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How much faith do you have in ANET and future GW2 now?


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> @"Naxos.2503" said:

> The thing is, developers did have a choice to leave, if it was a targeted cut, I'd think the choice would have been given only to those of that sector.


Oh, I think you were right, in the sense they were given a payroll target of some sort. But I think NCsoft restructuring also explicitly cut certain roles.


> @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> I'm cautiously optimistic about it, actually.


> The reason they were in this position to begin with is due to having a stagnant and inefficient delivery model that over-emphasized the gem store and living world zones and under-emphasized everything else. See the recent controversy with the warclaw mount that nobody wanted but they saw as another way to monetize overpriced skins. This behavior is burning people out and wrecking player interest in the game. The game needs 10,000 things over a new mount - new weapon types, new dungeons, shifting rewards, attribute overhauls, trait memory, new wvw map, etc etc etc. All of these things should be getting delivered on a fairly regularly basis but we go for **years** without updates to the overhwhelming majority of the game's systems, meanwhile, balance patches are too infrequent and too small in scale often coming with a lot of misguided changes.


Delivering those things doesn't directly lead to revenue, though. Even if providing the things you list spurred more people to buy gems, they still need something to spend those gems on.


If it isn't the current cash shop fare, and hopefully it isn't abusive P2W stuff, then the likely alternative is dropping free LS seasons, and making everyone pay for an "expansion" once a year or so. The problem is that people expect more out of expansions than just some maps and monsters and skins, and adding features and specializations present technical and balance issues, and strain the ancient engine even further, plus there's the "running out of new ideas" issue.



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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> It's an interesting question but from a different point of view to me perhaps. It mostly depends on what's true. Right now I'm seeing more and more evidence that ArenaNet was focusing on other projects more than GW2 and that didn't pan out. Ncsoft apparently put a stop to it and told them to lay off 100 people. So perhaps with regards to GW2 this is actually what was needed to restore faith in the franchise and that means that it's just a matter of time and ArenaNet will show that re-commitment to GW2 that apparently they had lost.


> So what they should do is confirm that a next expansion is in the works and a release window (not a date but a quarter will do) so that people see that the game is back on track again. Next to that, the next LS chapter will also be telling. The last 2 had beautiful maps but only one thing to really do there which for a lot of people means they have no reason to go there. So they are some of the best looking maps ever in this game, but I never go there anymore because I found the armor design of the requiem armor sets rather lacking and pink dragon blood weapon skins haven't tickled my fancy either. So that's a very binary approach to the value of the maps after playing through the story. LS3 maps tended to have trinkets which keep being useful every time you want to use a new build or make a new character. Skins have the risk of appealing or not and with that basically being the only reason to go back there that's very hit and miss.


> So if we get to see new LS chapters with beautiful maps but more long term value due to a better variety of rewards, that would also tell me they're getting their focus back.


An interesting set of answers as well.

I don't feel it wise to comment on what has gone wrong and who is blameworthy here.

As a company, ANET predominantly has one product from which to draw revenue.. GW2, yeah sure GW1 still has a small pulse, but key to both is they are ageing and just as with GW1, GW2 will eventually see too many winters - when that happens and it is no longer profitable or profitable enough what do ANET do and more importantly what will NC Soft do with them... we know the history of other studios who have fallen foul of the one trick pony and there would be just as good a chance it could happen to ANET.

To me though logic dictates both ANET and NC Soft took a decision sometime ago to explore other options, who knows maybe a GW3, a GWMobby app or maybe something entirely new.. we will likely never know, but one fact remains.. we do not know the facts that surround the internal decisions made by either ANET, NC Soft or most likely both.

What we do know now is that NC Soft has been seeing a decline across its portfolio and that ultimately put the brakes on ANET'S R&D (common practice when there is a financial squeeze).

As for resource utilisation, that again we know nothing more than ANET was providing skills and expertise already within the company, some of which we also now know had been pulled of GW2, what we do not know however, is where that decision came from or when. Let us not forget ANET has grown considerably in headcount over the last 6 yrs and I would hazard a guess not all of that was GW2 related, but utilising key skills and experience within the company on new projects is often a good call.. it saves increasing headcount further and a good chance there would be a lot less ramp up time often required before new employees actually become productive. Others might say that has taken away from GW2 and that's a reason for poor quality content, less focus on delivering to cadence etc.. but tbh much of those rants are based on very much subjective content and often borne from emotion anyways... It is easy to point finger and play blame games, but without any real facts it kinda just falls down to hearsay and conjecture.

