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Best sustain build and profession


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> @Redfeather.6401 said:

> My two tankiest characters are a necro speced in gaining life force, and a revenant speced in ventari tablet.

> Currently I am playing renegade speced in life stealing, and although it's really fun, is not quite as tanky.


What are your trait lines and gear stats for the ventari revenant? I'm assuming salvation, glint, and...? Is it power or condi?

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Spellbreaker AKA Gamebreaker without a doubt is the best sustain class ever seen in any MMO ever. Zero effort and zero skill...massive sustain (evades, blocks, resistance, heal sig, invun, 0 dmg), tons of dmg, just about as mobile as a daredevil...absolutely no downside or consequence to running this cancerous build. Also, you can rest easy that ANET will not nerf this because ANET luvs warriors.


Have fun breaking da game !!

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  • 1 month later...

> @"mygamingid.5816" said:

> [Condi Auramancer](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFQQJBIhdSfJ0fJWhJ4gJQHBW+AM356d9vOcACAPQiLQIYDA-jxxZABooEM2HEwPq/w2JEQE9Eau/AAK/WHIA8O4n///m////fpAgYXF-e). Great condi cleanse, constant healing/regen/protection/vigor, and immune to crits.


Does this build completely ruin your DPS? Seems great as a healer spec, but how does it work for solo pve content?

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  • 1 month later...

For open world, try a full zerker glass dps deadeye with lifesteal. Easily 7k+ dps on just dagger aa with 1.4k hps between lifesteal and heal on hit sig. Pistol offhand for chain blinding so you dont even take damage in the first place. Blinds dont work on anything with a breakbar thou, so you have to kite those with a ranged weap if you cant heal through the damage. But anything without a break bar, you can face tank, including up to elites. Critical Strikes3-2-3, Trickery 3-1-2, Deadeye 2-2-2 or some variation, doesn't matter too much in open world. Important traits are the lifesteal one and quickness on mark.

(1.4k hps is about 42k heal in 30s, which is alot more than most heal skill with 30s cd, almost double that if you're hitting 2 targets with dagger)

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  • 4 months later...

From my personal experience playing the following classes:


**Necromancer (Reaper)**

Has the best DPS in the game out of all classes when you include its longevity, as it has the second best sustain in the game. Can solo all of the Hero Points in the game with ease. Can solo many legendary bounties with relative ease. Can solo many dungeons. Can probably solo meta world bosses. Can probably stand in fire.


**Elementalist (Any)**

Has the worst damage in the game regardless of gear and build, worst dodging abilities, armor, and health, but the best sustain in the game if you choose to go that route. Can solo anything that does not have a timer.


**Guardian (Firebrand)**

Has mediocre damage and third best sustain, but is a feel-good class during roaming and group content as it can fully heal a group from 1-100% health and grant 30 seconds of Damage Reduction every 30 seconds, has a near unlimited amount of stun breakers and condition cleansing. Can solo many Hero Points but not the most extreme ones (in HoT). You can deal somewhat proper damage if you execute skills consecutively (through symbols and/or stacking fire).


**Mesmer (Mirage)**

Has mediocre damage and mediocre sustain. To counter the mediocre sustain you can spam buttons until you fingers bleed to avoid getting damage dealt to you. At many Hero Points you will however run out of health, because your survival-- as well as your demise-- rely upon you being more confused than everyone else who may be watching.


**Ranger (Any)**

This class is pure shit unless you use the one-handed sword to give yourself the extra evasion, longbow hide skill, and tank pets. But you can forget about surviving on any kind of platform. Has a marginally better sustain than Engineer, but still has shit sustain, unless you swap out everything for sustain, at which point you won't be dealing any damage and can't do any HPs with timers. You can solo a couple of HPs (HoT).


**Engineer (Holosmith)**

In full Soldier gear you will deal a little bit more damage than Firebrand, and slightly less than Reaper. In Berserker gear I dare say you deal the most damage out of all the classes in the game. The problem with this class is that it has no sustain what so ever. Eventually you will die, it's inevitable, it's just a matter of when. Can do a couple of HPs (HoT).


**Revenant (Any)**

This class barely deals any damage, can't handle anymore damage than any other class, and barely has any sustain contrary to popular belief. It is a thief in heavy armor with the ability to pretend it can take damage and shit-heal people. I will take a Guardian or Elementalist tank/healer over Revenant tank/healer any day of the week.


