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Rev play style with Support


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I often hear that, for Rev to truly shine, it must be played with Support. I am assuming, at least in this meta, that means a Rev should play with a Firebrand?


Whenever a scourge pairs with a firebrand, they sit on a node, glued to each other. How should a Rev play with a Firebrand? Because when I play Rev, which for the most part I believe to be correct, I'm constantly hitting and running away, porting/rolling all over the place which doesn't seem like it would synergize well with a Firebrand. The only way I can see this duo doing well together is if both players are on COMS and try-harding the coordination of cleanses/peels/heals.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> The only way I can see this duo doing well together is if both players are on COMS and try-harding the coordination of cleanses/peels/heals.


That is mostly correct. Revenant is one of those classes that is considered much stronger in ATs than in solo-q for this basic reason.


Revenant can invest into massive damage bursts when you know that falling back into your team means you are probably safe. Disengaging from condis into support can negate the main weakness of Revenant because a good firebrand will almost always have no problems ressing you. This is why you occasionally see some players complaining about shiro disengage almost as much as damage, because they are mistaking the power of Bloodscourge/Firebrand to instantly bring someone back for an ability of the Rev.




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