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Will spend money for : insert idea here


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Just pull out a load of fan-requested stuff and charge us money. Honestly, I'd happily pay for some cheap and cheerful content.


Put LS5 in Cantha for literally whatever reason and call it an expansion. Make one of the zones aquatic and rip off one of the HoT metas but under water. Make a warlobster mount to whoosh around on.


Add in 5 raids - one for each race. Malyck and the other sylvari tree using the memory seeds with Caithe doing something, spirits of the wild with Eir being your guild in the mists, some Asura golem nonsense with Zojja, Ritlock taking on an Ascalonian ghost thing and Logan something something the queen with the twisted marionette being the final boss. Give us an aquatic battle raid boss or two just to add interest.


Build swap power, item or mastery as the new glider/mount unique feature.


Make new unarmed 'weapon' to tie into the pseudo-Asian kitsch of Cantha. Give us a hard as balls set of achievements to unlock the ascended version.


Recycle a lot of instanced Living World stuff as fractals (like the steal mission with the sniper or the old city in Istan).


Chuck in a small and confusing WvW map, maybe concentric circles with gaps in places that don't line up so you can never see your enemies coming and have to send out scouts all the time.


Make the same but smaller in PvP.


Honestly, they could do half of that and shout "money please!" and we'd all go for it.

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First and foremost: Many things I want but never bought because I considered them too expensive. Sometimes they reach my price limit during sales, mostly not even then. I would spend more money on gems if I would enjoy buying things, and not feel ripped off after giving in and buying something.


-Armor skins that are mix and match instead of outfits - unless they cost an arm and a leg and add up to even MORE gems than an outfit costs.

For all I care they could just put a huge disclaimer to armor parts and require everyone to acknowledge that there is a risk that armor parts you buy may just not work well with other armor parts together, and that there is a high chance of one skin clipping through another. There would be enough people who would be ok with it and figure out parts that go together.


-Outfits if they were **at least** split into head and body part to mix and match - plus not render my winter's presence useless.


-Certain guildhall feature kits like a full rollerbeetle racing function (the track decorations were and awesome start but not enough) and also jumping puzzle functions like checkpoints, start/end, placeable obstacles like wind, disappearing floors etc.


(at this point it starts to go more into the direction of "what would I want to be in the game" so I'll end it here) :)

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1. Expansions

2. Mount skins, but only if you can actually pick the ones you like and certainly only if they become cheaper. (Like the amount of gems we pay for outfits, I'd accept the same price for mount skins)

4. Guild Hall items, but only if the limited amount of decorations in one place is raised, as I feel like we can't truly decorate our halls right now because of the "Too many decorations in this area" message.

5. New Armor skins, as I prefer them more than outfits as I love the fashionwars of this game.

6. Weapons skins

7. A pose/emotes package, with more options to stand, sit, lay, dance while being idle. (Like the emotes we used to have in Guild Wars)

8. New hairstyles & Faces

9. I'd say maybe the tengu race, but if they ever decide to add them, they'll mostlikely be part of an expansion, so again: Expansion.

10. Private instances, which you could decorate around all of Tyria. Think of owning a private ship, airship, house in the Arch, etc. (Could be places we once visited during the stories. Like Beetletun Manor (Caudecus Manor). Although I would love to have CM as guild hall.. *keeps dreaming*) I liked what they did with sun's refuge, only thing missing in my opinion is a reason to go back to it once you've completed everything, if it had been an instance which we could have decorated ourselves, I think it would have had a greater value to the game. But that's just my opinion.


And I could go on and on and on..

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I'd drop golden nuggets for player housing similar to Wildstar.

After that, I'd pay for playable Quaggan. They wont need armour skins like for the current races. Just use harnesses and accessories as the visuals (they'd still get all the benefits of whatever armour they "wear," it'll just look like various harnesses/accessories).

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New hair styles and faces.

New armor skins, NOT OUTFITS, particularly less coats for medium armors and dresses for heavy

A dragon skin for Griffon mount

~~Rhytlock skin for Warclaw~~

SAB mount skin set

Purple SAB weapon skins

~~Effects slider because I'll pay you to stop giving me migraines~~

Casual clothing outfits

Hat skins that do not remove your hair

A decent mini skirt for light armor that doesn't look like Sailor Moon

A replayable form of LW S1 (And I think a lot of people would willingly pay for this and play it together, please don't make it a raid though and lock people out)

Polymuck mini game access

~~Dung Beetle Roller Beetle skin complete with stink~~

Buyable Gift of Battle to bypass WvW requirements



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An auto crafter that I can configure to craft any item I choose including mystic forge recipies on whatever cadence I choose. I would still provide the mats and currency and at least 1 character needs to have the recipe unlocked and crafting level obtained. I would use this for things like crafting my ascended mats everyday automatically, forging clovers so I don't have to stand at the forge for an hour or making raid food when my stores get low.

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I'd spend money on a Lord Faren swimwear outfit (and by outfit I mean just the red speedo's that he famously wears). For the female version, a kasmeer's bikini swimsuit outfit. Perhaps this potential gemstore addition could tie into some sort of Southsun gemstore update/event or something?


I'd definitely spend money on more skimpy male armour skins, and, in particular, more chest armour for light, medium, and heavy classes that don't cover any part of the backside (I want to be able to see my leg skins!). In my own personal opinion, I think there's way too many chest piece skins that cover the backside (look at medium class chest skins for example - there are maybe only 2 or 3 tops that don't cover the backside - this simply needs to change. We need more options, and more skimpy armour that shows more chest etc.). I'd like to go for a sleek ninja-like-look for my ranger for example, where I can see the tight, sleek, stylish leg skin, but most chest pieces cover the backside or leg skin ENTIRELY, and the chest pieces usually don't show any bare chest/skin at all. Right now, I feel like outfits show more chest, and that's really sad.


I think GW2 would make a lot more sales too, if there were more armour skins, than outfits. Don't get me wrong, I love the convenience of outfits hiding ALL your armour at once, and I'm not suggesting to get rid of them, but my point here is that not being able to mix-and-match parts of outfits is a real downside.


I'd also love to see the ability to 'hide' our chest/top.

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