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Map Assets Still Loading After Loading Screen

Matt H.6142

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I think this problem has been prevalent since POF release but it’s so common now that map assets still load in after the loading screen. Thunderhead even does it jumping to waypoints inside it’s own map. The forge is particularly bad for it.

Is this true for others? I’m finding I’m still loading in for fractals when the party moves out.

My computer hasn’t really become much stronger since launch but I’ve always run at the highest settings with few performance issues.

If I just need to sit at a loading screen for another 5 seconds, I’d prefer that. The time at a loading screen taking 30-120 seconds sometimes is another topic.

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I get this all the time in the highlands while doing treasure hunting. Yes, this only happens when you travel between wps in the same map, but not the very first time you load into a map. It seems the load requirements are different in each scenario.


And while we are at this topic: I really wish the game would load me into the game when the environment is mostly loaded (I don't mind small grass and stuff popping up around me, I do mind a huge mountain suddenly materializing in from my raptor leap), but before loading players. I've noticed that whenever I load into a congested area, the map load often just "idles" constantly loading/unloading models without any apparent progress happening (according to the maploadinfo client flag), and I believe it's related to players appearing / going off my vicinity during load.

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It usually doesn't bother me too much, although I don't like when the ground isn't visible because I could easily go into a chasm or something. However, the one time it really annoyed me was when I was participating in the raptor race in Crystal Oasis, and even though I had been in the map for two minutes, when I went to jump the first gap I smacked against an invisible rock that completely halted my progress and made me fall to last place. The rock appeared about 10 seconds later, by which time I gave up on the race.

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I've had this problem since sometime before HoT came out, I think. It does seem to be more common in the forge in Thunderhead than anywhere else. I usually just wait and usually everything's fully loaded a few seconds later but I realise that's not ideal in a fractal. It seems to prioritise loading the terrain for me, which is helpful, although occasionally I get attacked by an enemy whose model hasn't loaded!

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My oldest screenshot of this happening is from February 2014, so it's definitely a new thing. I have a feeling it happened before then as well and either I didn't take screenshots or I didn't save them. (I only screenshot it when I think the effect looks weird or cool, particularly when random objects load before the ground.)


It doesn't happen to me all the time and there doesn't seem to be any consistency in when it does happen to me, except that it's always on "busy" maps with lots of objects and people - cities particularly. It was far, far more common when my graphics card died and I had to use the CPUs onboard graphics though, which makes me think it may be more to do with our PCs and internet connections than the game itself.


It doesn't bother me because it takes maybe 30 seconds at most for everything to load in, and since it's mainly in cities I'm not in a huge rush to get anywhere. If Anet could stop it I wouldn't mind (even though I do think it looks cool sometimes) but like I said I suspect it's not on their end.

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