Personally I think the way forward for us as players is to stop panicking for a few breathes, let the dust settle down within ANET and afford them a little time to refocus, restructure and reprioritise, then when there is something tangible to offer us I am sure they will announce it... what we do know is that there is some WvW content pending (as much as that did not excite me personally), we know LS4 finally is pending and then LS5 is following that.. anything else, I think, will still only come via balance and QoL for the next 12 months, but who knows what else might already be in the works or planned to be worked on.. an expac announcement sometime within the next 12 months would be awesome, but that may well of be another of those projects that has had the rug pulled while the company as a whole looks to shore up its finances.. I guess time will tell.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Naxos.2503" said:

> > The thing is, developers did have a choice to leave, if it was a targeted cut, I'd think the choice would have been given only to those of that sector.


> Oh, I think you were right, in the sense they were given a payroll target of some sort. But I think NCsoft restructuring also explicitly cut certain roles.


> > @"Einlanzer.1627" said:

> > I'm cautiously optimistic about it, actually.

> >

> > The reason they were in this position to begin with is due to having a stagnant and inefficient delivery model that over-emphasized the gem store and living world zones and under-emphasized everything else. See the recent controversy with the warclaw mount that nobody wanted but they saw as another way to monetize overpriced skins. This behavior is burning people out and wrecking player interest in the game. The game needs 10,000 things over a new mount - new weapon types, new dungeons, shifting rewards, attribute overhauls, trait memory, new wvw map, etc etc etc. All of these things should be getting delivered on a fairly regularly basis but we go for **years** without updates to the overhwhelming majority of the game's systems, meanwhile, balance patches are too infrequent and too small in scale often coming with a lot of misguided changes.


> Delivering those things doesn't directly lead to revenue, though. Even if providing the things you list spurred more people to buy gems, they still need something to spend those gems on.


> If it isn't the current cash shop fare, and hopefully it isn't abusive P2W stuff, then the likely alternative is dropping free LS seasons, and making everyone pay for an "expansion" once a year or so. The problem is that people expect more out of expansions than just some maps and monsters and skins, and adding features and specializations present technical and balance issues, and strain the ancient engine even further, plus there's the "running out of new ideas" issue.




This is the way that businesses tend to view things, and that's the fallacy. It's essentially focusing on short term profits over long term sustainability, and it's what ends up sinking most businesses.


Revenue comes primarily from people enjoying the game, and, yes, having things to spend money on. However, there is a ton of stuff to spend money on in the gem store _today_. Arguably far too much. The irony that nobody seems to get is that people are **less** inclined to spend money the more overwhelmed with expensive choices they are, which is exactly what's kicked into overdrive since PoF's release. This is basic psychology 101, so I have no clue why so many companies fall in this trap.

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I hope they saw it as an warning shot and take gw2 more seriously. PvP balance is broken, game is laggy and unpolished after 7 years, no build templates a full game mode raid is minority only, fractals difficulty is enhanced by annoying non fun instabilities so much potential so little was fully used


Hope they can get it together now



And listen the the customers who begging since years to tune down the visual noise which is eye and health hurting

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Let's be real, not much contet have been added to the game in 2018.

2 raid wings are ok, but i actualy expected 3.

Fractals, not very challenging, kinda easy mode. And i really don't like new fractal instability's. Some of them are really annoying and not fun to play, these instabilities have to go.

WvW - 0 content, nothing at all. (in whole 2018)

SPvP- yeah, 2 new maps for 2v2 is really nice and most players like that, but sPVP needs balance patches, we haven't got enough to make pvp enjoyable, now we see 40% of pvp'ers are mirage players. That is not fun, its broken/op not fun to play against.

We had 3 reworks ( if i remember corectly) on elite specs. And those weren't so good. We need more full reworks for some eSpecs (lookin at you Renegade, Scrapper).

