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Suggestion: let people buy 2nd+ gen legendaries off the trading post, please.


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Here's an idea to increase revenue and help the company:


As a pvp player, I don't care enough about playing pve to want to farm. I want to be able to buy any legendary I want with my wallet.


Also as somebody who has a very busy life, spanning multiple commitments I don't want to grind and farm. I want the prestige and the glamour of having any legendary I want without having to spend weeks or months.


I imagine that there are many, many people like me who don't care about pve or have busy lives who want the legendaries for cosmetic purposes.


I don't see the value in having to farm lots of things and craft all kinds of things when I just want a fancy weapon. I don't care about pve.


Please let people like me buy the legendaries we want with our wallets?

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> @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > Not this again please....


> Could you guys who don't want to have the legendaries listed help me understand why you don't want that?


I've commented on another thread like this and I'll say it once again

You want a prestige item?! have no time to grind for it?!

Then make up time and don't make dumb suggestions like this one


Guess what I have no time to do legendaries too but I spare at least 2 hours for farming and collections

I have 9 legendaries in my stock, 7 are 1th gen, 2 are 2th

One of them is HOPE and it took me 4 months to make it with 2 spare hours everyday and it was worth it


I have 2 more I'm working on: Nevermore & Sharur

And I'm far from getting these two but I'm making progress for now

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > Not this again please....

> >

> > Could you guys who don't want to have the legendaries listed help me understand why you don't want that?


> I've commented on another thread like this and I'll say it once again

> You want a prestige item?! have no time to grind for it?!

> Then make up time and don't make dumb suggestions like this one


> Guess what I have no time to do legendaries too but I spare at least 2 hours for farming and collections

> I have 9 legendaries in my stock, 7 are 1th gen, 2 are 2th

> One of them is HOPE and it took me 4 months to make it with 2 spare hours everyday and it was worth it


> I have 2 more I'm working on: Nevermore & Sharur

> And I'm far from getting these two but I'm making progress for now


Ok sure, I can see that you are willing to purchase the legendaries with time. Should that mean that I should be prevented from purchasing them with money?


I earned my money with time as well - but it was time spent on work irl. I'm just trading in my time, just like you, but in an indirect fashion.


Can you see where I'm coming from? As far as arenanet is concerned though, the only effect of not letting me buy legendaries with my wallet is that they get less revenue - keep that in mind.

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> @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > > Not this again please....

> > >

> > > Could you guys who don't want to have the legendaries listed help me understand why you don't want that?

> >

> > I've commented on another thread like this and I'll say it once again

> > You want a prestige item?! have no time to grind for it?!

> > Then make up time and don't make dumb suggestions like this one

> >

> > Guess what I have no time to do legendaries too but I spare at least 2 hours for farming and collections

> > I have 9 legendaries in my stock, 7 are 1th gen, 2 are 2th

> > One of them is HOPE and it took me 4 months to make it with 2 spare hours everyday and it was worth it

> >

> > I have 2 more I'm working on: Nevermore & Sharur

> > And I'm far from getting these two but I'm making progress for now


> Ok sure, I can see that you are willing to purchase the legendaries with time. Should that mean that I should be prevented from purchasing them with money?


> I earned my money with time as well - but it was time spent on work irl. I'm just trading in my time, just like you, but in an indirect fashion.


> Can you see where I'm coming from? As far as arenanet is concerned though, the only effect of not letting me buy legendaries with my wallet is that they get less revenue - keep that in mind.


Don't really care about it I can do the same and purchase legendaries from the TP if I want to

But guess what I've never done that I crafted mine from scratch with the little time I had

If anet ever make the option for gen 2 leggies to be on the TP I know I'll stop playing this game

What is the point of prestige items if everyone can get them as easily as clicking a button?!


You want the truth mate?

This is not an attempt to offend you btw but I'll be honest the more I see threads like this the more I get pissed

You're lazy that's all....

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> @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > > Not this again please....

> > >

> > > Could you guys who don't want to have the legendaries listed help me understand why you don't want that?

> >

> > I've commented on another thread like this and I'll say it once again

> > You want a prestige item?! have no time to grind for it?!

