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Mounts and Motion Sickness

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I’m sure some people would like to enjoy the game without needing to limit playtime or use meds... so can we please have some options for mounts to help some of us avoid motion sickness? Can we also get some communication from the team on this issue please?


Here is what we need as selectable OPTIONS...


-More precise and tighter movements.


-Much much much farther camera zoom out.


-Fixed camera when mounting and dismounting.


-No dismounting where possible.


-Apparently there was a change to the camera for mounts to make the movements more realistic, so a normal camera option would be great.


Thank you!


For reference...






It’s obviously a real issue, as some know, but if you don’t know...




“What causes motion sickness?


You get motion sickness when one part of your balance-sensing system (your inner ear, eyes, and sensory nerves) senses that your body is moving, but the other parts don't. For example, if you are in the cabin of a moving ship, your inner ear may sense the motion of waves, but your eyes don't see any movement. This conflict between the senses causes motion sickness.


You may feel sick from the motion of cars, airplanes, trains, amusement park rides, or boats or ships. You could also get sick from video games, flight simulators, or looking through a microscope. In these cases, your eyes see motion, but your body doesn't sense it.”

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Precise and Tight maneuvers are probably NOT going to happen as an Option, considering that is gameplay altering in a substantial way and changes the way players actually play the game and approach puzzles. If it's going to happen it's going to be a universal change, and while I do feel for you, I like my mounts to feel weighty, I like the illusion of having momentum and dealing with inertia... So I don't want that, but that's just me.


The rest, I don't see why not. More camera options are always welcome, especially zoom-distances and FoV increases.

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My wife, who has played since launch, has three accounts and thousands of hours logged, has logged in just once since Path of Fire. She cannot play at all using the mounts without becoming so ill she has to lie down for an hour or more. She can't even watch me on a mount without becoming motion sick.


She will most likely not play GW2 any more because of this . I would point out that we've both played MMOs for almost 20 years and this is the only game in which mounts have ever caused a problem with motion sickness. It's all very well trying to make GW2's mounts stand out from the pack but this is absolutely not the way to do it.


Please fix it. Momentum and all the associated lurching and swaying need to go. If you need them for specific content - puzzles, storyline instances, specific map locations etc - then force-enable them only at those points. Otherwise the whole slurry mess should be optional.





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I can only repeat my recommendation for people becoming motion sick from GW2's mounts: play some ego shooters to get used to fast, sudden camera movements for your brain to adjust. After that, you will no longer become motion sick from these mounts, I promise. :)


As for in-game solutions: some that were suggested won't get implemented. You cannot remove momentum and add it only to "crucial" spots, because every spot is crucial when it comes to mounts in PoF. You can use them anywhere and everywhere, so there is no telling which spots would qualify as "specific content" in regards of map locations. However, adding more camera options would certainly be doable, so for the sake of those not able to use the mounts without getting sick, I hope ANet listens to the requests.

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> @Theocraft.6053 said:

> how could it be possible to experience motion sickness through a screen? isn't motion sickness a result of feeling motion but not seeing it? I always had motion sickness in cars, on ships etc. but in GW2 I didn't felt anything even remote


I posted some info for you in the op.

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> @Valion.4638 said:

> If you are getting motion sickness from the mounts then you have an issue and should see your doctor.


I went to the doctor and he told me to make a thread about it on the official forums. He said Anet should provide the options listed in the op to help me, and others, avoid motion sickness triggers.

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In GW2, I only get motion sickness while doing jumping puzzles in small places because I can't zoom out properly and during the Tequatl fight because of those random zooms at the cannons. I cannot play any first person view game, I get dizzy and throw up. It's not happening to me while riding mounts in GW2 but I totally support you guys because I know that motion sickness sucks for gamers. I'm also oversensitive to dimenhydrinate (I get all numb and fall asleep for hours) so I can't even take pills to control it. The bad thing is that people who don't have this problem just laugh at us. I wish I could give motion sickness to these people to show them what a gamer's hell looks like.

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> @Theocraft.6053 said:

> how could it be possible to experience motion sickness through a screen? isn't motion sickness a result of feeling motion but not seeing it? I always had motion sickness in cars, on ships etc. but in GW2 I didn't felt anything even remote


Not always true. Motion sickness (MS) is often from the disparity between what you are seeing (your eyes) and what you are actually doing (your inner ear and sense of balance/movement). If what you see tells you you're moving but your inner ear tells you you're not, you can get sick, and vice versa.


I get MS from most FPSs but not from GW. The best thing for me is to focus slightly ahead of my mount and character, not right on them.

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How close are you to your screen? That can seriously help or hinder your sickness factor.