So yeah, everything that came after PoF, except raid wings and few fractals, was trash. I expect them now to focus only on Guild Wars, do more expansions with real replayable content. Please no more any of these 2 hour gameplay shiet every 3 months, this is bad, people don't play in those new maps. I haven't revisited a single ls4 map except Istan (before gold farm nerf). This is bad and annoying content. I spent so much money and time expecting some new good, replayble content, more raid wings, more of everything, but i've got let down everytime.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> I hope they saw it as an warning shot and take gw2 more seriously. PvP balance is broken, game is laggy and unpolished after 7 years, no build templates a full game mode raid is minority only, fractals difficulty is enhanced by annoying non fun instabilities so much potential so little was fully used


> Hope they can get it together now



> And listen the the customers who begging since years to tune down the visual noise which is eye and health hurting


Agree PvP balance is poor, then again I think that is a general issues across the game not just PvP… not sure how many devs it needs to improve balance across an MMO cos from my experience balance is always a shifting set of goal posts that takes a little time to catch up only to have the next patch throw spanners into it, GW2 is no different... but yeah there is imbalance for sure imo.

As for lag.. I don't get any lag tbh and FPS stability for me has improved this past year, maybe a new GPU helped with that though.


Build Templates, fractal updates.. that is just content you are not happy with that does not equate to not taking their product seriously, that is you expressing what you like and don't like... I happen to enjoy fractals both before instabilities and after (including the latest additions). Build Templates are something and nothing to me, I am still able to play all my builds, create new ones so templates to me are neither here nor there.. but again this has nothing to do with ANET not taking GW2 seriously..


Visual/Particle Effects - yeah I could get behind having an option to reduce it by player option.. but again its something that may not fall into a priority either previous or now.. that is not taking GW2 seriously, that is just another QoL you would like and yeah others as well no doubt, but if ANET jumped on every little request we put to them they would never actually get anything done I am sure.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > I hope they saw it as an warning shot and take gw2 more seriously. PvP balance is broken, game is laggy and unpolished after 7 years, no build templates a full game mode raid is minority only, fractals difficulty is enhanced by annoying non fun instabilities so much potential so little was fully used

> >

> > Hope they can get it together now

> >

> >

> > And listen the the customers who begging since years to tune down the visual noise which is eye and health hurting


> Agree PvP balance is poor, then again I think that is a general issues across the game not just PvP… not sure how many devs it needs to improve balance across an MMO cos from my experience balance is always a shifting set of goal posts that takes a little time to catch up only to have the next patch throw spanners into it, GW2 is no different... but yeah there is imbalance for sure imo.

> As for lag.. I don't get any lag tbh and FPS stability for me has improved this past year, maybe a new GPU helped with that though.


> Build Templates, fractal updates.. that is just content you are not happy with that does not equate to not taking their product seriously, that is you expressing what you like and don't like... I happen to enjoy fractals both before instabilities and after (including the latest additions). Build Templates are something and nothing to me, I am still able to play all my builds, create new ones so templates to me are neither here nor there.. but again this has nothing to do with ANET not taking GW2 seriously..


> Visual/Particle Effects - yeah I could get behind having an option to reduce it by player option.. but again its something that may not fall into a priority either previous or now.. that is not taking GW2 seriously, that is just another QoL you would like and yeah others as well no doubt, but if ANET jumped on every little request we put to them they would never actually get anything done I am sure.


I enjoyed fractals when nightmare fractal challenge mode hit it was a real creative and honest way to improve difficulty. Instabilities where a bandaid slippery slope was not even tested before release how game breaking it was in certain fractals.


Adding more mechanics instead of gimmicks is a lot of work but they had not the resources to do it and choose the easier way.


And those are things now I not even mentioned legendarries who are still not complete even so they are promised with hot and if u remember legendary armor and raid wings all with a delay implemented.


And than there was the time when salvage all was not an option how painful was that.


Thinking that many of those are delayed because of an unknown and now never will be made product is such a mismanagement


The lag I mean wvw in first line the only game mode I barely can play so assume it is related to how wvw is structured.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> It's an interesting question but from a different point of view to me perhaps. It mostly depends on what's true. Right now I'm seeing more and more evidence that ArenaNet was focusing on other projects more than GW2 and that didn't pan out. Ncsoft apparently put a stop to it and told them to lay off 100 people. So perhaps with regards to GW2 this is actually what was needed to restore faith in the franchise and that means that it's just a matter of time and ArenaNet will show that re-commitment to GW2 that apparently they had lost.


> So what they should do is confirm that a next expansion is in the works and a release window (not a date but a quarter will do) so that people see that the game is back on track again. Next to that, the next LS chapter will also be telling. The last 2 had beautiful maps but only one thing to really do there which for a lot of people means they have no reason to go there. So they are some of the best looking maps ever in this game, but I never go there anymore because I found the armor design of the requiem armor sets rather lacking and pink dragon blood weapon skins haven't tickled my fancy either. So that's a very binary approach to the value of the maps after playing through the story. LS3 maps tended to have trinkets which keep being useful every time you want to use a new build or make a new character. Skins have the risk of appealing or not and with that basically being the only reason to go back there that's very hit and miss.