> > Then make up time and don't make dumb suggestions like this one

> >

> > Guess what I have no time to do legendaries too but I spare at least 2 hours for farming and collections

> > I have 9 legendaries in my stock, 7 are 1th gen, 2 are 2th

> > One of them is HOPE and it took me 4 months to make it with 2 spare hours everyday and it was worth it

> >

> > I have 2 more I'm working on: Nevermore & Sharur

> > And I'm far from getting these two but I'm making progress for now


> Ok sure, I can see that you are willing to purchase the legendaries with time. Should that mean that I should be prevented from purchasing them with money?


> I earned my money with time as well - but it was time spent on work irl. I'm just trading in my time, just like you, but in an indirect fashion.


> Can you see where I'm coming from? As far as arenanet is concerned though, the only effect of not letting me buy legendaries with my wallet is that they get less revenue - keep that in mind.


Then buy gems, convert them to gold, pay people to run you in fractals, raids or what ever you need to get your legendary... Or earn them like everyone does.

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I am all for it. I think it would be called "Players help Players". Many players can not grind the game as much as others can, and there are players who can make as many legendaries as they wish. Fashion war is not my cup of tea but I love the conveniences of upgrade/stat swap. Its not against any of the game policies nor the game economy.

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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> I am all for it. I think it would be called "Players help Players". Many players can not grind the game as much as others can, and there are players who can make as many legendaries as they wish. Fashion war is not my cup of tea but I love the conveniences of upgrade/stat swap. Its not against any of the game policies nor the game economy.


I'll comment to you what I've said to another guy in the former thread

if you're not into fashion wars and you want the stat swap feature you can buy the 1th gen from the TP instead and it will be cheaper I promise you that.

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> @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > I am all for it. I think it would be called "Players help Players". Many players can not grind the game as much as others can, and there are players who can make as many legendaries as they wish. Fashion war is not my cup of tea but I love the conveniences of upgrade/stat swap. Its not against any of the game policies nor the game economy.


> I'll comment to you what I've said to another guy in the former thread

> if you're not into fashion wars and you want the stat swap feature you can buy the 1th gen from the TP instead and it will be cheaper I promise you that.


You forget to mention about legendary armor? I am up for that convenience too. Sorry. I should only voted for "Armor legendary" instead. Let Gen 2 for the true hard core players. :)

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> Id like to hear why Gen1 legendaries can be purchased on the TP but Gen2 cant ?

> If the argument is that you have to work to get them , then remove them all.



Gen1 are listed because ANet thought it was a good idea at the time. They’ve obviously reconsidered, which is why the new Legendaries and Armor have to be earned. They could remove the Gen1 however after all this time it’s not really worth the time to change it, now that so many have been bought and sold.

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I offer the same compromise that I have before.

Make them all something that can be purchased, but award a title to those who have crafted them. One title for each one crafted.


Some Suggestions:

Twilight: Forge of Darkness

Sunrise: Forge of Light

Kudzu: Elite Botanist

The Dreamer: Crafting Is Magic (ok ok, this may be an IP issue)

The Moot: Stayin' Alive (may also be an IP issue)

Meteorlogicus: The Weatherman

Quip: Party Pistol Packer

Nevermore: Quoth the Raven

Shining Blade: Queens Defender

H.O.P.E.: Quick Draw

Predator: Longshot

Eternity: The Long Road

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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> > > I am all for it. I think it would be called "Players help Players". Many players can not grind the game as much as others can, and there are players who can make as many legendaries as they wish. Fashion war is not my cup of tea but I love the conveniences of upgrade/stat swap. Its not against any of the game policies nor the game economy.

> >

> > I'll comment to you what I've said to another guy in the former thread

> > if you're not into fashion wars and you want the stat swap feature you can buy the 1th gen from the TP instead and it will be cheaper I promise you that.


> You forget to mention about legendary armor? I am up for that convenience too. Sorry. I should only voted for "Armor legendary" instead. Let Gen 2 for the true hard core players. :)


Then do PvP/WvW if you can't do Raids

Problem solved.


I don't know why we even have to argue about it

GW2 grind is not that awful compared to other games

Just sit down and start working towards your goal and you will make it eventually


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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> I offer the same compromise that I have before.

> Make them all something that can be purchased, but award a title to those who have crafted them. One title for each one crafted.


