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Bounty Feedback [merged]

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> @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > > @Ohoni.6057 said:

> > > One thing about rewards, I've gotten a few bounties where I get these tablets for beating them? A different tablet for each boss? What sort of inventory nightmare is this? Either have a deposit tab for them or make it so there is only one of them so they can stack better, not separate tablets for each boss you fight.

> >

> > The Legendary Mosaic Elegies are collection items you can discard once you've received them.


> That is made clear nowhere in the game.


Nothing is clear in this game... I don't even know what loot I'm getting.

I've been struggling to teach a friend who joined this game last week just basic stuff on the starter maps. He has no idea how gear works, didn't know how to clear inventory bags or how salvaging works, he's asking me about a sprint button and all sorts of weird crap. Had to explain boons to him, also fields and finishers, waypoints and hot keys for simple things like Map. He's starting to get there but it's hard keeping him interested in the game when he's got no clue what he is doing.

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Bounties were one of the new and few features they advertised with the expansion and they seem to be completely lackluster. The primary reason I see people not wanting to do them is the complete lack of reward incentive.


Mechanically I think the bounties are fine, but they give you drops that are so poor you'd be better off killing random npcs in the meantime. The only unique thing they give you is a treasure hunting kit that leads you to buried treasure that once again rarely gives you anything good. The best thing it gives you is a sunspear skin which is incredibly rare to obtain from it and you can easily get it off the tp.


I think adding a series of achievements or collections to the bounties along with implementing some unique drops to them would make people more interested.


1. Unique items being skins(Weapons/armor), mini's, perhaps a rare drop infusion on some of the legendary ones, or a guild hall decoration.

2. Achievements that are structured around killing certain bounties.

3. Collections.

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Mechanically I dont think bounties are great either. They are just a glorified champ train and require no hunting, coordination or effort at all really. So its difficult to justify upping the rewards that much for anything except the legendaries because then its just free gold. I just think they need to be looked at overall again. I saw a good idea on another post to tie a map meta to bounties where to had to complete bounties to fill a bar, to spawn a meta event with epic loot, which seemed nice.


Edit: Idea credit to bOTEB.1573


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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> I don't know about others, but Veilrender (mirage axe) collection has you killing one specific bounty for a drop. It's not like bounties are just thrown out there, there are some achievements and items tied to them.


Yes, that's one of the problems: collections are gated behind content that a lot of people don't want to bother with.

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> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> Mechanically I dont think bounties are great either. They are just a glorified champ train and require no hunting, coordination or effort at all really. So its difficult to justify upping the rewards that much for anything except the legendaries because then its just free gold. I just think they need to be looked at overall again. I saw a good idea on another post to tie a map meta to bounties where to had to complete bounties to fill a bar, to spawn a meta event with epic loot, which seemed nice.


This could be really nice, i like that idea. Kind of like a boss rush mode or something.


> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > I don't know about others, but Veilrender (mirage axe) collection has you killing one specific bounty for a drop. It's not like bounties are just thrown out there, there are some achievements and items tied to them.


> Yes, that's one of the problems: collections are gated behind content that a lot of people don't want to bother with.


Well you can probably always find some party to take down the bounty you need. There's a lot of stuff to do in the desert, and people are doing it it's just, everyone rushed to the expansion, completed all the story, map unlocks and half of the achievements withing the first week and now all of those people are burned out on the expansion and they suddenly don't like it and 10000 things are bad all of a sudden.


I'm taking my time with the expansion and honestly, the desert is beautiful, the story interesting and events there fun. I don't really see the problem. Also Confusion shatterer mirage is sick lol, i haven't had this much fun with a build since i discovered the mesmer class in core game.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> I don't know about others, but Veilrender (mirage axe) collection has you killing one specific bounty for a drop. It's not like bounties are just thrown out there, there are some achievements and items tied to them.


Yeah thats true I guess.


What I mean though is that bounties were implemented as sort of one of the new features in this expac and it seems like they are underdeveloped as a system. Needs more structure. I heard one person suggest a currency for bounties.


I've wanted bounty like systems in gw2 for a really long time, so I was excited when I heard about it. I just think it needs more work for it to be something people really find incentive to do.


Reward wise and content wise it needs improvement in the future.


I really hope Anet doesn't just leave this behind like they did with other systems like guild missions. They have a bad habit of creating a new type of content and then just giving up on it early on if it doesn't work the way they want it to.


1. Better liquid rewards(gold, xp, karma maybe).

2. Maybe a bounty specific currency that would apply game wide with future bounties

3. Unique rewards per bounty. Like I said, skins(armor, weapons), infusions, lots of possibilities.

4. Tie more of them to collections. A few already exist.

5. Change them content wise a bit maybe. Maybe they could have pre-events attached to you take the contract to start and then one or two short events lead to the correct location of the bounty.

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> @Veprovina.4876 said:

> Well you can probably always find some party to take down the bounty you need. There's a lot of stuff to do in the desert, and people are doing it it's just, everyone rushed to the expansion, completed all the story, map unlocks and half of the achievements withing the first week and now all of those people are burned out on the expansion and they suddenly don't like it and 10000 things are bad all of a sudden.


> I'm taking my time with the expansion and honestly, the desert is beautiful, the story interesting and events there fun. I don't really see the problem. Also Confusion shatterer mirage is sick lol, i haven't had this much fun with a build since i discovered the mesmer class in core game.