> So if we get to see new LS chapters with beautiful maps but more long term value due to a better variety of rewards, that would also tell me they're getting their focus back.


I couln't agree more to that post. At first we were speaking of "bad" NCSoft laying off people. Although NCSoft has no respect from me (the fiasko of Lineage 2 was huge), i trusted Anet when GW2 announced. Many friends, seeing the NCSoft brand under GW2 were laughing and said "no way again". We trusted Anet and we begin the journey.

After a few hours of searching what was trully happened, i also realize what was going on in the game the last 2-3 years. Scarlet Wars was a great event (i can't say story because we can't play it any more), HoT was awesome, and then???? ...chaos.

A medium PoF which has no way of exist after 1,5 year and people going back to HoT, for events and rewards. So it was clear that the game was going for a long time in auto-pilot and Anet was just keeping it working just to make money. I don't play PvP or WvW and i can't say something about it but it was clear that the PVE part of the game was just stable. HoT was much more interesting than PoF and the only way people were going there were just the mounts.

It's funny that people still need trinkets from HoT, farming all the LS3 to get them, Legendaries need HoT materials and nothing greater than that happened at PoF. PoF has nothing except mounts to offer.

Also it was really frustrating the fact that from great and really helpfull items and packages in Gem Store, last year was clearly a fashion wars store.

After the lay offs (really sad indeed) we all realize that Anet was using the GW2 funds and workers to other projects, although GW2 was really profitable. At this time was really necessary for the "bad" NCSoft to show us the truth and to pull Anet's dream out to reality.

Yes it's not good or happy to lay off people, but historical names-people were getting their large wages for what? for something that wan't usefull?

Thanks to some rumours (maybe from inside Anet) we were waiting the Cantha expansion, and some other great things but nothing really happened.

In conclusion i don't have faith any more to Anet for abandoned our game, but i have faith in GW2 and our community.

GW2 community is one of the greatest in MMO world and that's the reason im still playing untill beta.

I'm looking forward to check the real excuses from Anet and just inform us for the future of our beloved game.

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I think it's far too soon to say exactly what impact this will have on GW2. It's only Anet's first day back in the office since the layoffs and it's not even 9am there, so I doubt even they have got it all sorted out yet. There's absolutely no way for us to know how much the layoffs will mean less work getting done over all vs. less work on other projects and therefore more time to focus on GW2, or what they'll choose to do with that time.


Long term I think we can believe what they've said - Anet isn't going anywhere, GW2 isn't going anywhere and the plan to carry on with Season 4, Season 5 and other announced changes will continue. (Note: this also means I don't think they're going to suddenly announce that they were lying to us all along and actually they've got an expansion 1/2 finished and will be releasing it this year after all as some people have predicted.) But what exactly that will mean - which types of content get what updates and when - we can't possibly know and I doubt even Anet know in detail.

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While I'm not pleased with NCSoft releasing some devs, I also think people are panicking for no reason. It will be exactly the same as it ever was. It seems to me like you lot forgot how it used to be back in the day... literally no difference then and now.

I'm guessing I'll finally get some new hairs now that NCSoft is back on top and GW2 is Anet's main thing again. All I got is a copy-paste ones from another race ever since Anet tried to be more on their own and do other stuff.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I think it's far too soon to say exactly what impact this will have on GW2. It's only Anet's first day back in the office since the layoffs and it's not even 9am there, so I doubt even they have got it all sorted out yet.

That's certainly fair comment. They're going to have to reorganize things internally to see who's doing what now because they undoubtedly have holes in existing teams and need to see who's doing what. I would certainly expect them to need at least a few weeks to get back into some sort of flow again. Not that they'll be standing still but it will take a bit of doing to get back into it I'm sure. It's only normal.

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The problem with the game - I think - is that it has become a landfill of wasted content. Too many currencies, maps, game modes; most of it abandoned, poorly balanced. No rewards besides gold and the items on the store that can be bought with it. It needs a lot of rework of stuff rather than just adding crap on top of crap. Feels like their model has backed them in a corner where there's no benefit to adding more stuff. How odd that there's so much stuff but playing the game gives you a pervasive sentiment that there is nothing to do in it (besides farming gold the same way a million times over)?'