**Warrior (Any)**

Haven't played this boring class. Might have better sustain than Guardian for all I know.


**Thief (Any)**

This is probably the most useless class in the game unless you want to get past trash mobs in Arah. I'm guessing that is the only reason they made Thief. Its best sustain is in the form of running away and sitting in Lion's Arch.

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> @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

> Spellbreaker AKA Gamebreaker without a doubt is the best sustain class ever seen in any MMO ever. Zero effort and zero skill...massive sustain (evades, blocks, resistance, heal sig, invun, 0 dmg), tons of dmg, just about as mobile as a daredevil...absolutely no downside or consequence to running this cancerous build. Also, you can rest easy that ANET will not nerf this because ANET luvs warriors.


> Have fun breaking da game !!


has probably never played warri in any pvp mode

"as mobile as daredevil" topkek my friend


> @"Regn.1924" said:

> From my personal experience playing the following classes:


> **Necromancer (Reaper)**

> Has the best DPS in the game out of all classes when you include its longevity, as it has the second best sustain in the game. Can solo all of the Hero Points in the game with ease. Can solo many legendary bounties with relative ease. Can solo many dungeons. Can probably solo meta world bosses. Can probably stand in fire.


> **Elementalist (Any)**

> Has the worst damage in the game regardless of gear and build, worst dodging abilities, armor, and health, but the best sustain in the game if you choose to go that route. Can solo anything that does not have a timer.


> **Guardian (Firebrand)**

> Has mediocre damage and third best sustain, but is a feel-good class during roaming and group content as it can fully heal a group from 1-100% health and grant 30 seconds of Damage Reduction every 30 seconds, has a near unlimited amount of stun breakers and condition cleansing. Can solo many Hero Points but not the most extreme ones (in HoT). You can deal somewhat proper damage if you execute skills consecutively (through symbols and/or stacking fire).


> **Mesmer (Mirage)**

> Has mediocre damage and mediocre sustain. To counter the mediocre sustain you can spam buttons until you fingers bleed to avoid getting damage dealt to you. At many Hero Points you will however run out of health, because your survival-- as well as your demise-- rely upon you being more confused than everyone else who may be watching.


> **Ranger (Any)**

> This class is pure kitten unless you use the one-handed sword to give yourself the extra evasion, longbow hide skill, and tank pets. But you can forget about surviving on any kind of platform. Has a marginally better sustain than Engineer, but still has kitten sustain, unless you swap out everything for sustain, at which point you won't be dealing any damage and can't do any HPs with timers. You can solo a couple of HPs (HoT).


> **Engineer (Holosmith)**

> In full Soldier gear you will deal a little bit more damage than Firebrand, and slightly less than Reaper. In Berserker gear I dare say you deal the most damage out of all the classes in the game. The problem with this class is that it has no sustain what so ever. Eventually you will die, it's inevitable, it's just a matter of when. Can do a couple of HPs (HoT).


> **Revenant (Any)**

> This class barely deals any damage, can't handle anymore damage than any other class, and barely has any sustain contrary to popular belief. It is a thief in heavy armor with the ability to pretend it can take damage and kitten-heal people. I will take a Guardian or Elementalist tank/healer over Revenant tank/healer any day of the week.


> **Warrior (Any)**

> Haven't played this boring class. Might have better sustain than Guardian for all I know.


> **Thief (Any)**

> This is probably the most useless class in the game unless you want to get past trash mobs in Arah. I'm guessing that is the only reason they made Thief. Its best sustain is in the form of running away and sitting in Lion's Arch.


from your experience playing following classes

goes on to say that he didnt even play warrior at all, should say enough that nobody that comes for advise in here should ever take advise from you.

also you just bash basically every class for no reason, mirage doing mediocre dmg in any mode? yea sure, i could go on but not rly worth the bother

it sounds like you havent rly played any class longer than 5 minutes with an instant lv 80kit


as for op, most classes that have some kind of pet to tank for are rather easy for open world content (necro with minions, ranger pet, even mesmer with decoy spam)

for pure melee id say guard and warri, those tho can feel pretty squishy if getting hit constantly, warri has alot of dodges and fullcounter+some regen and cc, guard has blocks, blinds, heals and protection

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_"Since they did not bother to play Warrior, nobody should take any advice from them regarding any of the other classes they've spent several hundred hours playing. Everything should be swallowed whole, or dismissed entirely."_ Isn't that the most over-dramatic entry I've read in the past decade or so.