I found it easier to join a train than get help for a specific bounty. Sure, it's not ideal and you may have to ride the train for a while before you get to the bounty you want but you can get some loot, currency, and EXP along the way (not even gonna get into an argument about if the loot is "good"; that's a subjective argument I want no part of).


Other than that, I agree. I made the mistake of rushing through some things and I'm starting to feel the burn but I'm not gonna complain about it because the only person I have to blame for that rush is myself. I can still find things to do though and when/if I do get done with PoF, I can always go to another part of the game and have fun. :)

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My problem with bounties is that there's not a single one that's "fun" enough to do more often than needed for collections and/or achievements. You may want to do the legendary ones more often for the elegy currency, but the champions? Not worth the bother. For people to repeat content, it has to be fun, or rewarding. Preferably both. Bounties are not that.

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The whole PoF expansion is way easier than HoT for example.


About the bounties:


1. You complete each of them for 5-8 min, rare cases 10.

2. Most trains auto attack them mindlessly without any tactic or coordination and they still succeed.

3. There are people that burst them once and afk a little away from them and get their rewards in 5 mins.


With the above said, how can you expect them to have better rewards? If they give better rewards, they will be more rewarding than HoT metas which have higher failure chance, much much more time to be done, involve many more people and much more coordination. Remember, people wanted easier content. You cant expect to have same rewards as the more difficult content. Every game works like that: Harder difficulty - better rewards.


Sorry but your logic is flawed - the rewards should stay like this.


> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> Mechanically I dont think bounties are great either. They are just a glorified champ train and require no hunting, coordination or effort at all really. So its difficult to justify upping the rewards that much for anything except the legendaries because then its just free gold. I just think they need to be looked at overall again. I saw a good idea on another post to tie a map meta to bounties where to had to complete bounties to fill a bar, to spawn a meta event with epic loot, which seemed nice.



That was my idea, thanks! But devs already said that PoF is not designed for map wide metas. Still, a boss fight with different stages will be neat.


Here is the thread:


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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @Veprovina.4876 said:

> > I don't know about others, but Veilrender (mirage axe) collection has you killing one specific bounty for a drop. It's not like bounties are just thrown out there, there are some achievements and items tied to them.


> Yes, that's one of the problems: collections are gated behind content that a lot of people don't want to bother with.


Where does this argument stop though. First adventures, meta events and now single champion events.


There will always be something in game-encompassing collections that players dont want to bother with.

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Bounties already are tied to certain achievements. But that doesn't help with the issue.


About a week ago, somebody suggested to weave the bounties into bigger meta events, which only triggers if people on the map worked together and did the respective bounties within the time limit (or whatever the directive might be).

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> I found it easier to join a train than get help for a specific bounty.


The main two problems are that we are not allowed to accept more than one bounty at the same time and that their exact spawn locations can vary, at least normal bounties. If there is no train, grab a bounty, get there to a save spot nearby, activate mentor/commander, announce it to be started in 10 Minutes and if it is the legendary bounty add that 10+ ppl are required for success (to encourage about 6 to 8 to join in reality). PoF maps are rather huge and even with mounts players who are doing something on the opposite side need a certain amount of time to finish what the're doing and after that to get to your location. I did this a few days ago on all maps without existing trains with the legendary bounties and most people also were willing to wait the 10 minutes or glad to have 10 minutes left to travel there. The only risk is, that a player who also has accepted the bounty advances too close to its spawn location and the event starts earlier, but most of the time they all waited in range.

All bounties appear again after 30 mins at the board, no matter whether won or lost before. If you can't see the scroll despite 30 mins passed, just relog/leave the map and return, then it should be visible.


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They're also repetitive (which makes them boring) and have brought back some of the most un-fun Diablo 3 mechanics (spinning lasers of death, combined with being locked in place. Ugh, I really didn't have to be reminded of that bollocks).


An entire bounty train just means killing the same few mechanics over time, just tossed onto another mob skin (not that you notice due to all the effects going on, if it wasn't for the portrait I wouldn't even know what I was fighting most of the time).


Now if they'd actually been real bosses or even just mobs with unique mechanics, that might have been interesting (like the Bandits in Kryta). But they're not, they're just a selection of the same mechanics distributed over a few different skins. Not that the latter bit matters, given all the special effects I wouldn't even know what I was fighting if it weren't for the enemy's portrait...

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> Tying the bounties to the meta's would kill the maps faster than you can suggest a fix for it.


> If we learned nothing else from pre-HoT rework it should be this lesson, locking stuff behind meta's and timers is bad.


I dont think the idea is to lock anything behind a meta, just add additional rewards and maybe 1 boss.

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> Can't solo them, and can't even see them in trains among all the visual clutter. And getting to the bounties is just plain tedious. I don't think that better rewards would fix those.


I see you have not played a perma evade mirrage yet. They can solo Bounty Champions ;)

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Bounties should get more rewarding the more you run them. Maybe every 5 or 10 you get a chance at extra loot.


And they should have mini achievements for players to attempt to complete with each fight for even more rewards (must score Gold to achieve). Things like: "Defeat bounty without being downed" and "Do 5% of the damage" or "Break more than 10% of the bar" or "Take less than 20,000 damage" etc... this rewards performance (so people who aren't just spamming 1 or AFKing) will get more rewards and it encourages players to play better, which benefits the group.

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