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Close the Official Forum

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The original Guild Wars did not have an official forum. Communication between ArenaNet and the players happened through multiple fansite forums, each with their own community.


When GW2 was released, the official forum felt like one more thing done just because other MMORPGs did it too.


Now, when we have so many kinds of social media and Reddit, this place is simply not necessary. Considering ArenaNet's situation, this forum is a waste of resources that would be better used elsewhere.


Close it. We have other ways to communicate with ArenaNet. Maintaining the game is far more important than keeping this forum.

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > Hysteria much now? Just don’t come here than problem solved.


> Yes, because a player not coming here means ArenaNet won't be wasting the limited resources they have in an unneeded forum ;)


> I suggest finding out what "hysteria" means before you accuse others of it.


Genius u figured it all out how it was the forum who drained all that needed money out ! I should use another word instead of hysteria but I would get infracted so I move along now with a face palm....

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > Hysteria much now? Just don’t come here than problem solved.

> >

> > Yes, because a player not coming here means ArenaNet won't be wasting the limited resources they have in an unneeded forum ;)

> >

> > I suggest finding out what "hysteria" means before you accuse others of it.


> Genius u figured it all out how it was the forum who drained all that needed money out !


I'm amazed at how you believe keeping this forum and moderating it is free. Then again, thank you for proving my point about how wasteful this forum is.



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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > Hysteria much now? Just don’t come here than problem solved.


> Yes, because a player not coming here means ArenaNet won't be wasting the limited resources they have in an unneeded forum ;)


"The limited resources"? They had an overblown roster, half of which seems not even were working on GW2, but on some "unnamed projects". Now those projects are canceled, and hopefully they will have enough manpower to handle GW2, at last.



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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > Hysteria much now? Just don’t come here than problem solved.

> > >

> > > Yes, because a player not coming here means ArenaNet won't be wasting the limited resources they have in an unneeded forum ;)

> > >

> > > I suggest finding out what "hysteria" means before you accuse others of it.

> >

> > Genius u figured it all out how it was the forum who drained all that needed money out !


> I'm amazed at how you believe keeping this forum and moderating it is free. Then again, thank you for proving my point about how wasteful this forum is.



Then why are you here wasting everyone's time, including your own...


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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > Hysteria much now? Just don’t come here than problem solved.


> Yes, because a player not coming here means ArenaNet won't be wasting the limited resources they have in an unneeded forum ;)


> I suggest finding out what "hysteria" means before you accuse others of it.


I think @"Balsa.3951" pretty much nailed it actually

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> @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> Now, when we have so many kinds of social media and Reddit, this place is simply not necessary.


> Close it. We have other ways to communicate with ArenaNet. Maintaining the game is far more important than keeping this forum.

It necessary for those players that don't use the other methods needed to contact Anet that you do. Maintaining the forums is handled by a different set of resources than the game.



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> @"Kaiser.9873" said:

> Part of the cost of doing business imo is providing and supporting a method to communicate with your player base. Reddit isn't ANet, and I find it ridiculous that so much of the initial announcements and communication runs through a NON-official forum before the official forum.


If the point is to share information, then you do so where the most people will see it. Most "official" forums aren't used as much as the reddit/social media counterparts by the player base, and as such, it makes sense the developers/publishers would use them less too. If people want developers/publishers to use their "official" forums more, then they should get more people to use it, and less to use the alternatives.

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Um ... I use these forums FAR more than the social media places, where I do not have (and never will have if I have any say in the matter) any accounts. These are clear, easy to follow, easy to search (finally, yay), linear, and all in one place.


And somehow I doubt that paying for forum maintenance and some people to moderate them is more than a drop in the bucket of what goes into running and growing an MMO. They're bigger scale than most guild forums, but very similar in concept as to the thread posting, and every Tom, Richard, and Harry seems to set up custom guild websites on platforms such as Enjin for a negligible cost per year, with more features.

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