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> @"Zephyr.8015" said:

> The queue's will be insane during the week all the people wanting to come out and insta grab the new mount. Please I hope they've gated it behind some rank at least 1.5k+. But still overall I feel Anet is out of touch with its WvW community. A mount is nothing we wanted. We want proper balance for our individual game mode not just whatever you decide to give us the PvP or PvE balance. We were promised a new map a couple years back. Would be great if 1st,2nd, and 3rd place in each tier had its own map. Events during the weeks/weekends for the players. None of that equates to a mount. Gliding already makes navigating most maps a cake walk, most roamers already use faster classes, and zerg play has constant swiftness rolling. Mounts are entirely unneeded.


Nicely said.

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > > > This is absolutely not what I wanted, and judging by discord, _nobody_ wanted. Bravo Anet. Bravo.

> > >

> > > Nobody wanted gliding and yet it 100% improved DBL and is rather unimpactful if not slightly positive in other BLs.

> >

> > but nobody wanted DBL either.. i still avoid "red" bl like a plague nowadays.. So does every1 else just look up any server K/D ratio ull see red bl always has lowest K/D total no1 wants to be in this kitten map..

> >

> > DBL is like HoT maps and HoT maps are like these "mmorpgs" where u constantly run into a hill, and only way to get around hill is by following the god kitten madafaking road. i dont wanna follow a road i dont wanna run cus they designed a map with hills/mountains on both sides so im forced to take freaking path they created for me.

> > and thats why i prefer Blue and green borderland or even EB im not forced 90% of the time to run a certain way cus there is no other way beside kitten 5 min walk around god kitten hills.

> >

> > as for mount all wvw players where like oooh we get something nice and then its like u throw kitten in people face.

> > anet is like these monkeys in the zoo who poo in their own hands then throw it at the visitors.

> > congratz we as WvW community are so happy u have given us DBL's Gliding and now the amazing mounts, and that u have never touched the rest of wvw objectives/layout/new things to cap

> >

> > ty we love anet, hopefully i can buy some baller shiny skin from blacklion(? or w/e name store) i still have to buy glider aswell since im still using stock glider but im so happy now ima buy a glider right away also just to be with em cool guys with all these fancy useless skins!


> Totally disagree with that. It's not that people didn't want DBL. People were excited about it during the previews. What ended up happening is the map ended up being very bad for encouraging fights due to its size, that stupid oasis event in the center, falling damage (which killed more people than people killed people), and how confusing it was to navigate the map. For these reasons, people stopped playing there and very quickly. Anet fixed a lot of these things and unfortunately the damage has been done. People don't play there now, not because it's bad but because of PTSD, and other people who don't have this PTSD don't play there because no one else does.


> Mounts on the other hand are not necessarily a bad thing for wvw. What would have been bad is if any of the current 6 mounts in their pve-states were included in wvw. The main reason people don't want mounts in wvw is the mobility (which was the whole reason behind mounts in pve). Too much mobility means that a group of players already mounted could NOT be engaged/taken down by another group of players if the mounted players so felt like escaping.


> **This is something that could be controlled or balanced for in a wvw-only mount. Imagine if the wvw mount had very little health (6-10k), was susceptible to CC and conditions (unlike pve counterparts), had no mobility skills, save for maybe a 600-range leap engage attack (no CC attached, just mediocre damage), and base run speed was equivalent to out of combat + swiftness (which is the current cap of movement speed that a player can achieve in either pvp or wvw). If the mount worked like this, would that really be such a bad thing? If so, why?**




So in the last paragraph the mount serves no real purporses in that scenario but a glorified clutterer…

If it has little hp, one shotted, no mobility and just a range attack its just like that fire dog from the fire keep in dbl and I've used it at times and its underwhelming besides the skill 3 no dmg....


What it comes down too but yous don't seem to realize either make it relevant aka almost overpowered or else don't add another big thing to clutter up fps and wvw with...


Anyways theres no turning back now....

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> @"viniebc.9568" said:


> one have PEGI rating and the other ESRB, so they unlisted one vid to avoid the double upload on your feed



Well at the time I asked the stats/feedback on the UNlisted one were extremely negative and on the public one pretty much only positive so it seemed a reasonable question :). The public one seems more representational now so whatevs.

