazoned Dragon Throne - Charr specifically,**

- The chair is too small , the poor cats have to squeeze into it and the sitting position does not help... i guess if you want the "Cute cat in small chair look" it works (But this should not be the case for the majority of chairs)


**Night Watch Stool - Perfect for everyone.**

- This chair despite its small size works nicely for every race Even on charr in most cases it wont feel like its too small likely due to the sitting position


**Festive Harvest Chair - Nice for Every one** (slightly too seasonal for my taste though)

- This chair is nice for every race, the sitting positions for norn and charr (larger races) work very well for it and its has enough room to look like its something they could sit on.


**Desert King Throne - Charr specifically**

- The chair is sized nicely for all races (just barely) how ever the recycled pose for charr on this charr makes them look crammed into it. The pose is just not very fitting to the powerful look of the chair. Good chair, Bad sitting pose.


**Club Chair - Charr again... and norn too** (at least the male norn)

- Once again this chair is scaled way to small for the larger races. I want it but refuse to buy another chair that looks like its going to cause my characters pain sitting into. Their really is no reason these chairs should be this small on larger races. To make it worse the sitting positions make them look like they are squeezing into it. Another recycled sitting position thats really not a good one for these larger guys.


The chairs are designed for human sized characters models and not being scaled up to norn and charr sized models. To make matters worse crammed poses are recycled slightly too much for some of these chairs that make the chairs smaller size look even worse.


Please... Please... **PLEASE** scale up smaller chairs in the future so that they look nicer on larger races at least that way some of the base recycled sitting positions like Charr and Norn on Club chair or Dragon Throne at least look decent.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Im not sure they can change it. Im sure i saw a quote that basically said this was all they could do be ause of how it links to the mount system


Well its not so so much that the chairs use the mount system. The chairs do scale according to character height size as mounts do, but only very slightly, Not enough to make the chairs look good on larger races.

I think it would be more of matter of making 2 chair files and have charr and norn point to the larger scaled chair while other races point to the smaller chair when you go to use them. Yes its slightly more work because most chairs would have to have a big and a small render and some races would need specific codes on pointing to which chair to summon from the games files but it would be nice.


Im sure it would be just as bad if the majority of chairs were made by the scale of Charr and Norn making them look incredibly over sized on humans sized models and outrageously big on asura models. Even more so if they continued to use the same recycled sitting positions that didn't make use of the chairs larger size and or design.


Like i really love the look of the club chair but i just cant bring myself to buy it knowing how my characters would look sitting int it due to its under scaled size. Im glad I was able to see some one else using the chair before i spontaneously bought it because I would have been disappointed greatly as stated it looks huge in the preview window but is outrageously small in use.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> mounts have it worse, a chair is just that, a chair.

> however, if i have to look at a charr riding a small lizard instead of a frikin dinosaur it's time they scale it properly, i pity the little guy.


Actually the mounts are not that bad. Even Raptor mount for most charr is sized ok ish.... about the only mount that really annoys me is the Roller's Saddle because it is actually too small for charr and norn alike.


Raptors, Jackals, Skimmers, etc are ok imo. Even more so when moving As some one who has several different sized charr and a norn or two and uses mounts every day I would say they are not so bad.... no where near as bad as those chairs.

Not to mention the dreadnought raptor skin option (I dont use it but ive seen charr on it) its literally the kind of raptor they would use and they are significantly bulkier than the standard raptors from what I can tell at least from looking at the legs which are not covered in armor.


Now if we could just get maybe a few chairs that are made with the Charr or norn in mind first before human then we might be ok. Right now too many chairs are human focused so they look bad on bigger races.


Asura's really get the short end of the stick because they will look small no matter what chair is made unless anet specifically makes a cultural chair for them. But as an asura you look cute on those big chairs or like a bad-ace which is not a bad thing. But when the situation is reversed aint nothing cute about a big charr or norn trying to sit in a chair 3 sizes to small after its done the first 2 or 3 times at this point it's a bit frustrating... oh boy new chair welp.. cant fit in it.


I mean this aint the biggest issue in the game but still its becoming a trend that needs to be stopped.


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> @"Maria Murtor.7253" said:

> The Pile of Gold is the worst: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/57569/clipping-luxurious-pile-of-gold#latest


It took theme ages just to fix how charr tails act when sitting in that position by the way. It use to flex in reverse and way too much it was BAD looking really BAD

But regardless if its chair that you get for working hard at end game content for free or one you spend money for the issue is the same. We need less recycled sitting positions or properly scaled chairs. Same can be said for new mounts that come in the future.

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> @"mbrentz.3674" said:

> I noticed today that when a charr and a sylvari sit side by side with the club chair, the sylvari's chair is actually significantly bigger than the charr's chair. This is surely not the way it was intended.


It depends on the character creation height, if the chairs scale the same way Mounts do. A tallest Sylvari's chair will be bigger than a shortest Charr's chair.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"mbrentz.3674" said:

> > I noticed today that when a charr and a sylvari sit side by side with the club chair, the sylvari's chair is actually significantly bigger than the charr's chair. This is surely not the way it was intended.


> It depends on the character creation height, if the chairs scale the same way Mounts do. A tallest Sylvari's chair will be bigger than a shortest Charr's chair.


Yup and also possibly that a maxe size Sylvari will still look smaller in the chair due to more of the chair being revealed around them as apposed to charr.


A max size Sylvari sitting next to a max size charr (in height) the chairs will be the same size how ever

- the smaller human like frame plus sitting position of the Sylvari will make the chair seems bigger than what it is. Overall it just looks nice

- the larger models that the charr are made from take up more space reducing the amount of chair you see ( from the front) the cramped sitting position given with this specific chair makes it seem a bit smaller too making the chair appear to be smaller even if its the same size as another race of max height sitting in it.


So its a combination of sitting position + chair simply not scaling harder with larger races which would require some custom code work for norn and charr to be honest.


I would be fine with them not even fixing some of the chairs i pointed out so long as in the future charr and norn get some chairs that are made to their base models and don't look ridiculously small when they sit in them. Sure it means they will look too big on other races but hey..... win some lose some maybe? Or fix them to be fun for everyone ;)

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