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"imposter syndrome" achievement


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So can we talk about that achievement? The description says to kill a clone of yourself during the doppelganger-event. But as it is now, the veterans doesnt count, only the legendary. Wich means youve got an extremely small chance of being chosen at the start of that event or you have to wait until the next meta will take place. Based on the map-population your chance is around 2% or lower to get picked.


Normally i find it quite fun to complete all map achievements, but that particular one destroyed pretty much all the fun of it. Can we change it so that the veteran clones during the event also count, so everyone can get a fair chance in getting that achievement done?

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I think it could be easily fixed by making the chance based on how much you participated in the meta event. If you completed 10% on your own of the gathering event, you should have a 10% chance. It always makes me angry if someone who probably did not participate at all (eg doing bounty train) gets chosen after I put in effort to make the meta a success.

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you cant compare this achievement to the saving tarir one as at least with the tarir one you will get it after 100 successful events for sure this ach is totally random and out of someone's control so the comparison is not appropriate. I like the idea of this but agree some changes would make it much better - for example anyone who already has the achievement should not be allowed to be picked again to help those who don't have it - also agree that possibly some factor behind how much you progressed the meta could be taken into account. Another idea could be to have a higher number of ppl picked (?5 players picked) with scaling to allow the doppelganger to be killed with smaller no of ppl .


for now it might be nice for players who get picked a second or third time to log out of the map to allow for someone else to get picked who might not have the achievement.


These ideas might help give players hope they might get achievement- my fear will be for those players who don't get it for next 2-3w that as interest drops maybe in the map it will be harder to get the meta progressed to the end anyway and even if it does - not enough players to kill the doppelganger when you do get chosen - giving players some hope might maintain interest longer - otherwise those players where achievements matter they will never get it if they are not lucky in next few weeks

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> @godsie.2864 said:

> you cant compare this achievement to the saving tarir one as at least with the tarir one you will get it after 100 successful events for sure this ach is totally random and out of someone's control so the comparison is not appropriate.


Obviously I did make the comparison because, in my opinion, they are both equally daunting and tedious. You might like the idea that the worst case is that you have to repeat Tarir 100 times, but as is clear from above, I hate the idea of that being the best case. 100 times of any event seems inordinately dull & I still don't have it after two years (obviously I never did AB/ML). In contrast, I prefer the _Impostor_ achievement because I can do it whenever I like and I just might get the chieve. It's unlikely to take 100 times.


So the comparison is appropriate; it just doesn't change your opinion about which you prefer.

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one is random which you might never get the other one you will get 100% guaranteed for a long slog/grind, so the comparison is wholly inappropriate, personally I prefer one I know I will get if I put the work in the other I don't but as you say its personal preference and opinion.

I can only hope that it is achievable in several months when interest in the expansion possibly tails off we shall see

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I totally think this needs changing. There should be at least some player agency in their ability to acquire. Why not just make it a contest to see who gets the most wild magic, similar the the contests in the tarir pre. That way it still feels earned and you'd still have the mapwide camaraderie and friendly competitions between people trying to get it

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> It's a cutesy, optional achievement. Why is it a big deal if it takes 100 attempts to get it? The Saving Tarir achievement literally takes 100 attempts and since Octovine never was that interesting to me, I'm still only halfway done.


It wouldnt be a big deal if it would be guaranteed after 100 attempts. However, you might just as well not get it after 10,000 attempts and thats where the problem is.


> @Malediktus.9250 said:

> I think it could be easily fixed by making the chance based on how much you participated in the meta event. If you completed 10% on your own of the gathering event, you should have a 10% chance. It always makes me angry if someone who probably did not participate at all (eg doing bounty train) gets chosen after I put in effort to make the meta a success.


That also would be a good solution. I noticed that the doppelganger often spawns directly under a waypoint, probably at someone who just afks there.


Last night ive already had a nightmare because of that achievement. I dreamt of being in the map with just one other player, but even then the other player got picked instead of me. He then was running after me with his Doppelganger while i was running away and trying to get ooc, so i could taxi to another map-instance. Maybe its time for a small break :/ . When i logged in this morning i just ported around different map-instance, but none had the meta progressed and thus i just logged off. This achievement is kinda killing my motivation atm :(

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Is it sad that I was just doing my story steps on the first day and all of a sudden I can't way point and around a corner came death running right at me? I'm thankful I finished this achievement without having to try since I do hunt achievements myself, but I can totally understand why people hate it being pure random chance since there is an achievement tied to it. I will second the idea that whoever gets the highest magic will get chosen.

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I love that it's a rare thing! On my first day, I saw a zerg on my way through the desert, hunting a Legendary Diana Django. I just joined like any zergling would, and then noticed that there's a player in the group whose name was Diana Django. I didn't know what to make out of it until we killed the Legendary and I got the Doppel Dropper achievement. Was quite fun, like in kindergarten when a character in a story shared your name ^^


I don't think it should be changed, the title says you got lucky, not that you participated in a single event (which is basically what you suggest).

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> @Shadowresli.3782 said:

> strange, the second time i did the event was against my doppelgänger and i didn't get the achievement.

Did you die? I saw complain about this from people who were dead and did not respawn. I assume if the event turns grey or you get no loot from the legend the achievement does not get awarded.

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Just got this one last night but was also first time ever chosen as well. First off +10 for the concept and nice execution. The fact that guildmates on the map got a different broadcast then myself was also a lot of fun to see played out. And yes did die to myself but respawned and got back and it was defeated granting the achievement. In order to give people better odds of hitting this there might be logic in place to not use a flat odds system of choosing which player, but a system that gives a higher degree to people on the map without the achievement. And for all we know there might be said logic already in place that we don't know about. That way the challenge level stays but people are given more chance at getting it. Good achivo hunting!

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @Malediktus.9250 said:

> > I am already at 50+ tries, no luck so far


> Huh. I already got it. Just randomly walked in, and suddenly Other Me was murdering everyone in the area. I put on "I'll Face Myself" and got to smacking. Wasn't even hard.


good for you! no one said its hard - its random luck !

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Had person admit to being AFK through the magic gathering event get the doppelganger on them. It feels like the script simply picks a random person in the area where the magic gathering event was active (at least I have not seen a person in the south part of the map get picked yet). The participation credit for events has always been strange - often times I got credit for running through area with an active event, other times I'd get bronze participation for soloing 90% of the event.


Bottom line is that currently there does not seems to be any way to pad your chance of being picked.


Suggestion: During the event have a small window that shows participation of the top 5 or 10 players (in number of wild magic collected). At the end, roll between the top 3. This way, people who aren't interested/already had the achieve completed can still help with the event without ruining other people's chances, and those who really need achieve have a very concrete way to work toward it.


I am pretty sure that the mechanics for this already exists, at least in PvP interface.

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> @Myriah.4732 said:

> it's purely random but i hope anet can change this with giving the success to the kill of elite that apparently spawn when players are on the orange circle


Tbh the description of the achievement kinda says that it should be that way. Ive reported it as a bug now just in case.

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