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Desert shroud


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I just have two questions, one concerning the title. Desert shroud description says pulsing torment around necro and shades (2torment/second). When i test it on a golem the shade only strikes with its autoattack 7 times. If i stand next to the golem it is also pulsing the 2torment/second on top. Is it a bug that the shade itself does not affect the 2 torment/pulse here? Second thing i have noticed is that torment rune 6th bonus is not applied with sand flare. I guess this is a bug?

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Your character is the only one casting desert shroud. Your shades cast a renamed version of manifest sand shade. Because the attack from manifest stacks you will get multiple hits per pulse. Not sure why it's designed this way though.


On activation you and all your shades pulse MSS and you also pulse DS got a total of up to 5 hits , then up to 4 hits every pulse there after.

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> @Patrick.2987 said:

> But tooltip on f5 says pulsing necrotic energy around you and your sandshades with the 2 torment+2cripple. This seems to be the intended way.


Thats what the tooltip says. I'm just describing exactly how the skill currently functions. Im unsure why they did it but it seems they dont know what to do with it just yet since between the beta and live all they did was change the name of attack shades use during F5 to DS instead of MSS like it was in beta. A cover up.


Wonder what they are going to do with it though because either way its not right and the only thing i consider unintended.

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Honestly it needs to go back to pulsing around the shades its the only good anti wall siege necros have. it typically requires set up to mantain the wall pressure on a necro too since you need to tag the npc that keep spawning with your marks for LF or dagger the gate to get the LF to keep using that ability.

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