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > I hope they saw it as an warning shot and take gw2 more seriously. PvP balance is broken, game is laggy and unpolished after 7 years, no build templates a full game mode raid is minority only, fractals difficulty is enhanced by annoying non fun instabilities so much potential so little was fully used

> > >

> > > Hope they can get it together now

> > >

> > >

> > > And listen the the customers who begging since years to tune down the visual noise which is eye and health hurting

> >

> > Agree PvP balance is poor, then again I think that is a general issues across the game not just PvP… not sure how many devs it needs to improve balance across an MMO cos from my experience balance is always a shifting set of goal posts that takes a little time to catch up only to have the next patch throw spanners into it, GW2 is no different... but yeah there is imbalance for sure imo.

> > As for lag.. I don't get any lag tbh and FPS stability for me has improved this past year, maybe a new GPU helped with that though.

> >

> > Build Templates, fractal updates.. that is just content you are not happy with that does not equate to not taking their product seriously, that is you expressing what you like and don't like... I happen to enjoy fractals both before instabilities and after (including the latest additions). Build Templates are something and nothing to me, I am still able to play all my builds, create new ones so templates to me are neither here nor there.. but again this has nothing to do with ANET not taking GW2 seriously..

> >

> > Visual/Particle Effects - yeah I could get behind having an option to reduce it by player option.. but again its something that may not fall into a priority either previous or now.. that is not taking GW2 seriously, that is just another QoL you would like and yeah others as well no doubt, but if ANET jumped on every little request we put to them they would never actually get anything done I am sure.


> I enjoyed fractals when nightmare fractal challenge mode hit it was a real creative and honest way to improve difficulty. Instabilities where a bandaid slippery slope was not even tested before release how game breaking it was in certain fractals.


> Adding more mechanics instead of gimmicks is a lot of work but they had not the resources to do it and choose the easier way.


> And those are things now I not even mentioned legendarries who are still not complete even so they are promised with hot and if u remember legendary armor and raid wings all with a delay implemented.


> And than there was the time when salvage all was not an option how painful was that.


> Thinking that many of those are delayed because of an unknown and now never will be made product is such a mismanagement


> The lag I mean wvw in first line the only game mode I barely can play so assume it is related to how wvw is structured.


Increasing fractal difficult by way of instabilities makes players think .. eventually it will become second knowledge just like everything.

Yeah slippy sloppy was poorly implemented for sure but it was taken out of those fracs it was never meant to be in and the rest is actually fun, at least to me.

Lag is not always down to the game.. the only time I have ever seen issues in WvW is on reset night when there is a mass 3 way SM fight and skill lag hits us all.. but not had that or any near as bad for some times now.


Cancelled projects, projects that maybe fail does not mean mis management, there are many other things that could casue that.. unless you have some clear facts to show otherwise.. bugs and content that does not meet your expectation does not equate to lack of prority to GW2. Developing content that will please everybody in a multi faceted MMO, just isn't going to happen all the time.. that does not equate to lack of priority being shown to GW2.

Legendaries .. what isn't finished about them .. though in fairness it is not something I ever intended to or expected to be a quick thing.. pretty sure though Gen 2 began with HoT.. not sure if there was some specific completion date for the set, though as I said I don't follow it too closely. But again that's not a reason to think GW2 had no priority.


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > I hope they saw it as an warning shot and take gw2 more seriously. PvP balance is broken, game is laggy and unpolished after 7 years, no build templates a full game mode raid is minority only, fractals difficulty is enhanced by annoying non fun instabilities so much potential so little was fully used

> > > >

> > > > Hope they can get it together now

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > And listen the the customers who begging since years to tune down the visual noise which is eye and health hurting

> > >

> > > Agree PvP balance is poor, then again I think that is a general issues across the game not just PvP… not sure how many devs it needs to improve balance across an MMO cos from my experience balance is always a shifting set of goal posts that takes a little time to catch up only to have the next patch throw spanners into it, GW2 is no different... but yeah there is imbalance for sure imo.

> > > As for lag.. I don't get any lag tbh and FPS stability for me has improved this past year, maybe a new GPU helped with that though.

> > >

> > > Build Templates, fractal updates.. that is just content you are not happy with that does not equate to not taking their product seriously, that is you expressing what you like and don't like... I happen to enjoy fractals both before instabilities and after (including the latest additions). Build Templates are something and nothing to me, I am still able to play all my builds, create new ones so templates to me are neither here nor there.. but again this has nothing to do with ANET not taking GW2 seriously..

