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My thoughts on weaver


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This is far from an scientific analysis but my personal opinion is that spvp weaver is awesome. In the hands of a great player, it is quite powerful, to the point where I can see why Anet does not buff it. Sure most players (and that includes me; I claim only mediocrity), will get reasonable but not stellar performance from it. Plus the weaver game play is just so much fun-- staff aside: staff is just horribly boring to me. (Side note, it wasn't until I realized I could do non-staff that I finished leveling my ele all those years ago and now it is my beloved main.)


Yes, ele can be frustrating and it feels like we get no love but I can see glimmers of why we don't get buffs. It's actually quite potent when you are firing on all cylinders. That said, sure, give us mediocre players some love!

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I am happy to hear you are having lots of fun with weaver! I totally agree, it is a great class and I like the concept and complexity - because it goes hand in hand with adaptability. No other class has kept my as occupied playing as ele, and especially weaver. :tongue:


However, it is clearly subpar in PVP. The concept would work very well in the core game, even in HoT - a pure sustainy bunker. In PoF though, side noders got lots of damage, AoE CC, support... a weaver is fixed in a single role, specs like holo or mirage can fill the same while also being able to help in various other situations. We have hoped for a year now they would change that - not just buffing weaver, but nerfing so many other classes, but nothing happened.


So I am still playing it too - I love it, I have fun playing it. But if I switched to a meta build, I know I would play significantly higher (after getting accustomed to it of course). But... I prefer my integrity. *gg*


Go weavers, go! We keep fighting against all odds! :lol:

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I agree. Weaver specifically gives me that feeling of pulverizing the keyboard with the already existing 4 attunements on ele, the best experience in GW2 from my personal opinion. I love how eles change their playstyle on the field faster than any class, because you've got the whole package, like it or not, good or bad, you will unconsciously make use of some abilities to fit in a specific situation no matter the build. This full package as you said, is the fan-favorite aspect and it's also the downfall of the class because it would require thorough changes to how ele works without messing its fun feature or make it broken, and for a huge patch as that specific for ele, it's something we all can dream of.


For meta: Muck Feta, the main reason I quit playing LoL. Meta mostly favors the brain-dead which isn't into my liking, because by then you will only focus on the bonus tricks of the class and playing the current game, no need for calculations, etc. That's why it's called meta, you're over-tuned, no need to calculate. For example, chrono, it's strong but it requires further thinking than other meta classes.


I would say we mostly play ele, not because of how powerful it is and all that. It's the fun it carries and the all-in-all package, else this sub-forum would've been dead because who would care by then. Ele's reward is pulling off that lovely 10 buttons move to reach specific goal (although it doesn't mean it should be the exact same result).


My point is, as long as ele is play-able and still holds onto its kit, other characters would barely see the light. But I would love getting buffs to not always rely on someone else.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:


> I would say we mostly play ele, not because of how powerful it is and all that. It's the fun it carries and the all-in-all package, else this sub-forum would've been dead because who would care by then. Ele's reward is pulling off that lovely 10 buttons move to reach specific goal (although it doesn't mean it should be the exact same result).


> My point is, as long as ele is play-able and still holds onto its kit, other characters would barely see the light. But I would love getting buffs to not always rely on someone else.


Absolutely. I love weaver. Can't stay away from it for long. Other classes and specs may out perform at times but they bore me.




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> @"qbalrog.8017" said:

> This is far from an scientific analysis but my personal opinion is that spvp weaver is awesome. In the hands of a great player, it is quite powerful, to the point where I can see why Anet does not buff it. Sure most players (and that includes me; I claim only mediocrity), will get reasonable but not stellar performance from it. Plus the weaver game play is just so much fun-- staff aside: staff is just horribly boring to me. (Side note, it wasn't until I realized I could do non-staff that I finished leveling my ele all those years ago and now it is my beloved main.)


> Yes, ele can be frustrating and it feels like we get no love but I can see glimmers of why we don't get buffs. It's actually quite potent when you are firing on all cylinders. That said, sure, give us mediocre players some love!


there's glimmers for weaver sword. but ele should be more than a 130 range melee weapon, we have daggers/staff/sceptre/focus/warhorn all of which are not competitive, and have not been for over a year.

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For a sword it lacks blocks or counter attacks. I mean you have riptide and earth #2 as evades, but it locks you on a position for 1-2sec and it's so OBVIOUS people who have the experience will just blow you up right after. Weaver should have also an offhand sword. Same with #2 air, too long CD or/and too short range, and you can't chase or flee someone as you need to interrupt to get the superspeed.

