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[Poll] WHY do you LIKE the idea of a Warclaw?


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Like in the other thread, I'm not sure yet, need to see implementation of it before I can judge.


But initial reaction is that I don't see it give anything meaningful to the mode without stepping on the toes of other mechanics (build-speed, siege, will favor zergs most, etc).


But ANet generally has a good track record for surprising me with how they implement features, so not going to claim the skies falling until I've seen the implementation in practice.

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I am not really sure, but I imagine that it might make less mobile builds/classes more suited for roaming/flipping small objectives solely because they can keep up speed wise... however, I imagine you won't be able to mount when in combat, thus less mobile roamers are still fucked when outplayed/outnumbered ...

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2 and 3

It will improve roaming greatly, reduce response time from roaming to a skirmish or assault, and allow players to more quickly join up with commanders.

Long story short, it will affect the unnecessarily boring travels between two points, and hardly affect the solo-roamers.

Why? You can’t mount up in combat, and both parties that will meet in the wild will dismount to have their skirmish until either side disengages or vanquishes the other.

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It's a pain the ass, trying to get to a target that's being attacked or defended, without having to worry about a slew of enemy all mounted coming in at you at increased speed with a possible Mount attack when they reach you. Let alone the idea of 60+ mounted players who can all attack a gate, as almost it was shown in the Video showing one attacking a gate with chains.....what's the purpose of Rams? You have to break into a target even faster or risk being trampled underfoot within less than 1 minute anywhere on the map....I don't see this as a "balanced" idea. Quite a few long term guilds probably have the saved resources, plus more than enough rank to fill up with mounts and have an upper hand. This also would keep any others from progressing very far in achieving any sort of rank gain...if rank is going to be used as a portion of obtaining a Warclaw. I think this mount is going to cause a severe backlash. An increased speed of a group means faster travel times from beginning area to assault spot in 1/2 the time or less. This would force servers to populate locations of towers/keeps/garrisons with a defensive force. However....hate to say it...most players doing defense get bored to tears, which would either cause them to abandon their position....lets just face it.....those players won't even bother scouting, defending, and that location will remain paper for all time. Your talking about....an adjustment of the players base instincts which is to be on the battlefield, being on the offensive. I found very few players that do continuous defense of a location. And what's the purpose if your own group can't get to you in time, because the entire zerg doesn't have mounts to get to an area to defend. If this thing is too fast, and can actually be used to assault walls/gates....what the hell do you do against an ENTIRE zerg of these things? DO TELL!? 60 Warclaws assaulting a gate? How much DPS does it do x60?

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It's not that I'm against the mount, I just feel it's not for WvW. There's so much more that could be done for this game mode. When GW2 released it's trailer for the game, my mind was made up to switch from WOW, and said I was never going back. I switched just for the WvW. After all these years I'm still here waiting for new content for WvW, the talks for alliances, and still nothing. And all Anet can offer the WvW community is a mount. We've lost a lot of long time WvW players, that left the game, because of changes that made no sense or balance patches, where still there was no balance. No one listened to the WvW community, people that had been here since the beginning. Yes we want new players to come in and experience this game play, learn the mechanics and have fun, but do you actually think most of them will stay once they have the mount? The rewards aren't great, the money you earn isn't great, but what is great is the people that enjoy fighting, and working together to hold their bl, or something they've taken that belongs to someone else. The people that you make friends with, and the guilds that your in, is what keeps most people coming back. The WvW community is an awesome group of people.

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> @"Khalessi.5603" said:

> It's not that I'm against the mount, I just feel it's not for WvW. There's so much more that could be done for this game mode. When GW2 released it's trailer for the game, my mind was made up to switch from WOW, and said I was never going back. I switched just for the WvW. After all these years I'm still here waiting for new content for WvW, the talks for alliances, and still nothing. And all Anet can offer the WvW community is a mount. We've lost a lot of long time WvW players, that left the game, because of changes that made no sense or balance patches, where still there was no balance. No one listened to the WvW community, people that had been here since the beginning. Yes we want new players to come in and experience this game play, learn the mechanics and have fun, but do you actually think most of them will stay once they have the mount? The rewards aren't great, the money you earn isn't great, but what is great is the people that enjoy fighting, and working together to hold their bl, or something they've taken that belongs to someone else. The people that you make friends with, and the guilds that your in, is what keeps most people coming back. The WvW community is an awesome group of people.


i think ppl are over blowing the warclaw thing, obviously it's not the grand addition that will save the gamemode from atrophy. warclaw is more of a feature to give the wvw-mode some new addition to tie ppl over till alliances happen.

maybe even add some funding to the project, who knows.

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I cant wait to shred t3 kittens in 10 seconds and all the pvrees coming running so i can pound them without them dumping 30 acs and make me run out of said t3 objective. Something can stay t3 if there are active defenders on the map and they pound me in a fight. Not with siege. Its cancer. You may disagree but even if t3s flip and only 5 show up. At least you can ktrain again. ALSO. Raise the bonus for defending t1 t2 and t3 objectives.

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