> > >

> > > Visual/Particle Effects - yeah I could get behind having an option to reduce it by player option.. but again its something that may not fall into a priority either previous or now.. that is not taking GW2 seriously, that is just another QoL you would like and yeah others as well no doubt, but if ANET jumped on every little request we put to them they would never actually get anything done I am sure.

> >

> > I enjoyed fractals when nightmare fractal challenge mode hit it was a real creative and honest way to improve difficulty. Instabilities where a bandaid slippery slope was not even tested before release how game breaking it was in certain fractals.

> >

> > Adding more mechanics instead of gimmicks is a lot of work but they had not the resources to do it and choose the easier way.

> >

> > And those are things now I not even mentioned legendarries who are still not complete even so they are promised with hot and if u remember legendary armor and raid wings all with a delay implemented.

> >

> > And than there was the time when salvage all was not an option how painful was that.

> >

> > Thinking that many of those are delayed because of an unknown and now never will be made product is such a mismanagement

> >

> > The lag I mean wvw in first line the only game mode I barely can play so assume it is related to how wvw is structured.


> Increasing fractal difficult by way of instabilities makes players think .. eventually it will become second knowledge just like everything.

> Yeah slippy sloppy was poorly implemented for sure but it was taken out of those fracs it was never meant to be in and the rest is actually fun, at least to me.

> Lag is not always down to the game.. the only time I have ever seen issues in WvW is on reset night when there is a mass 3 way SM fight and skill lag hits us all.. but not had that or any near as bad for some times now.


> Cancelled projects, projects that maybe fail does not mean mis management, there are many other things that could casue that.. unless you have some clear facts to show otherwise.. bugs and content that does not meet your expectation does not equate to lack of prority to GW2. Developing content that will please everybody in a multi faceted MMO, just isn't going to happen all the time.. that does not equate to lack of priority being shown to GW2.

> Legendaries .. what isn't finished about them .. though in fairness it is not something I ever intended to or expected to be a quick thing.. pretty sure though Gen 2 began with HoT.. not sure if there was some specific completion date for the set, though as I said I don't follow it too closely. But again that's not a reason to think GW2 had no priority.



Evidence of mismanagement.... 100 people who lost their job?


But let’s see and hope the best

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > I hope they saw it as an warning shot and take gw2 more seriously. PvP balance is broken, game is laggy and unpolished after 7 years, no build templates a full game mode raid is minority only, fractals difficulty is enhanced by annoying non fun instabilities so much potential so little was fully used

> > > > >

> > > > > Hope they can get it together now

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > And listen the the customers who begging since years to tune down the visual noise which is eye and health hurting

> > > >

> > > > Agree PvP balance is poor, then again I think that is a general issues across the game not just PvP… not sure how many devs it needs to improve balance across an MMO cos from my experience balance is always a shifting set of goal posts that takes a little time to catch up only to have the next patch throw spanners into it, GW2 is no different... but yeah there is imbalance for sure imo.

> > > > As for lag.. I don't get any lag tbh and FPS stability for me has improved this past year, maybe a new GPU helped with that though.

> > > >

> > > > Build Templates, fractal updates.. that is just content you are not happy with that does not equate to not taking their product seriously, that is you expressing what you like and don't like... I happen to enjoy fractals both before instabilities and after (including the latest additions). Build Templates are something and nothing to me, I am still able to play all my builds, create new ones so templates to me are neither here nor there.. but again this has nothing to do with ANET not taking GW2 seriously..

> > > >

> > > > Visual/Particle Effects - yeah I could get behind having an option to reduce it by player option.. but again its something that may not fall into a priority either previous or now.. that is not taking GW2 seriously, that is just another QoL you would like and yeah others as well no doubt, but if ANET jumped on every little request we put to them they would never actually get anything done I am sure.

> > >

> > > I enjoyed fractals when nightmare fractal challenge mode hit it was a real creative and honest way to improve difficulty. Instabilities where a bandaid slippery slope was not even tested before release how game breaking it was in certain fractals.

> > >

> > > Adding more mechanics instead of gimmicks is a lot of work but they had not the resources to do it and choose the easier way.

> > >

> > > And those are things now I not even mentioned legendarries who are still not complete even so they are promised with hot and if u remember legendary armor and raid wings all with a delay implemented.

> > >

> > > And than there was the time when salvage all was not an option how painful was that.