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Also I dunno what a lot of you expected. Alliances are the shadow looming over WvW and I always figured actual meaty changes to the game mode wouldn't happen until they are out anyway. No, adding a mount isn't a huge change. We're all playing in a stagnant pond right now and just have to wait it out. Before today I thought this was kinda understood by the community.

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Ive never seen wvw players agree more with eachother


Its adorable


Please guys wait IT out and panic next week

For the same reason only 1 can be summoned per map if You were catmander. But Lets not speculate on that


We can all agree pve restrictions and advantage of the mount would destroy the gamemode (ez towercap, 10k dmg on engage skill, everyone can mount everywere anywere, quicker movement etc.)


So Lets hold back for a second and enjoy mountless wvw and concern next friday


On the same page they might add more stuff which we asked for

The pve community is more interested in feeling a shiny hero, content van be adjusted to that


No downstate week was disastrous negative on reactions with argument 'roaming *snif*'. I had simmular thought, in the end i ended up winning more 2v1s Then ever and IT ended up zergs being more annoyed

I wasjt plzd in the start, but i was in the end


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of 185 comments, there has only been one in favor of the mounts and others, and as always anet is missing as Chuck Norris in missing in combat.


It is obvious that the wvw community was waiting for other changes and not a simple mount that we do not want this.


I think we deserve an explanation of what is promised to be implemented and is in the limbo of ... is costing us more than I thought, but to get a mount, that does not cost.


please do not deceive us anymore.

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Biggest disappointment so far... Seriously? Adding MOUNT to WvW is going to fix this game mode? Not enough this game mode already getting worse and worse FPS after every single patch, and now adding mounts will make this game better experience? What a joke, seriously. People were expecting some proper changes regarding WvW, like optimisations, something ACTUAL WvW related, but you guys came up with a mount. I don't get it, are you doing this on purpose, just so you have reason to close this abandoned game mode after killing the remaining player base, or what's the deal? Rather than making remaining wvw players happy and keeping them this mode enjoyable - creates mount and 100% will make some money money from gemstore skins.

Seems like WvW dev team, if such even exists, have no idea what the fuck they are doing, we seen the streams, some barely even understands how the game mode works, no idea what's meta what's not, 0 understanding what's going on in current WvW and how to fix the current issues that people were posting for fucking months.


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> @"Tomas.6092" said:

> Biggest disappointment so far... Seriously? .....................................................

People were expecting some proper changes regarding WvW, like optimisations, something ACTUAL WvW related, but you guys came up with a mount. I don't get it, are you doing this on purpose, just so you have reason to close this abandoned game mode after killing the remaining player base, or what's the deal?

> Pathetic.


I agree. Judging by the position we are in the living story (without any logical way out, except the "divine" intervention - well, if the divinity is not stripped by a bad guy) I'm inclined to think that Anet is searching for a way to banish all the players in order to have a good reason to shutdown the game.


On the other hand, this "change" brings back memories =). Do you remember EotM? With the _Mecha Siege Devourer_? Add to that devourer increased speed, a dismount attack and a skill granting invulnerability and superspeed and **voila!** - the new WvW mount. **EotM, welcome back! With pips, skirmish tickets and XP this time** =)


But, speaking of EotM, why this is not tested in EotM first, according to the own ANet statements? That EotM is the testing ground for the future WvW changes?


> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> For what its worth, balance patch will be incoming next week as well.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/68888/balance-update-coming-2-26-2019


It is funny - this is an invitation to discuss the impact the changes will have. But we have no idea about the power of the mount abilities. We cannot say a thing here.


But, I can say that the mounts will make the supplies worthless. Because you can now break the gates without any supply on the squad. Only by using the mounts. I expect videos with players successfully soloing the SMC =). So, from this point of view the devs can very well delete the gates from any objective. Also they can delete the resource counter in any objective - is not important anymore. Having achievements related with the dolyaks I think we can keep them.

By completing the (now incomplete in my opinion) skill 2 Pull gates with Break Walls, the entire siege industry will become obsolete. I think it will be even with the "incomplete" skill 2. Who will craft (or buy) rams if you can break the gates for free? I suggest a rework of the reward tracks - to eliminate the sieges from the tracks - nobody will use them. Also the siege vendors - replace their siege inventory with .... candy inventory? Tea? No matter.


