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Easy Gemstore 'wins' for Anet


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Currently there are only one or two new things a month you're able to buy on the gem store which kind of makes it difficult to support the game.

Why not add in some nice QOL items and assets that already exist to boost gem store sales?

Off the top of my head things like:

Endless Hairkit

Endless Merchant/Bank

Endless Upgrade Extractor

Endless BL Salvage Kit

Yes some of these are super rare items that are already in BL chests but they make life so much more convenient and surely giving everyone access to them isn't a bad thing if it improves sales.

Also old assets that people have been screaming for like the bikinis and school uniform outfits.

The old Data Mined Katana 1HS and dagger.

Several NPC or event only items like the backpacks from the latest meta event (clean up oil backpack)

Cultural/Racial outfits that we aren't able to get currently (Norn shaman outfits etc)

Build templates could even be a gem store item.

These are all things that people would give you money for but cant currently acquire.

Please Anet, a lot of people want to support you/your staff and don't want the game to go into maintenance mode but there are only so many times you can release the same weapon/armor skins before we have all the ones we want.

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I agree that Anet should improve its gemstore. However, putting those endless things on the gemstore is a bad idea because it will decrease sale and income for Anet. Think about it if Anet put those things on the store for either 2000/4000 or even 8000 gems there are people willing to spend that much money to get it and then it will be it. Then who will purchase the 1-time use utilities? Who will buy more keys? etc.

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came back after 2 years. realized there are still mostly the same items in it. lol ... as much ppl hate Fortnite, but they showed that ppl love awesome looking skins and buying them in masses. The section in this game is really boring and i would pay a lot for some awesome shiny weapon skins, armor parts, backpacks .... they really should revamp their Gemstore with (more) items what ppl want and update it regular with new stuff.... get rid of this gold/gem exchange. Let ppl sell Gemstore Skins in the Market (with a monthly limit so ppl cant invest 1000 bucks to get super rich in 1hr)

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It's a mistake to think that the current layoffs have much to do with ANet's income or that anything done today is going to reverse it. NCSOFT missed shareholder expectations, and like nearly every corporation, they're shredding costs as quickly as possible. If this was about ANet alone, NCSOFT would have quietly given them 6-month targets for cost savings or income generating and we probably would have been none the wiser.

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Bathing Suits and School Uniforms have already been made and whether you agree with them or not would produce so much easy money for Anet it's baffling they have not used them yet.

More faces and hairstyles. Those are probably harder to churn out than red chairs but let's face it, red chairs are not making any profit

The USP of this game is the character customisation in my opinion. Outfits, armour sets, hairstyles, faces and dyes.

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> @"Frozenize.9603" said:

> I agree that Anet should improve its gemstore. However, putting those endless things on the gemstore is a bad idea because it will decrease sale and income for Anet. Think about it if Anet put those things on the store for either 2000/4000 or even 8000 gems there are people willing to spend that much money to get it and then it will be it. Then who will purchase the 1-time use utilities? Who will buy more keys? etc.


I'm not sure people buy keys with the hopes of getting the ultra rare items. I would argue that most buy them to get the rotation items like the mounts etc (which are usually also on the gem store at the same time)

As for the 1 time utilities, when was the last time you spent gems on a bank access merchant or BL salvage kit, upgrade extractors or merchants?

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They really just need to produce more cosmetics. The time between cosmetics is pretty long for a game that relies on non-pay to win cash shop items. Of course this also means the gemstore interface would have to be improved, it's terrible to browse through right now and is only tolerable due to very small selections at a given time.

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IMO, they need to produce more skins. Outfits cater to one group of people, but there is another entirely separate group of people who enjoy piecing together custom outfits, and creating unique looks. For those folks, outfits simply hold no value and aren't worth the purchase. By producing both outfits and skins, they can hit both demographics.

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--Lower gem prices across the board (33%~). Gem store items, in comparison to other MMO cashshops, are pretty damn expensive ATM. Lowering their price will make more people willing to shell out for them. However, if you just lowered the price of the items then people could just use gold --> gems easier. Instead, lower the $ price of gems themselves.


--Allow players to purchase ascended weapons/armour/trinkets for gems.


--Allow players to purchase any skin for gems. (maybe make random wardrobe unlocks a purchasable item, and make the black lion chest ones let you SELECT the unlock you want)


--Allow players to change ascended stats for gems.


--Create more individual skins for weapons/armour parts/back items, rather than outfits.


--Create special infusions (+9 with stats of your choice) that grant unique visual effects and are untradable for the gemstore. Essentially more fashion.


--Allow players to dye weapons for gems.


--Create a sub service that reduces the price of gemstore items (perma 25% discount), gives access to regular special deals for items at the gemstore (either items you can't normally buy like discounted resource/currency packs, 'early access' on new cosmetic items, etc.), and gives you a stipend of gems and black lion keys every 2 weeks. As well, with this sub service enabled, black lion chests spit out 2 extra items each time you open them.

Allow people with the sub to purchase seasonal items anytime, as well as having their own section of the store for their own specific deals, as well as items not normally available at that time.

Ex. Items aren't always available in the gemstore all at once, but the sub players will be able to see more items in their gemstore.

The sub specific gemstore section should rotate its goods every week, in order to stay fresh and encourage more subs/gem purchases from subs.


This is less of a GW2 sub, and more of a gemstore sub, from how I envisioned it. There should be a free month of it for every GW2 player (to sample it). After that, players can purchase 3/6/9/12 month packages.


--Every 2 weeks, each player receives a coupon. Their next purchase of gems for $ gives them (25%, 50%, or 75%) more gems. The coupon the player receives is random.


I don't think any of these changes would fundamentally break the system (you can already effectively purchase ascended items via gem-->gold and a miniscule bit of effort, plus ascended items are pretty easy to get), but I think they would cause sales to increase.


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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> --Lower gem prices across the board (33%~). Gem store items, in comparison to other MMO cashshops, are pretty kitten expensive ATM. Lowering their price will make more people willing to shell out for them. However, if you just lowered the price of the items then people could just use gold --> gems easier. Instead, lower the $ price of gems themselves.


So, what MMORPGs have cheaper cash shops? Did you play one game out of the hundreds that did and think that's how it is for all of them? 10-40$ for skins is standard, and keep in mind, the vast majority of MMORPGs do not use an account-wide system. If you buy a 10$ skin, that is just for a single character. You buy a 10$ skin on GW2 and that's for all your characters on your account. Appearance changers on other games range from 10-20$, on GW2 you spend half that, and are given the option to spend less if it's just the hair you want to change; other games you are generally forced to pay for a full change for just the hair. Even the dye system is better compared to most, due to the colors being a one time account wide unlock, rather than requiring a consumable each and every time.


Playing a single character on GW2 means you spend as much or less than standard MMORPGs, and any character beyond the first is instant savings.


Gold<-->Gem exchanges are also already easy and take minimal time unless you try buying every single thing, and this isn't even an option for most games either. This means you're stuck dealing with highly inflated prices on a typical game.

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> @"draconicrose.6213" said:

> Or just stop having the majority of the cosmetic gem store items off rotation if they're not seasonal. That would help a lot, I think.


It would be consumer friendly but it would make them less money. Artificial scarcity is a sales tactic to make more money, not less.

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