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New players torment the patience of old players


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New players torment the patience of old players

What should I do if the old player’s psychological endurance reaches the limit?

When a person does one thing and does it many times, but because the teammates have no meaningful behavior, it becomes meaningless. Whose fault is this? Is the fault of my teammates my fault?

Pvp should calculate scores according to the individual system. Should not share punishment with the wrong teammates.

Why do designers not consider the psychological endurance of old players?

If you don't team up for two people, one person fails 100 times? 1000 times 2000 times? Would you still say it is simple? This is enough to let a person leave the world.


This is just a data for the game designer. When a person is desperate, it will become more uninspired in reality. I feel that the game developer team brings us the pvp feeling. Maybe the development team does not want the player's strength to surpass them. , curved road, the front car will never let you go over

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What happens when a person encounters this bad team system?

Breaking things? Quarreling with family and friends? Think of Guild Wars 2pvp is a good game?

Value Know what value is? The value of Guild Wars 2pvp is endless luck.

The atmosphere of the purpose of each player playing the game is different.

Not everyone can calmly accept multiple failures

The root cause of these failures is sometimes not here.

But the rules of the game are problematic.

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At the risk of edging into philosophy - without failure, how can a person learn?

I got called names and raged at in my second-ever PVP game (so, naturally, I *was* quite bad...because I was still learning the ropes - and yes, this was unranked). Should I have given up then because I was annoying veteran players? I didn't give up. PVP is something I quite enjoy doing now. I have failed many, *many* times (and since I've been away for a few months because of real-life obligations, I'll probably fail even more when I get back into the game), but every time I shrug it off, learn from my mistakes, and keep soldiering on.


But I guess I should have quit a long time ago because I annoyed people back then.

Weren't you new at PVP once, too?

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Everyone has to learn, whether it is from other players experience or failures. When someone goes at lord at 250-250, keeps chasing one guy, keep dying, or whatever, i usually try to adapt and find a tactic if we can still win, or give advice on what to not do.


That being said, if i understood the OP point, i would agree in the sense that i'm not expecting these kind of moves to happen regularly in gold division. Maybe placement games shouldn't skyrocket low experienced players..

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Though the text is kinda confusing I believe he speaks about the MM system evaluating (and matching) players without taking into consideration individual performance. I have also supported the idea of a more transparent evaluation system, capable of both rewarding the 'try hard' or punishing the AFKer. I guess this is much of work for the devs but this would be a system that would put them ahead of the competition and give sPvP a new meaning.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> Sounds like yet another PvPer making excuses for their toxicity and blaming Arenanet for their inability to control their own emotions.


> Man up and show some class.


> Everyone can calmly accept multiple failures. Some people just choose not to and blame others for this choice.


No one in the world can repeatedly accept the failure of teammates.

As long as his heart is meat, he will feel sad.

I don't think you are the one who can do it.

When was the last time you cried? No one will always be happy.

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It would be easier to stop caring about rank tbh, rank is disgustingly hollow nowadays since abjured, all the old EU teams, and all the old players who played this game and took it seriously are all gone because of ANET's failure in the past.


The only thing that matters is whether you win cash prize in tournaments or not, but we don't get tournaments anymore. Just stop letting ranking get to you, it's a hollow accomplishment nowadays, Even getting legend is as empty as it get:. You don't get cash prize, you don't get to put food on the table, that's why @OP stop caring about rank.


There's no point in getting worked up anymore when ESL dropped the game and still hasn't took it back. It's literally all about having fun at this point and yes new players will mess your game, but it's just easier to accept that ques are RNG and just laugh at people who say that rank matters when it doesn't.

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The ranked matchmaking system is quite good. It will eventually sort things out.


* No matter of your skill level, you will statistically win around 50% of the games in the long run.

* By random chances, you will get terrible matches and terrible teams. Especially if lower ranked.

* When you get paired with lesser players, you will most likely lose. But this *will* lower your ranking and causes you to get slightly easier matches. Of course, you may be unlucky and get more bad matches, but bad luck never lasts and because you now have a too low ranking for your player skill level, you get easier matches and winning sprees again.

* Yes, players can be terrible, go AFK, leave or not show up. But the chance of this happening to your team is the same as it happening to your enemy. Just report if they are AFK or botting, make the best of it and go to the next match.

* Winning sprees occur when your ranking gets below your player skill level, losing sprees occur when your ranking is too high for your player skill level. Sit it out, it will solve itself. Always.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> The ranked matchmaking system is quite good. It will eventually sort things out.


> * No matter of your skill level, you will statistically win around 50% of the games in the long run.

> * By random chances, you will get terrible matches and terrible teams. Especially if lower ranked.

> * When you get paired with lesser players, you will most likely lose. But this *will* lower your ranking and causes you to get slightly easier matches. Of course, you may be unlucky and get more bad matches, but bad luck never lasts and because you now have a too low ranking for your player skill level, you get easier matches and winning sprees again.

> * Yes, players can be terrible, go AFK, leave or not show up. But the chance of this happening to your team is the same as it happening to your enemy. Just report if they are AFK or botting, make the best of it and go to the next match.

> * Winning sprees occur when your ranking gets below your player skill level, losing sprees occur when your ranking is too high for your player skill level. Sit it out, it will solve itself. Always.


Well it always can get better, like becoming more accurate regarding individual performance thus being a deciding factor for issues like AFK players or those who carry games repeatedly. I don't think it's that simple like saying "it will solve itself, always". That is why most serious players (very common in top ranks) duo-Q because they simply don't trust the current MM engine.

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I can agree that it would be nice to see more individualised rewards, but...

If we're talking about ranked, theoretically new players who don't know what they're doing won't be matched with veterans who have ranked up in accordance with their knowledge/skill. If you've been playing for years and are still being matched with new players, maybe it's you who has to learn.

If we're talking about unranked, why would you expect serious gameplay from casual players? Unranked exists specifically so that people can take part, just do dailies, test out new builds, etc. - it's bound to be full of people who don't know what they're doing. So don't play it if that bothers you.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> The ranked matchmaking system is quite good. It will eventually sort things out.


> * No matter of your skill level, you will statistically win around 50% of the games in the long run.

> * By random chances, you will get terrible matches and terrible teams. Especially if lower ranked.

> * When you get paired with lesser players, you will most likely lose. But this *will* lower your ranking and causes you to get slightly easier matches. Of course, you may be unlucky and get more bad matches, but bad luck never lasts and because you now have a too low ranking for your player skill level, you get easier matches and winning sprees again.

> * Yes, players can be terrible, go AFK, leave or not show up. But the chance of this happening to your team is the same as it happening to your enemy. Just report if they are AFK or botting, make the best of it and go to the next match.

> * Winning sprees occur when your ranking gets below your player skill level, losing sprees occur when your ranking is too high for your player skill level. Sit it out, it will solve itself. Always.


The thing you're not considering is the season restarts. You get terrible matchs from time to time, compensated by " easier " matchs, that's a fact though you have to play a lot of matchs to get over these luck/unluck periods.


Bad luck never lasts if you keep a season over 2 years. At some point, most afkers will be in silver, most gold complainers will be at their deserved spot, most beginners who jumped to plat will be back to their spot, etc.. However, since they keep shuffling everyone at +/-150 rating every 3 months, you get the idea why all these problems still occur a lot.

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