> > >

> > > Thinking that many of those are delayed because of an unknown and now never will be made product is such a mismanagement

> > >

> > > The lag I mean wvw in first line the only game mode I barely can play so assume it is related to how wvw is structured.

> >

> > Increasing fractal difficult by way of instabilities makes players think .. eventually it will become second knowledge just like everything.

> > Yeah slippy sloppy was poorly implemented for sure but it was taken out of those fracs it was never meant to be in and the rest is actually fun, at least to me.

> > Lag is not always down to the game.. the only time I have ever seen issues in WvW is on reset night when there is a mass 3 way SM fight and skill lag hits us all.. but not had that or any near as bad for some times now.

> >

> > Cancelled projects, projects that maybe fail does not mean mis management, there are many other things that could casue that.. unless you have some clear facts to show otherwise.. bugs and content that does not meet your expectation does not equate to lack of prority to GW2. Developing content that will please everybody in a multi faceted MMO, just isn't going to happen all the time.. that does not equate to lack of priority being shown to GW2.

> > Legendaries .. what isn't finished about them .. though in fairness it is not something I ever intended to or expected to be a quick thing.. pretty sure though Gen 2 began with HoT.. not sure if there was some specific completion date for the set, though as I said I don't follow it too closely. But again that's not a reason to think GW2 had no priority.

> >


> Evidence of mismanagement.... 100 people who lost their job?


> But let’s see and hope the best


That's no evidence of mismanagment

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > > I hope they saw it as an warning shot and take gw2 more seriously. PvP balance is broken, game is laggy and unpolished after 7 years, no build templates a full game mode raid is minority only, fractals difficulty is enhanced by annoying non fun instabilities so much potential so little was fully used

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hope they can get it together now

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And listen the the customers who begging since years to tune down the visual noise which is eye and health hurting

> > > > >

> > > > > Agree PvP balance is poor, then again I think that is a general issues across the game not just PvP… not sure how many devs it needs to improve balance across an MMO cos from my experience balance is always a shifting set of goal posts that takes a little time to catch up only to have the next patch throw spanners into it, GW2 is no different... but yeah there is imbalance for sure imo.

> > > > > As for lag.. I don't get any lag tbh and FPS stability for me has improved this past year, maybe a new GPU helped with that though.

> > > > >

> > > > > Build Templates, fractal updates.. that is just content you are not happy with that does not equate to not taking their product seriously, that is you expressing what you like and don't like... I happen to enjoy fractals both before instabilities and after (including the latest additions). Build Templates are something and nothing to me, I am still able to play all my builds, create new ones so templates to me are neither here nor there.. but again this has nothing to do with ANET not taking GW2 seriously..

> > > > >

> > > > > Visual/Particle Effects - yeah I could get behind having an option to reduce it by player option.. but again its something that may not fall into a priority either previous or now.. that is not taking GW2 seriously, that is just another QoL you would like and yeah others as well no doubt, but if ANET jumped on every little request we put to them they would never actually get anything done I am sure.

> > > >

> > > > I enjoyed fractals when nightmare fractal challenge mode hit it was a real creative and honest way to improve difficulty. Instabilities where a bandaid slippery slope was not even tested before release how game breaking it was in certain fractals.

> > > >

> > > > Adding more mechanics instead of gimmicks is a lot of work but they had not the resources to do it and choose the easier way.

> > > >

> > > > And those are things now I not even mentioned legendarries who are still not complete even so they are promised with hot and if u remember legendary armor and raid wings all with a delay implemented.

> > > >

> > > > And than there was the time when salvage all was not an option how painful was that.

> > > >

> > > > Thinking that many of those are delayed because of an unknown and now never will be made product is such a mismanagement

> > > >

> > > > The lag I mean wvw in first line the only game mode I barely can play so assume it is related to how wvw is structured.

> > >

> > > Increasing fractal difficult by way of instabilities makes players think .. eventually it will become second knowledge just like everything.

> > > Yeah slippy sloppy was poorly implemented for sure but it was taken out of those fracs it was never meant to be in and the rest is actually fun, at least to me.

> > > Lag is not always down to the game.. the only time I have ever seen issues in WvW is on reset night when there is a mass 3 way SM fight and skill lag hits us all.. but not had that or any near as bad for some times now.

> > >

> > > Cancelled projects, projects that maybe fail does not mean mis management, there are many other things that could casue that.. unless you have some clear facts to show otherwise.. bugs and content that does not meet your expectation does not equate to lack of prority to GW2. Developing content that will please everybody in a multi faceted MMO, just isn't going to happen all the time.. that does not equate to lack of priority being shown to GW2.