I know people will say "elem has 20 weapon skills" as an excuse to weak aa, and long cast long cd, but come on, quantity doesn"t make quality; it's the reason we have to play with Arcane. I really like weaver, more than tempest and core; because of the dynamism, but it's true you have to do more efforts for barely the same result than others classes.

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Sigh, as much as I like to rant about how frustrating it is to play weaver in PvP sometimes, I have to agree with you.

The playstyle is just fun. Thats why I also cant really quit it....altho I have tried several times to pick up another class at this point.

Personally I just wish the spec had a bit more freedom in its trait choices....I honestly detest the mender bunker variant.

But then again, as long as my fire/arcane cele spec can keep me in Plat 1-2 I'm not really complaining.

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> @"qbalrog.8017" said:

> This is far from an scientific analysis but my personal opinion is that spvp weaver is awesome. In the hands of a great player, it is quite powerful, to the point where I can see why Anet does not buff it. Sure most players (and that includes me; I claim only mediocrity), will get reasonable but not stellar performance from it. Plus the weaver game play is just so much fun-- staff aside: staff is just horribly boring to me. (Side note, it wasn't until I realized I could do non-staff that I finished leveling my ele all those years ago and now it is my beloved main.)


> Yes, ele can be frustrating and it feels like we get no love but I can see glimmers of why we don't get buffs. It's actually quite potent when you are firing on all cylinders. That said, sure, give us mediocre players some love!


Vet eles complain because they see the fundamental issues with the class, I won't deny that a s/d weaver with mender can be quite a capable point holder if played well but that's really all it goes for the class, without sword you would not see that many eles in pvp...not that you see that many to start with

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I can't never understand anyone who thinks ele doesn't need buff in pvp. There's only a single build and it's a boring point holder that just stalemates everyone that has a bit of sustain and lose to anyone with spammable knockbacks + sustain. What's even worse is if you remove menders amulet, the whole build suddenly becomes trash because it cant even 1v2 that well anymore.


Don't understand why balance team is so scared to buff ele when they are ok with creating dumb shit such as boonbeast and proc holo that's literally the "buffed" version of sustain ele that can bunker nodes while still have damage to kill other people 1v1, and if they don't want to do that, all they have to do is make meaningful buffs to other useless weapons such as dagger/scepter/staff. But nope, let's just keep giving eles useless dagger/scepter/tempest buffs every 3+ months and introduce random game wide nerfs to kill off even worse FA builds while pretty much every other class except rev get to play with multiple meta tier builds/weapon sets. Don't forget to nerf staff too because golem benchmarks.

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Whenever the argument of ele being an awful class when it comes to solo content or how awful it is the most StatsxTraits reliant class. There is that, but you're top damage on the Large Hitbox, the non-existent hitbox that even SC state that is only used because of the **RNG**. There is a fear of making ele super powerful, but there is no fear of keeping others over-tuned and not nerfing them. Guess 1 class down and 8 up is easier to accept. Not saying that all classes are meta but we're most likely C/D tier in PvP/WvW roaming. Just create a poll on pvp forums on which class is the worst in PvP - the poll winner is already known. The class is now played in PvP or roaming by those who love playing it for its kit not for what it can do.

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I would not say that Ele has only one build. Maybe because the best known Ele build for PVP is considered as mediocre but there are quite a lot of different viable Ele builds playing in that category :) This is not sarcasm. Ele is mediocre in the hand of the average player but I believe that it has the capability to shine when played very well.

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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> Sounds like another spec called scrapper can do weaver's job better too now. Boonbeast, holos, spellbreakers are still around, and there's also chrono now. Cheers on being the most useless class in pvp for another year! who needs buffs =)


Another year? At this point I am starting to doubt if ele will become useful at all until the next expansion brings another set of elite specs. The way that living world is going, it looks like that it will be 2 more years.

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Played a bit of roaming weaver in wvw, not gonna lie I felt pretty useless. I could either trait for more damage and die quickly, or trait for sustain and die slowly. Sure it has a lot of sustain, but that's just delaying the inevitable death if you cannot kill off enemies quick enough. Weaver actually has decent damage, but other roaming classes also has good sustain so it almost doesn't matter.

I doubt anet will actually change anything about weaver, as it is arguable in the most 'balanced' state it has ever been. It's not too bad and some people find success with it. It also has multiple viable builds in pve/pvp/wvw, so there is no incentive to make it stronger.

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