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how to respond to a player when you say to him its good to have a disengagement skills


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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> And he say

> "Don't understand the desire to 'disengage' all the time. Rather have some tools to kick someone's kitten instead of running away like a loser"


It's really a shame that nobody can consistently use mechanical skills or forethought to just put people into the ground because one player is better than another. I admire that guy's position, but unfortunately, GW2 just hard carries fundamentally bad players with low-effort skills. This game's meta is indeed very flighty and passive; it basically encourages running away from hard counter match ups and only taking fights which one knows that one can win. Taking aggressive play options often just loses out to people with more protracted invuln or teleports. Winning match-ups is not really entirely in the hands of players if someone is seeking to play a particular way that isn't just super passive footsies.

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The combat has powercrept in this game so far that few builds require skill. Most combat situations are two players with the most cheesiest build using cheesiest one or two shot mechanics whether it’s utilizing one shot build,ridiculous cc pairing with two or three hits taking opponents from 24000 hp’s to 0,shrugging off any bursts for a ridiculous amount of times using blocks and invulnerability skills. One opponent unloads burst on opponent and does zero damage for 8 seconds than the other cc’s and two shots the other. Or one or two players rush in and if player Miss times his ridiculous sustain skills is deleted in one sec,there no room for skill in this iteration of gw2 combat lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> The combat has powercrept in this game so far that few builds require skill.


This is especially true in gold and upper silver. These are pretty good players who are willing to research meta and then learn their build and the buffs. Makes for a boring predictable game. I had more fun playing at the beginning and way less fun playing as I got more familiar with the game. I wonder if this is why the game is not more vibrant?


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