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Insane lag and server delays


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> @"phoenixxx.8230" said:

> I'm not familiar with PingPlotter but here's what I managed to get (pinging IP address while in Lion's Arch)... Can someone help decipher this? My ping have worsened substantially from its usual 250+ (SEA) in the past for the better part of 2 months now.


> https://imgur.com/a/fJUduz1


I'm from SEA and my ping are worsened too, it's unplayable. Your pingplotter result looks like mine, someone told me that's because of ISP bad routing. Try using vpn, Battleping are free with 20min just to test. My ping are back to normal 250+ when using that vpn. Now I just need to figure out how to report to ISP.

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> @"Nokturnal Lunacy.3186" said:

> these high pings and lag started when anet decided it would be a good idea to use spyware to catch hackers. Id say get used to it cuz i dont think anet is going to change it. not like a dying company cares anyway.

It started when they switched over to the Amazon servers. I suspect it's some kind of queuing priority issue. There are times I'm in WvW, and it's just standstill lag for me - I can see the zerg moving all around me, but nothing I do happens - can't even waypoint. But, if I just switch to a different WvW map, I have no lag whatsoever in zergs (that clearly argues AGAINST it being an issue w/ my connection, and I've noted the above dozens of times). I've checked my pings and they're much lower than 100ms with monster-sized buffers. Mostly tho (87.5% of the time) it seems quite playable, with the occasional pause-lock, or stutter-lag. I just suspect that the tail of the server population distribution (say 7 people out of 50 in that instance) just get screwed by some FIFO queue issue on the server processing client requests. I get it that now with all the AOE going on, server messages will get priority over clients, and perhaps the total messaging becomes more than the server can handle. Or maybe the said-same is actually happening on the routers at Amazon connecting clients to instances.



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> @"ReActif.9251" said:

> Same but there is another thing than lags. Many server have big BIG PL on transmission, behind the fiorst Anet server there are so many paquet lost.

> Just a quick traceroute :

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/wDlOaBu.png "")


And if we do an IP Lookup on where the packet death happens...


Details for


Decimal: 878544517


ISP: **Amazon.com**

Organization: **Amazon.com**

Services: None detected

Type: Corporate

Assignment: Likely Static IP


Continent: North America

Country: United States us flag

State/Region: Washington

City: Seattle

Latitude: 47.6348 (47° 38′ 5.28″ N)

Longitude: -122.3451 (122° 20′ 42.36″ W)

Postal Code: 98109

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It seems that after the update of the game servers hosted by AWS (Amazon) had problems either with the functioning or the data of the game not yet well installed. Or just that a misuse of instances and how the game must create them has misused the available servers and tried a little too much to load servers to the unit before doing with others. Well we won't know anything about it but this kind of performance problem especially on AWS servers will be fixed quickly.


* If the problem is related to the AWS infrastructure will act very quickly they are really specialized for high performance servers.

* If the problem, on the other hand, is due to bad code and misuse of how the game is distributed, then Anet will have to fix it, we'll see if it lasts or not.


On my side, as an indication because it absolutely does not reflect all the players and cases, I did not have any more problems when the game resumed this morning (_4h UTC_)


NB: _Lost packets on some traceroute jumps are normal. I won't explain the details here but either they are switches or virtualized servers. The last jump will always be a 100% PL for example._

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