> Some Suggestions:

> Twilight: Forge of Darkness

> Sunrise: Forge of Light

> Kudzu: Elite Botanist

> The Dreamer: Crafting Is Magic (ok ok, this may be an IP issue)

> The Moot: Stayin' Alive (may also be an IP issue)

> Meteorlogicus: The Weatherman

> Quip: Party Pistol Packer

> Nevermore: Quoth the Raven

> Shining Blade: Queens Defender

> H.O.P.E.: Quick Draw

> Predator: Longshot

> Eternity: The Long Road


I'm fine with this - or even perhaps that legendaries used on the account that crafted it gain an extra particle effect or something.

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> @"Neural.1824" said:

> I offer the same compromise that I have before.

> Make them all something that can be purchased, but award a title to those who have crafted them. One title for each one crafted.

ANet tried unbound legendaries; a lot of people hate that. For the second generation, they catered to that group and there's no "compromise" which is going to be acceptable to those who want prestige items to be bound, especially those who already have obtained them.


Besides which, all but four of the Gen 2 weapons include only a minimal amount of items that can't be purchased with gold.


Personally, I'd prefer a game where nothing is bound by time or by map and everything can be sold... for those willing to pay the price. But GW2 isn't that game and I like the other parts of it enough that I'm willing to accept that my views on this are in the minority.


My guess: if there's a Gen3, those will be account bound, too, for the same reasons.

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> @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > > Not this again please....

> > >

> > > Could you guys who don't want to have the legendaries listed help me understand why you don't want that?

> >

> > I've commented on another thread like this and I'll say it once again

> > You want a prestige item?! have no time to grind for it?!

> > Then make up time and don't make dumb suggestions like this one

> >

> > Guess what I have no time to do legendaries too but I spare at least 2 hours for farming and collections

> > I have 9 legendaries in my stock, 7 are 1th gen, 2 are 2th

> > One of them is HOPE and it took me 4 months to make it with 2 spare hours everyday and it was worth it

> >

> > I have 2 more I'm working on: Nevermore & Sharur

> > And I'm far from getting these two but I'm making progress for now


> Ok sure, I can see that you are willing to purchase the legendaries with time. Should that mean that I should be prevented from purchasing them with money?


> I earned my money with time as well - but it was time spent on work irl. I'm just trading in my time, just like you, but in an indirect fashion.


> Can you see where I'm coming from? As far as arenanet is concerned though, the only effect of not letting me buy legendaries with my wallet is that they get less revenue - keep that in mind.


Yes you should be PREVENTED from buying them with money, why do you think they are prestige items. Anet screwed up allowing Gen1 to be tradable destroying any prestige they would of had.

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I don't care either way. 80% of legendary 2.5 can be bought from trading post. HoT legs are not to my liking exept astalaria. Legendary armor can be bought from raids, slack in pvp/wvw.


In any other game I would say make those challenge motes(hard mode) in raids permanent and add unbound LI ( top tier mat to craft legendary) to reward. But with setup in this game, I don't care either way.

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> @"Katastroff.1045" said:

> > @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > > @"ybintell.1984" said:

> > > > > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > > > > Not this again please....

> > > >

> > > > Could you guys who don't want to have the legendaries listed help me understand why you don't want that?

> > >

> > > I've commented on another thread like this and I'll say it once again

> > > You want a prestige item?! have no time to grind for it?!

> > > Then make up time and don't make dumb suggestions like this one

> > >

> > > Guess what I have no time to do legendaries too but I spare at least 2 hours for farming and collections

> > > I have 9 legendaries in my stock, 7 are 1th gen, 2 are 2th

> > > One of them is HOPE and it took me 4 months to make it with 2 spare hours everyday and it was worth it

> > >

> > > I have 2 more I'm working on: Nevermore & Sharur

> > > And I'm far from getting these two but I'm making progress for now

> >

> > Ok sure, I can see that you are willing to purchase the legendaries with time. Should that mean that I should be prevented from purchasing them with money?

> >

> > I earned my money with time as well - but it was time spent on work irl. I'm just trading in my time, just like you, but in an indirect fashion.

> >

> > Can you see where I'm coming from? As far as arenanet is concerned though, the only effect of not letting me buy legendaries with my wallet is that they get less revenue - keep that in mind.


> Then buy gems, convert them to gold, pay people to run you in fractals, raids or what ever you need to get your legendary... Or earn them like everyone does.


Wait people can sell runs for gold in this game? I thought that was frowned on.

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