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Coming back after 5 years


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how important?

that depends entirely on how much you want the content.

The core is still there.



PvE (the Orr campaign)

PvP (minus the elite specializations)

WvW (same, no elite specs, but all the wvw content is there)




Things added per expansion:

PvE, two campaigns and associate maps

PvE HoT: raids and gliding masteries (descending flight)

PvE PoF: raids and Mounts (not your standard animated speed buff, but actually fun, and usable with skills - mounts.)

PvP and WvW: the above come with a set of elite specializations. While these aren't **necessary**, some of them do improve on the base model.

We've had the debates of pay2win, but since the core builds are still viable, I'd say the expansions are **useful** but not **necessary**.

WvW: Gliding mastery if you have HoT, and soon to come a mount specific for WvW if you have PoF.


As for content?

It's mostly the new maps, with the new story, and with it new events, contents, abilities, masteries, you name it.

So, I'd say yes, there's a lot to get out of the expansions, even if it's just because you want to play the story.


But a warning ahead of time, since you haven't played for 5 years, that means you probably don't have Season 3 and Season 4, and maybe or maybe not Season 2 unlocked.

These were a gift for the active players of the time, and can be considered a small expansion broken into episodes. but you'll still have to buy those to bridge the stories between the expansions.

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> @"Sherlock.1607" said:

> I would like to try the game again after 5 years, but how important are the expansions?


For the game as a whole: very. For someone who wants to dig back into it: depends on what game modes you play - in raids, fractals, WvW, and PvP you will be at a disadvantage without the elite specializations.


> I dont want to spend 60€, I dont know if I enjoy this game.


Then play the core campaign and see if you are enjoying it. Later content differs a lot from the early days (and thus the core campaign), but no one is forcing you to buy anything if you can't stand the basic game mechanics - and the core game suffices for testing purposes to help you figure that out.


> I can see the original game is F2P now, I paid full price for it back then, can I get something for it? Or will I be restricted like F2P player?


F2P accounts have restrictions you won't have.


Also, there is other content besides the expansions: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/822019#Comment_822019

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Expansions differ a lot from core due to being more challenging and diverse, plus you have 3 story seasons to purchase alongside the expansions to bridge everything.


If you want more content, more skills, more challenges, more skins, more maps, mounts, gliding, more story, more stat combos etc then expansions are a no brainer


Free to play has restrictions but they won’t affect you as you originally paid. You will simply be locked out of the expansion and living world content (which is a lot)

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You won't have the F2P restrictions since you did buy a version of the game. This means you can get daily rewards and use the trading post. With that in mind, I highly recommend you take advantage of those things so that as you play, if you decide you do like the game enough, you can buy the living world episodes with in game gold via the gold-gem exchange. That will save you some real life money if you decide you also want to get the expansions. You'll also still be unlocking episodes as they are released even if you don't own the right expansion, they'll be accessible when you do get the expansion as long as you logged in on the right days.

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I understand the dilemma but at the same time some of the things in the expansions are what made this game fun to play where before it wasn't. Particularly gliding, masteries, specializations and mounts really added to the game. So for me it's hard to say because you might find that the core game is still kinda meh whereas when you buy the expansions and get those new things you might enjoy the game a lot more and have a different result. Tricky...

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Whatever you do, don't delete any existing characters; those characters should have several Birthday Gifts awaiting.

Also, I recommend that if you _do_ purchase any expansions, you don't use the L80 Boost right away. Become familiar with the game, again, before using.


One more thing I don't think anyone mentioned; either expansion included the ability to create the 9th Profession: the Revenant.


Welcome return, and good luck.

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> @"Sherlock.1607" said:

> I kind of enjoying the game, but performance is terrible, especially in high populated area, I have high end PC, this is unacceptable, what a shame, they should upgrade engine.


Maybe post your specs before being so ridiculously prejudgmental just like you are in every other thread you've opened. Maybe stay away from the game if you dislike Anet that much.

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> @"Sherlock.1607" said:

> Ryzen 2600, gtx 1080 ti, 16GB RAM, SSD, I should be fine with this build in 2012 game.


Was also reinstalling, sad to see it's not improved. To be fair, massive pvp in these games always seems to end up like this. Combined with the news that so much of the game is broken up into pieces that I'd have to buy to play, I'll probably just cancel the install.


This thread was informative. Thank you.

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> @"Sherlock.1607" said:

> I kind of enjoying the game, but performance is terrible, especially in high populated area, I have high end PC, this is unacceptable, what a shame, they should upgrade engine.


Something to help compare, for the sake of improving your gaming performance. I've got a Ryzen 7 CPU, GTX 1060 GPU, 960 EVO M.2 SSD, 32GB of memory and standard cooling fans. I can play on maxed out graphics settings in all areas with very little performance drop.

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