In terms of combat - this may bring back the long awaited close combat meta. An entire zerg can use the third skill to land into the middle of the enemy zerg. Using the dismount attack they will be able to have a good advantage from the very beginning (the dismount skill should be made AoE, affecting 10 enemy and having a knockback/stun/daze effect too). Good bye the preparation for push. The battle will be decided by the first jump. Followed by the dismount attack.


How will the HP work? If the mount is "killed" you are dismounted with full health? Or you are downed too?


Conclusion - Remove the gates. Remove the supplies. Keep the camps/towers/keeps only for capture. For me - time to gear a strong close combat toon =) Or to leave WvW. I will decide next week.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> * monetization for WvW (good excuse to add some resources into wvw)

> * indirect nerf to oneshot roamers

> * new wvw reward

> * forum salt


> i love this new mount


if you believe the money coming from wvw mount skins will go into developing wvw you're delusional like those saying the same about gliding 2 years ago


the mode ain't in much better state is it? gliding didn't fix shit

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This is in response to those that think we're overreacting, and shouldn't be voicing our displeasure over mounts on the forums.


What exactly do you guys think forums are for? to only sing their praises? I mean reddit already has half their front page plastered with art and fashion...

Forums are communication from player to developer and usually it's driven by problems in a game, that's the only reason most people would need to visit a forum for. It's up to the company to check the forums, reddit, twitter, facebook and whatever other social media outlets they have to check the pulse of the community.


The wvw community in the wvw forum want positive changes for their game mode, not more money grabbing at the chance of destroying the mode even more. Balance for classes? nope sorry big numbers more important for pve. Balance for meta? nope sorry elite specs sell expansions. Templates? nope not worth the time. New map? nope we queued out for expansion and living story maps. Population balance? get back to you in 7 years, 4 years of ignoring, 3 years of links, alliance development into 2 years. Upgrade old maps? nope artist busy with black lion stuff. Lag? can't do anything about it. New game play? nope the one wvw dev already busy with alliances.


We've been given skirmish mode, upgraded rewards with ascended gear and legendary stat swapping, and the legendary back piece, reward tracks, ppk, also a map that most didn't like and took like a year to make it playable to some, some siege balance, bloodlust ruins, guild upgrades tossed back into guild halls with a material wall to earn once again, tactics and banners that were interesting but broke some things in wvw. Doesn't really seem like it's enough after 7 years. I am thankful for most of those things.


Lastly, not even close to the most dramatic community, there are other companies that have screwed up their games even worse and given the appropriate backlash for it. If a company cannot take the bad feedback with the good, they will never improve their product. I understand why Anet feels the need to implement this at this point in the games life. What I don't like is Anet not taking proper care of the game aside from pve for so many years, from development to communication, giving no priorities to wvw, but we're suppose to be happy when they decide to implement their current platform for selling skins into wvw. They should have at least left off those abilities and maybe more would have been ok with it.



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> @"eldrjth.7384" said:

> Well as someone who rarely plays WvW it seems like good news to me: I hate having to return to the battle on foot after dying which can take 5+min sometimes. I need to hear some arguments on why this is bad. Maybe bad for small group roamers? but doesnt it allow for you to take camps faster too? That thing looked liked it moved fast making it not necessary to have +movespeed/swiftness/movement skills when ooc but that could just be the video. Yeah there will prob be mount skins for this for sure hehe, I hope its not exclusive to WvW either tbh.


Taking a while to get back to a big fight and having to be smart about map movement so as to not get ganked was literally part of the play for WvW. Its not just about how fast you can get back to the fight but IF you even could. Roaming sniping parties were key for controlling the overall battlefield/map. Having ways to by pass those things outright trivializes the game mode. That is bad for WvW. Furthermore, allowing campflippers to get across a map even faster with the movement abilities makes trying to hold and defend camps even more trivial and just breaks the game mode even more. There is absolutely nothing this mount brings to the game mode that will improve it.

