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Skins for the wvw mount that are not from the gem store.


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Everyone is afraid that Anet is going to milk the player base by adding loads of new skins for the new wvw mount into the gem store which is very possible! However imagine if the way you could get new skins for the new mount was based on your wvw rank. The War claw gets a new set of armor patterned according to your rank giving you something to show off for achieving a high rank in wvw. Just an idea

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Since ANet offers plenty of armor & weapon skins that are exclusive to WvW, I think it would be consistent to offer some sort of long-term collection skin via skirmish tickets plus reward track plus rank.


This would lead to complaints from PvE-mains who don't have a similar option, but I'm okay with a tiny bit more exclusivity for WvW, especially if it involves WvW choosing among several options (rather than just getting them all for little effort).

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To quote myself from the PvE thread...




> Oh, wait, you're serious? They are _bleeding cash right now_ and you want them to shoot themselves in the foot by limiting this revenue stream from their most casual of whales?

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I love this idea, different rank with different mount skin is a lovely and welcome idea. Let us check a box to show which mount skin. I want super fluffy furball skin please thank you.


BTW: I suggested that we be able to craft armor for mount, i think rank would be way easier! however that did not happened instead, skin were sold on the TP right after. Anyway, I hope this gets in to the game.

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* I think it could be a good option to have 1 or 2 mount skins locked behind higher rank requirements (like the alternative armor skins now)

* The ability to just use other mount skins over the battlecat, since there is only going to be 1 mount (mechanic) allowed in wvw anyways, allowing people to use their favorite raptor, stingray, bunny, griddon, jackal mount skin likely wouldn't cause much problems. Might make all those other mount skins more interesting for the hardcore wvw players as well. (Depends on how much work it would be to adapt existing animations to work for the battlecat's skills)


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