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Gaile Gray, where are you?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.






Really going to miss your voice...and "soccer coach mom" approach of coddling our WvW community...


My voice will only be one of many that I'm sure. :(




Look forward.

There's nothing you did that wasn't done from the heart.


Everything you did was to bring joy to this community.


Through the years you've responded to our posts professionally & with well intentions.


Move forward.

Life's journey sometimes takes an un-expected turn, but it's your internal compass that will keep you on course.


Make sure you keep the embers of your self worth protected...until you can find a new place to land & re-kindle your blaze.


Do whatever it takes to keep your ember smoldering.


Get to the next step.

I've been down this road too. File for un-employment as you try to figure out where to go. Wallow for a little bit, but not long.


I hope when this door in your life closes...another door or window will open...but be ready & looking for it.


Love you too...wishing you well in your future too.


Yours truly,


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I feel like the loss of Gaile is the beginning of a new era at Arenanet. She was attentive, she was an active member of the community, and her presence here showed us that Arenanet was the same community and player focused company that we came to love through the years. I feel like them simply letting her go like that, out of the blue, is a loud and clear message that things are going to be different now.


I love the Guild Wars series. It's one of the last greats out there. It's heart breaking to see the beginning of its decline, as we likely won't see another game like it. I'm not not quite prepared for this to be the next Wildstar.

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> @"Zalani.9827" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


> I’m going to miss you Gaile, I still remember hanging out in Lions Arch back in gw1 watching the frog talk.


> Good luck! <3


I too was there at one of those moments GW1 LA.


Will be sorely missed.


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I've been a fan of this franchise since GW1 was released, and Gaile is a legend, an icon, a celebrity, but overall, just a great person. I remember when she would grace us with an appearance in LA or Kamadan during holiday events, I gave her a cupcake or delicious cake during Wintersday and she thanked me... may seem silly but she knew how to bring the community together, talking about her love of the game and keeping us informed. From this irrational decision, there is no proper way to say goodbye. This shouldn't be happening unless it was on her terms, she deserves that after all these years of dedication. Gaile, we really can't express enough how much you'll be missed. Wish you only good vibes from here on out. Peace, Frog Princess.


Just to vent a little, and from my understanding, NCSoft seems to be cutting those with a "higher salary" which includes some long time employees. There's a reason they've been there so long because their great work shows in game. It might be all about numbers, but do they realize the impact this will all have?? Laying off vet staff not only demoralizes players, but newer staff as well because why would you want to advance in a company if they're just going to cut you?? And not to name names, but there are some staff that made the cut who really, really shouldn't have. We will see how this plays out but I don't even want to play the game tonight after all of this.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> 1. Announce massive layoffs.

> 2. Reassure the community that everything will be okay and that the game will go on.

> 3. To restore consumer confidence...um...fire the popular public representative of the company?


> I have enjoyed your posts on the forum Gayle, and will miss your presence personally, as well as missing having someone who made the effort to communicate and respond to the community. Good luck in all your future endeavors!


> Just saying, I guess I will not be in a hurry to spend more money on the game. Not in any sort of retaliation, but because this has added to my suspicion that it's all going away soon.


yeah, even though I butted heads with Gaile sometimes, this was kind of an incompetent move that shows either Anet or NCSoft really doesn't know what they're doing.

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I don't understand, I'm so confused and sad. I never directly interacted with @"Gaile Gray.6029" but I would always look forward to her answers on the forum. while there is probably a lot we don't know, this doesn't seem wise. I mean it's not like they suddenly don't need someone to fill her job. I understand the situation is somewhat out of Anet control but I did not expect so many and so many major role on GW team to be laid off.


With tomorrow's patch... I'm just afraid the only MMO I like is heading straight for its inevitable doom. GW has been a major part of my childhood and GW Nightfall was one of the very first game I bought myself. I've always been happy to see the continuation of the world of GW. I really don't know what to expect now. This certainly won't help me sleep tonight...

I guess in the end, my well wishes to Gaile and everyone else going through the same. We love the work you've done for us, thank you.

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Personally I didn't like Gaile that much. I've butt heads with her on more than one occasion. Her reasoning annoys me, being very identity-centric. I'm not happy to see her fired, though, largely because she wasn't fired for good reason.


When I saw the "Update from Arenanet" post in news and announcements, I knew it was a bad sign. It didn't actually address anything. It was one big "don't worry" message, and experience has taught me to be worried whenever anyone says not to be. Now, in all irony, the person in charge of telling us not to worry about the layoffs has been laid off.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > So I guess the game is going in maintenance mode now like gw1 and thats probably it?


> Well no. There are on the bright side, still approx 300 employees working on the game. Maintenance mode would have a handful and no content. Plus the game still generates revenue.


> It will be a shaky few months for sure, but I don't think maintenance mode is on the horizon


I wouldn't be so sure of that tbh.. . and I would hazard a guess that revenue generation may take a hit to compound the issues further from here on in as player loyalty and willingness to support the game financially comes into question.

This may prove to be one of those defining moments and for all the wrong reasons... I do hope I am wrong but just as I had a sense there has been a growing cloud over the game this past 6 months, I am feeling this storm hasn't broken yet.

Fingers crossed the Phoenix really can rise from the flames.

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Hi there,


I'm not a big participant on these forums. However, every time I read you, you seem very dedicated to what you do, and I think it won't be the same now, without you. I must admit this makes me sad.

I wish the best to you and all the people affected by this decision. I hope it will be the start to a new and beautiful journey!


See you soon!

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To say that I'm shocked at this news would be an understatement. Gaile's been part of my Guild Wars journey all the way since 2005. In an age where most game studios feel like faceless corporations, she provided that essential human touch. She was a very busy person with lots of people clamoring for her time, but I still remember the occasions where people would raise issues or tickets with her that didn't seem to go anywhere, and she promised she'd look into it. And oftentimes, that DID actually get results. I can't say how amazing it is to actually feel like you have somebody at the company who will actually listen to you and provide a personal response instead of the canned form letters you tend to get nowadays.


You will be sorely missed, Gaile. ANet and the Guild Wars universe won't be the same without you. :( I wish you all the best on the next leg of your journey, and hopefully we'll meet again in Tyria or some other fantastic world down the line.


P.S. Tell the Frog that the heket are STILL causing problems in Elona. :P

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