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The issue I see, other than people are jumping to conclusions with little to no information, is that players are perpetuating the notion that WvW development is a zero-sum game, as in, because this mount will be added, no other resources have been devoted to WvW and nothing else will change. There is no evidence to support that position, though I will grant you, many have said they base their assumption on ANETs previous actions with regards to WvW; but past behaviour is not a 100% guarantee of future action.


I personally don't think mounts are needed for WvW, and I am concerned that it will have a negative impact on the game, but I'm still excited for a new mount, and I'll wait and see what impact it has on the game and go from there. If the mount does break the game mode and make it no longer fun to play, I won't. If that means ultimately I leave GW2, I will...and no, you can't haz my stuff.


The world will continue to turn regardless.



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> @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > * monetization for WvW (good excuse to add some resources into wvw)

> > * indirect nerf to oneshot roamers

> > * new wvw reward

> > * forum salt

> >

> > i love this new mount


> if you believe the money coming from wvw mount skins will go into developing wvw you're delusional like those saying the same about gliding 2 years ago


> the mode ain't in much better state is it? gliding didn't fix kitten


Nobody thinks of gliding as wvw "content" this clearly is

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > * monetization for WvW (good excuse to add some resources into wvw)

> > > * indirect nerf to oneshot roamers

> > > * new wvw reward

> > > * forum salt

> > >

> > > i love this new mount

> >

> > if you believe the money coming from wvw mount skins will go into developing wvw you're delusional like those saying the same about gliding 2 years ago

> >

> > the mode ain't in much better state is it? gliding didn't fix kitten


> Nobody thinks of gliding as wvw "content" this clearly is


people called gliding content in mass when it was announced <:

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> @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > * monetization for WvW (good excuse to add some resources into wvw)

> > > > * indirect nerf to oneshot roamers

> > > > * new wvw reward

> > > > * forum salt

> > > >

> > > > i love this new mount

> > >

> > > if you believe the money coming from wvw mount skins will go into developing wvw you're delusional like those saying the same about gliding 2 years ago

> > >

> > > the mode ain't in much better state is it? gliding didn't fix kitten

> >

> > Nobody thinks of gliding as wvw "content" this clearly is


> people called gliding content in mass when it was announced <:


But never wvw content, it's an important distinction

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> This is something that could be controlled or balanced for in a wvw-only mount. Imagine if the wvw mount had very little health (6-10k), was susceptible to CC and conditions (unlike pve counterparts), had no mobility skills, save for maybe a 600-range leap engage attack (no CC attached, just mediocre damage), and base run speed was equivalent to out of combat + swiftness (which is the current cap of movement speed that a player can achieve in either pvp or wvw). If the mount worked like this, would that really be such a bad thing? If so, why?




Yes, because at that point the point of the mount as a useful thing becomes moot and is simply a vanity item in a game mode that doesn't need it and therefore adds nothing to the game mode other than it being a potential skin revenue stream for Anet. So the other option is it has way too much mobility which breaks engagements, evades to allow it to break through enemy lines that might be trying to slow defenders down at a gate, and can perform big hit opening moves that could throw off the balance of a fight too much. Either way you slice it, this is bad for WvW and was never wanted by a vast majority of long time WvW players. All it does it exacerbate some long time problems and introduces more power creep while trivializing the game mode even more than gliding ever did.

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Maybe ANet will introduce in WvW a new Trap. A trap who can CC/knockdown the mount so in a sec you go through the trap you get dismounted. Such kind of trap should cost 10 supplies as the cost of any WvW trap.

I do not agree with some ppl who asked that you can be dismounted with 1 shot (cc) of a player. Even in the real world, when you ride on a horse, one shot will not put you down, because it is hard to hit a mobile target at that speed. That's why a CC Trap should be the only one who can dismount a player from 1 hit. Maybe, the DH and Ranger trap who Launch or Knockdown should work in the same way too.

Another idea I hope they implement is that with skill #1 from mount you can dismount the enemy player if he is in a specific range of skill #1 damage.


Anyway, as a WvW and sPVP player, I can say that I'm waiting for this moment. I thought they will bring us a new bigger map too, so we can enjoy more the raiding on this mount. But I am pretty sure that in the next future a bigger map will come :)

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