Some people (not all) eventually become used to it and no longer get sick.

Ginger. No seriously, chew ginger raw, get ginger candy, or even ginger beer. It will help with the nausea. (American Ginger ale is more sugar than ginger and won't really help.)


What is my bases for this? 10+ years working/programing/flying Apache 64-D/E trainers for Boeing. You think this game will give you motion sickness? :)


Also in this case pay attention to the mount not your character if at all possible. They seriously bounce non Char too damn much. (uncertain about norn. don't play them.) Any male would have their nuts crushed given how much they are bouncing, let alone the all the spinal issues that would happen related to how much they are getting bounced.

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> @Swagger.1459 said:

> > @Adenin.5973 said:

> > There's already an option to disable the extra camera movement for mounts, I doubt you will get anything more than that...


> That’s obviously not enough. I doubt Anet will leave things as is.


its a straight forward cost/benefit analysis, how many people are impacted by the problem they are having versus the opportunity cost of building the facilities these people are looking for.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > @Adenin.5973 said:

> > > There's already an option to disable the extra camera movement for mounts, I doubt you will get anything more than that...

> >

> > That’s obviously not enough. I doubt Anet will leave things as is.


> its a straight forward cost/benefit analysis, how many people are impacted by the problem they are having versus the opportunity cost of building the facilities these people are looking for.


While it's not a "build", they did remove the "toddler grabbing hold of my mouse while I'm right clicking" shake that happens during... whatever due to those with motion sickness.

It's in the options that you can toggle on and off.

They can do the same for mounts.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > @Swagger.1459 said:

> > > > @Adenin.5973 said:

> > > > There's already an option to disable the extra camera movement for mounts, I doubt you will get anything more than that...

> > >

> > > That’s obviously not enough. I doubt Anet will leave things as is.

> >

> > its a straight forward cost/benefit analysis, how many people are impacted by the problem they are having versus the opportunity cost of building the facilities these people are looking for.


> While it's not a "build", they did remove the "toddler grabbing hold of my mouse while I'm right clicking" shake that happens during... whatever due to those with motion sickness.

> It's in the options that you can toggle on and off.

> They can do the same for mounts.


Which is development work ie build. If its cost effective they would do it since they have done it before it seems as you say.

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As one of those posting in the original threads, my update is that it did get better for me. For one, you are on your mounts a lot less than you think. Getting dismounted is common, and then you are either fighting to get out of combat, or running until you can mount up again.


* You can just use the mounts for the situational moments where their skills are needed. Otherwise, just run as usual.

* Learn to tap your "back" button when stopping. It evens out the slide/drift of all the mounts. You'll need to learn this for precise landings anyway, so start practicing.

* Just like with driving a car, don't "look" right in front of you or at your avatar when moving. You look far ahead of yourself while driving, you sense the car around you. You don't need to watch your character and the mount that closely. Adjust your various camera settings so you can pull way back.

* Get your skimmer and jackal as soon as possible. The skimmer and the jackal have a much smoother animation than the bipedal jumpers. The skimmer's "drift" can make me a little woozy at times, but it's better than the bouncing and sliding around of the raptor or springer. Get guildies, friends, or even helpful people on those maps to help you get to the skimmer and jackal heart areas.


The most important one is probably to get the different mounts. Many folks that had problems with the raptor during the preview weekends *may* find that the jackal or skimmer will be their go-to mounts.


I'm still leveling my griffon masteries, so I'm not including that in my review.

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this can be a problem to some people, i agree. and it sucks that you can't enjoy a game cuz mounts.

i don't have motion sickness with mounts. but whenever i'm sick irl, getting on mounts here intensify everything, make me feel even sicker and just want to throw up. but that's about it. i had to do other things that don't involve a mount or stop for a time until i feel better irl.


i don't have the shake option on since i play spvp and wvw quite a lot. it's annoying to aim when others do things with their skills and my screen won't stop shaking. i'm not sure if it helps on mounts since i never have that option on. but may worth a try.

that and change to a different mount as well. the raptor runs, looks left and right, shakes and what not, it can cause motion sickness. the skimmer should offer a smooth experience, more like glide across the ground. the jackal isn't bad either and isn't shaking too much like the raptor. but try them out and see if any works xd

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I get sick from mounts too. I think some of it is the way they move but, for me, the bulk of it is actually the camera shake and zoom(? it's so disorienting I'm not really sure it's zooming) when you mount and un-mount. EVEN with the camera roll checkbox checked there is still come weird camera movement when mounting and un-mounting that makes it so I can't use them.


There are many other environmental effects in the game, since HoT even, that make me sick, but that's another thread.

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