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building a thief


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Berserker because it has the best damage output, it's easy to get and you have tons of mobility/evades/blinds in your skills to avoid damage done to you.


Make sure you search by stats (power, precision, ferocity) since named exotic gear is a lot cheaper than crafted one (which has "berserker" in its name).

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Counter to what someone said above me, I find a combination of maurauder and berserker gear more effective.


Now that is for power, thief can actually roam the open world really well with condi too. But you'll want to unlock the daredevil elite spec for it. I had no issue going through HoT areas with a condi daredevil in vipers gear.


Power gear is generally faster to kill with, while condi is generally a bit more defensive.


The thief has plenty of skills to survive with once you get good, but a bit of extra hp is usually well valued.


"Whats good whats not good for a general playing thief in pvp an or pve way to much to gear to chose from help?"

As for this, in pvp, I definitely recommend maurauder gear. (for power) or carrion (for condi).


For power, the following setups can be played: d/p + shortbow, staff + shortbow, s/d + shortbow. You may be noticing something, generally, all thief builds use shortbow. The reason is that mobility is the Ace of thief, and in pvp you'll use it to decap enemy points any time they step off of one. If you do this well, you'll reach high gold easy. Then you can master how to +1 other players for quick kills (again using your mobility to outmaneuver the enemy teams position). Thief is a top tier profession when played well, although a little tricky to get the basics down in pvp.


Now there is also deadeye builds, but your focus seems to be on gear, so I won't delve into that.


For condi, you'll want the shortbow too, for the same reason.


Just remember your best role is decap points for thief. Even when you're fighting, you're waiting for moments to run to the enemies points and decap and get back to helping your teamates. (or fully cap if the situation calls for it)


Good luck, the thief is a little repetitive in pve, but quite interesting to play in pvp (except deadeye stealth builds, which are just cancer for the game)


From a thief main. (Well I switch between, thief, ele, rev, engie, warrior depending on my mood, don't like holo or renegade though)

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> @"coopoor.2631" said:

> My question is simple. What the best gear for a thief ? I look at black lion trader an see a lot of gear. Whats good whats not good for a general playing thief in pvp an or pve way to much to gear to chose from help?


I suggest utilizing GW2 metabattle website.


Quick summary, PvE you will primarily want berserker gear stats (power, precision and ferocity) with most builds. Due to thief’s low hp pool it is advisable to get 1-2 pieces of Valkyrie gear stats (power, hp and ferocity).


PvP, generally you will want marauder stats. In structured pvp use marauder amulet. In wvw yo will want enough hp to be able to withstand hits. But not too much that your damage sucks.

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> @"coopoor.2631" said:

> My question is simple. What the best gear for a thief ? I look at black lion trader an see a lot of gear. Whats good whats not good for a general playing thief in pvp an or pve way to much to gear to chose from help?


When it comes to gear, it all depends on the game mode.


In PvE, most thief builds are better off with berserker stats. Berserker are the best stats for power builds and marauder is most definitely needed for PvP due to the thief's low health. Condition builds with viper stats aren't bad, but they do require a coordinated team so the thief can share venom skills in order to deal the most amount of damage.

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