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Suggestion to support GvG oriented players


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I'm sorry Mudse, I had to go to bed last night so I missed all the fun that followed.


**Overall**, I'd say we've met an impasse. I'm not talking about guilds that occassionally throw up a tag, I am talking about the vast majority of tags. I don't mean to sound snide but you seem to cling very hard to an idea of what a GvG guild is to you, a sort of stereotype, rather than being open to change perspective. All the examples you give I see in the opposite (open tags from guild-born commanders do dominate maps and guilds have also historically dominated maps even with closed tags). Also, the norm I see every friday is that the first few hours everyone tries to dominate the maps and win the ticks. It is first when people start giving up in the face of coverage domination or a wall of upcomming night crews that you see a larger emphasis being put on just fights (or just PPT where a server may actively seek to strangle PPK flow).


**As far as fairness go**, I wanted to point at the objective side of things. I can't really talk with you about your subjective definition of fairness. The mode hinges on some sense of fairness, that fairness is interrupted by broken mechanics. We seem to agree as much and that is fine by me. How people later choose to play is really up to them. I only really concern myself with the integrity of the system.


**The GH arena** was also an interesting discussion that came up later. I'd like to add one thing to it: The arena size was certainly a concern going into HoT and the PvE physics applied certainly became the nail in its coffin moving out of HoT (essentially, the spring 2017 balance patch that overblew condition scaling in PvE environments). However between those two points guild-interaction in the GH was fairly healthy with multiple tournaments and random sparring. The big issue with the GH arena that wore groups out over time was the bugged instancing; where it could take an hour to get two teams onto the same overflow. That's what sort of made it lose momentum over time. So physics are important, a larger arena floor, even as an option, wouldn't be bad (to enable more than 15v15) but the crunch is to fix the bad coding and improve on the allround accessability tools. So the GH is kind of similar in what it needs to a custom arena option; it needs better core front- and backend. As someone else said, there is definately some good intentions in both ideas (spectator modes etc.) it's just that, like WvW, it has been left unfinished since release. Incidentally, the best side project for WvW thus takes up the same type of expertise and talent as the main project (pop balance). It should, however, be much smaller in scope and can be iterated upon from where it is.

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> @"Kenoki.2830" said:

> I wasn't clear enough Strider, my bad. We like fighting in keeps, but not the long and painfull sieging aspect. I do agree that fighting in keeps is actually interesting, arrow carts create a certain pressure, canon too, and that's why i suggest that sieging could a part of my suggestion. Simply, reduce the sieging aspect and focus on the fight aspect while the sieging is done.


> Having to sit 10 minutes under 6 AC firing isn't fun for most of us.


> Do we agree ?


The boonshare/ instant downstate raise which most of these guilds run is just way too ridiculous for regular pugs to handle who are trying to defend a structure.

Generally when GvG or organised guilds fight in keep, it always results in these guilds farming/bullying pugs for bags.


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I don't fall into either of your categories. What my ideal game mode would be is a mirror server to pve but with open pvp and guilds able to claim structures or waypoints and have some map benefit tied to those. Then, current WvW maps could be quartered up and truncated for a tighter guild vs guild match. Right now with WvW being a catch all mode for too many different interests, we'd mess with one group or another too much messing with things like squad size and getting more people lost with changes to match making.

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> @"borgs.6103" said:

> You know that time around 5 or 6 years ago when someone with an Anet tag told the GvG players in WvW that they're playing the game wrong? That stigma's still there. _Five or six years_ later, it's still effing there.

> I've been surfing around, reading comments and reactions on the current news about the game, and sadly, I'm still encountering comments about that fiasco.


that person was right though. the game's combat scales so poorly once a fight becomes more than 5v5.

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the GvG that you are proposing is basically blob versus blob. The GvG in GW1 had objectives, like maintaining the flagstand for boost percentage for damage and health (i don't remember clearly but yeah [EDIT: Morale Boost]) and opening the gate, trebbing the lord's room, etc etc.


If you want GvG in GW2, ask them to leverage from GW1, where there are objectives for your roam team to accomplish, while your main zerg is fighting to death. or maybe you assault as a zerg and some of you split like opening a gate or something. I could imagine this as Castle versus Castle, and around them there are forts to cap (for roamers or small percentage # of the zerg.


Close to Alliance Battles + GvG old school mix from GW1 but better, modern and versatile to different tactics/playstyle ported to GW2 for 50~30 man team vs 50~30 man team.


Or you can trim down the current WvW maps and make it just 2 teams fighting. There is only the Keep and 2 towers on its sides versus the same for the other team.


and effin ladderize that to see which guilds got the skillz.



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Playing this game for several years and closed tags just cause the roamers and causals to eventually log off or sit at start point till an open tag comes on. That is the elitist BS attitude that causes the other players to not support the WvW in off hours and let the tier drop. If you want to GvG or duel leave WvW, otherwise I for one have no issue being the a** and disrupt your own personal wants and needs. My block list can always use more company. If you are not there to advance the WvW effort then why give you any consideration.



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