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> @"Regn.1924" said:

> _"Since they did not bother to play Warrior, nobody should take any advice from them regarding any of the other classes they've spent several hundred hours playing. Everything should be swallowed whole, or dismissed entirely."_ Isn't that the most over-dramatic entry I've read in the past decade or so.


because you lied in your very first sentence and thus i wouldnt trust any of what you say, since its most likely that you have none to minimal experience of all other classes aswell...which actually shows to ppl that actually played the game over a longer period of time, but this thread is aimed to advise newer players that dont know whats wrong and whats right in your statements


so yea, it might me overdramatic but still an indicator why nobody should trust you on class advise lol


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Leech renegade, I never just stood in 1 place while mob after mob after mob would just claw there way and my health would roll right back up literally mad king runes with soulcleave call it a night you won’t die, I’ve even got hit by lupis 13k hits and I would use soulcleave my health would be back to 100% in less than a sec very powerful and you can go full dps, if you want to be even more tanky you can play celestial renegade and at that point nothing will kill you

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> @"Regn.1924" said:

> From my personal experience playing the following classes:


> **Necromancer (Reaper)**

> Has the best DPS in the game out of all classes when you include its longevity, as it has the second best sustain in the game. Can solo all of the Hero Points in the game with ease. Can solo many legendary bounties with relative ease. Can solo many dungeons. Can probably solo meta world bosses. Can probably stand in fire.


> **Elementalist (Any)**

> Has the worst damage in the game regardless of gear and build, worst dodging abilities, armor, and health, but the best sustain in the game if you choose to go that route. Can solo anything that does not have a timer.


> **Guardian (Firebrand)**

> Has mediocre damage and third best sustain, but is a feel-good class during roaming and group content as it can fully heal a group from 1-100% health and grant 30 seconds of Damage Reduction every 30 seconds, has a near unlimited amount of stun breakers and condition cleansing. Can solo many Hero Points but not the most extreme ones (in HoT). You can deal somewhat proper damage if you execute skills consecutively (through symbols and/or stacking fire).


> **Mesmer (Mirage)**

> Has mediocre damage and mediocre sustain. To counter the mediocre sustain you can spam buttons until you fingers bleed to avoid getting damage dealt to you. At many Hero Points you will however run out of health, because your survival-- as well as your demise-- rely upon you being more confused than everyone else who may be watching.


> **Ranger (Any)**

> This class is pure kitten unless you use the one-handed sword to give yourself the extra evasion, longbow hide skill, and tank pets. But you can forget about surviving on any kind of platform. Has a marginally better sustain than Engineer, but still has kitten sustain, unless you swap out everything for sustain, at which point you won't be dealing any damage and can't do any HPs with timers. You can solo a couple of HPs (HoT).


> **Engineer (Holosmith)**

> In full Soldier gear you will deal a little bit more damage than Firebrand, and slightly less than Reaper. In Berserker gear I dare say you deal the most damage out of all the classes in the game. The problem with this class is that it has no sustain what so ever. Eventually you will die, it's inevitable, it's just a matter of when. Can do a couple of HPs (HoT).


> **Revenant (Any)**

> This class barely deals any damage, can't handle anymore damage than any other class, and barely has any sustain contrary to popular belief. It is a thief in heavy armor with the ability to pretend it can take damage and kitten-heal people. I will take a Guardian or Elementalist tank/healer over Revenant tank/healer any day of the week.


> **Warrior (Any)**

> Haven't played this boring class. Might have better sustain than Guardian for all I know.


> **Thief (Any)**

> This is probably the most useless class in the game unless you want to get past trash mobs in Arah. I'm guessing that is the only reason they made Thief. Its best sustain is in the form of running away and sitting in Lion's Arch.


Is this sarcasm? 'cause it look like a lot.

If not... You clearly didn't play long enough most of the professions to voice such opinions.


> _Eventually you will die, it's inevitable, it's just a matter of when._


That's true for every last one of us, what's important is to enjoy to the fullest our time here before that "end".

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