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A heavy hearted farewell...

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Tonight, after the whirlwind of news that was today, I found myself torn... So many amazing people lost their jobs today. Their families and lives were affected. People I call close friends lost their jobs. I was distraught. My heart ached for them all day long. All I could do was stand by and watch this massacre and offer words of encouragement.


I thought long and hard all day about one particularly close friend, Josh Foreman. Hands down one of the best environmental designers I have ever seen in the MMO industry. You all know him as the creator of SAB and many jumping puzzles. He was also the lead environmental designer for many well loved areas within the game.


What you may not know him for is a small, out of the way mini JP west of the Town of Nolan in Diessa Plateau... You see I've been around since launch, and was a GW player before that. I had become so disenchanted with MMO's as the popularity of GW declined. Then GW2 was announced and the hype train was in full effect.


I remember my first time logging in and my first character, Solomon Darkfury, a Norn Guardian exploring his was through the beauty of Wayfarer Foothills, from the forest into the snow I was amazed. Gameplay took some getting used to but I was really enjoying it. Was I in love with it? To be honest, no. Getting used to dodging was difficult lol. Everything was SUPER expensive on the BLT.


Then one day something magical happened, I think I was around level 10 and was making my way into Diessa Plateau. I went south and found the small town of Nolan and began to explore the mossy ruins to the west. Jumpin and falling, falling and jumping lol being a Norn even in mini JP's was a nightmare in the early days! Finally I got to wear the drainage pipe is and I could see the grate on one but the other was just moss covered... hmmmmmm... So I jumped!


My feet found purchase in the pip and I was like HAH! A hidden area! I followed the pipe until I saw a breach on the left side. I hopped onto the little gear and looked. My jaw DROPPED... What I saw took my breath away. The gorgeous serene beauty of that strawberry patch, I couldn't put it into words... I sat there for an hour just taking it all in. Screen shot after screen shot, I checked out every absolutely gorgeous detail. From how the light shifted through the trees to how the waterfalls flowed to the blue butterflies flittered around... I was in love! That was the exact moment I fell in love with Guild Wars 2. I then told everyone I knew about it! and people would come and share in the absolute joyous beauty of this place. I'd never seen anything like it and to this day I think it is the most visually stunning location in this game. I've often returned to this place when I just need to remember why I fell in love with this game.


So here I am today trying to sort through all the emotions I am feeling and then it hit me, the man who created my beloved strawberry patch, my friend, Josh... he's not here anymore. My heart was torn out of me in that moment. Today, we lost MANY people who helped build this game and GW1. They created our dreams and our enjoyment for over a decade. I am sure we all have fond stories of Dev interaction. Today I honor a man who I am lucky to now call a close personal friend. and I do so in the only way I know how. By going back to that special place that made me fall in love with Guild Wars 2. The place YOU created Josh Foreman. It will stand as a testament to your creative vision and endeavors. Please know that you and your colleagues will be sorely missed, always.


Always remembering and honoring the contributions you made,

Solomon Darkfury



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As frustrated as I have been with the balancing of the game lately (particularly with PvP), hearing the news about this made my heart sink. Thank you for this post, OP. I genuinely wish everyone departing the company luck with their endeavors, and I hope nothing but the best for the current employees and the game.

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