> > > Legendaries .. what isn't finished about them .. though in fairness it is not something I ever intended to or expected to be a quick thing.. pretty sure though Gen 2 began with HoT.. not sure if there was some specific completion date for the set, though as I said I don't follow it too closely. But again that's not a reason to think GW2 had no priority.

> > >

> >

> > Evidence of mismanagement.... 100 people who lost their job?

> >

> > But let’s see and hope the best


> That's no evidence of mismanagment


If this is not than I don’t know what is

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I'm still pessimistic because my other favorite MMO (Marvel Heroes) was shut down in 2017 after layoffs and saying stuff like "everything is okay". I'm sorry, I know they are not the same devs and I'm trying my best to have faith but it's hard because I've been burned before. I don't want to lose GW2 too. :(

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > > I hope they saw it as an warning shot and take gw2 more seriously. PvP balance is broken, game is laggy and unpolished after 7 years, no build templates a full game mode raid is minority only, fractals difficulty is enhanced by annoying non fun instabilities so much potential so little was fully used

> > > > >

> > > > > Hope they can get it together now

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > And listen the the customers who begging since years to tune down the visual noise which is eye and health hurting

> > > >

> > > > Agree PvP balance is poor, then again I think that is a general issues across the game not just PvP… not sure how many devs it needs to improve balance across an MMO cos from my experience balance is always a shifting set of goal posts that takes a little time to catch up only to have the next patch throw spanners into it, GW2 is no different... but yeah there is imbalance for sure imo.

> > > > As for lag.. I don't get any lag tbh and FPS stability for me has improved this past year, maybe a new GPU helped with that though.

> > > >

> > > > Build Templates, fractal updates.. that is just content you are not happy with that does not equate to not taking their product seriously, that is you expressing what you like and don't like... I happen to enjoy fractals both before instabilities and after (including the latest additions). Build Templates are something and nothing to me, I am still able to play all my builds, create new ones so templates to me are neither here nor there.. but again this has nothing to do with ANET not taking GW2 seriously..

> > > >

> > > > Visual/Particle Effects - yeah I could get behind having an option to reduce it by player option.. but again its something that may not fall into a priority either previous or now.. that is not taking GW2 seriously, that is just another QoL you would like and yeah others as well no doubt, but if ANET jumped on every little request we put to them they would never actually get anything done I am sure.

> > >

> > > I enjoyed fractals when nightmare fractal challenge mode hit it was a real creative and honest way to improve difficulty. Instabilities where a bandaid slippery slope was not even tested before release how game breaking it was in certain fractals.

> > >

> > > Adding more mechanics instead of gimmicks is a lot of work but they had not the resources to do it and choose the easier way.

> > >

> > > And those are things now I not even mentioned legendarries who are still not complete even so they are promised with hot and if u remember legendary armor and raid wings all with a delay implemented.

> > >

> > > And than there was the time when salvage all was not an option how painful was that.

> > >

> > > Thinking that many of those are delayed because of an unknown and now never will be made product is such a mismanagement

> > >

> > > The lag I mean wvw in first line the only game mode I barely can play so assume it is related to how wvw is structured.

> >

> > Increasing fractal difficult by way of instabilities makes players think .. eventually it will become second knowledge just like everything.

> > Yeah slippy sloppy was poorly implemented for sure but it was taken out of those fracs it was never meant to be in and the rest is actually fun, at least to me.

> > Lag is not always down to the game.. the only time I have ever seen issues in WvW is on reset night when there is a mass 3 way SM fight and skill lag hits us all.. but not had that or any near as bad for some times now.

> >

> > Cancelled projects, projects that maybe fail does not mean mis management, there are many other things that could casue that.. unless you have some clear facts to show otherwise.. bugs and content that does not meet your expectation does not equate to lack of prority to GW2. Developing content that will please everybody in a multi faceted MMO, just isn't going to happen all the time.. that does not equate to lack of priority being shown to GW2.

> > Legendaries .. what isn't finished about them .. though in fairness it is not something I ever intended to or expected to be a quick thing.. pretty sure though Gen 2 began with HoT.. not sure if there was some specific completion date for the set, though as I said I don't follow it too closely. But again that's not a reason to think GW2 had no priority.

> >


> Evidence of mismanagement.... 100 people who lost their job?


> But let’s see and hope the best


WRONG... so wrong

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