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Legacy of the Foefire Potential Changes

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> @Xolas.9781 said:

> To sum it up Anet's thoughts-

> Players were also abusing the spellbreaker's sole weakness of being attacked at range, which isn't fair for our warrior-playing devs. Now, in order to contest the point, everyone else must be within hardcounter/melee range so that the spellbreaker isn't punished for running two melee sets."


rofl anet's wardevs don't exist. Just like the cake.



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Let's sum up some of the complaints of PvP this season so far with respect to your suggestion...

* Balance: As long as AoEs cover entire caps...no.

* Balance: As long as there are so many professions/traits/skills that need re-tuning...no.

* Conquest: As long as there is hardly any room around caps to kite opponents...no.

* Conquest: As long as decapping a point takes significantly shorter time than full capping...no.

* PvP Algorithm: As long as 2 of the same profession is still allowed even though every class has 2 specializations, core, and a number of possible builds each...no

* PvP Algorithm: As long as duo is still a thing...no.

* PvP Algorithm: As long as match making quality is low...no.



See where we are going? There are far more problems with higher priorities than this. I'm fine with making the circle smaller, but a lot of other changes must be discussed if this is literally the only topic of discussion going into Season 9.


As for the distance issue... this comes with map design. A lot of the spawn locations for maps need to be rethought. Like Kyhlo and Capricorn...why do you start so far from the gate? On Coliseum/Capricorn, why is there a side path to the closest point but it actually takes longer?


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Oh the irony, devs are Operation Code Black silent with the nightmarish problems PoF introduced, but when they DO make a post it's a suggestion for altering the one unique node in all of conquest. It makes the map unique and also nobody in the pvp community has expressed a desire for smaller nodes because aoe spam isn't fun.

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You should actually be increasing the size of all points to be the size of Mid in Foefire. It's stupid that traps and scourge aoe can cover an entire point an entire fight. Please don't even waste resources now that I think about. Give us some different game modes. Conquest is stale AF! And a lot of classes are only overtuned because we only got Conquest. If we had a CTF mode things would be different. Please take a lesson from Blizzard in this regard, they have lots of pvp game modes in WoW. Every map is a new game type. Start developing different pvp modes instead of wasting time on this. please!

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> @Highlie.7641 said:

> 10/10 perfect troll post Arena net. well done.


I'd have to highly agree.


I refuse to believe that a game dev team like ANet's. Can be this out of touch with the PvP scene. To even think to push this topic without the attempt to troll while manically laughing.


If that's not the case. Then this just reaffirms that, there is no hope for PvP or WvW game modes in this game.


On a more serious note. As long as no tell large huge damaging AOEs are super effective, and conquest revolves around standing on objectives. Please ANet do not entertain this thought anylonger. You will just make more players hate this game mode.

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Now that you guys mention it, I don't think this would be the best solution for Foefire, but maybe when planning future maps, have it so that mid is very small, but have both Homes be as big as Forefire's Mid. That, I think, would be a more interesting dynamic, since Mid would be very hard to hold, but the wing nodes would be very defensible.

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> @Interpretor.3091 said:

> What about making it so that on all maps there is no "Neutral." Only Red and Blue caps. Would make fighting on the point all that more important, make rotations really matter and make objectives a strategic choice to go after and consider.

> The reason Foefire in particular (and maps like Capricorn) are so "snow-bally" and frustrating for teams to play on, is that spawn points are too close to objectives, especially the middle point. It's so hard to cap the center point because you are trying so hard to keep re-spawning enemies from jumping into the circle to keep it from being capped. Tanky bunker guardians/ventari revs are particularly good at kiting and surviving on point. Instead of regrouping and fighting as a team, players will continuously run into the neutral point to keep it from being capped.

> Making the switch away from Neutral points will push players into playing more of a team game instead of running around and Neutralizing points. Destiny 2 made this switch and it's a great format, maybe something to consider?


I like this idea. But its too bold for anet:/ srsly when has anet ever made a change like that? Never sadly... but thats fine, everyone that could leave has already left.. its just the few that cant let go.. xd

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> @Ivantreil.3092 said:

> People. try to see this changes as the best for the future and not for the best right now.


> Scourge can't go untouched next patch, everyone agrees that a serious hammer nerf will hit them next patch.


> See the cap point change if its healthy for the long run, not for the current meta.


The small caps have always been overly good for condi classes.

Smaller caps reduces counterplay. They will never be better for spvp.


Look to the future? Man, cmon. You'd make a good lawyer or a politician.

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I have no problems with aoe spamming classes because a well **directed ranged burst** can quickly bring them on their knee, a simple strategy that hardly get utilised . Yes please @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" please! Reduce the size of the mid point....god.... foefire get chosen like 70% of the time and with 2-3 bunkers in the opposite team it becomes impossible to capture mid and your team most times than not will keep feeding the enemy .


-I see people asking to have larger points on other maps also....WTF?! Do you want to bring infinite kiting on all maps? like what? We want to reduce snowballing which is very asy with this random group system and you want to increase it?...oh god

- Deathmatch with the current balance in game?....madness...

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> @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

> > @Ivantreil.3092 said:

> > People. try to see this changes as the best for the future and not for the best right now.

> >

> > Scourge can't go untouched next patch, everyone agrees that a serious hammer nerf will hit them next patch.

> >

> > See the cap point change if its healthy for the long run, not for the current meta.


> The small caps have always been overly good for condi classes.

> Smaller caps reduces counterplay. They will never be better for spvp.


> Look to the future? Man, cmon. You'd make a good lawyer or a politician.


While smaller caps may favour aoe spammer...larger maps favour bunker or kiting specialised builds...**I choose the first over the latter**. I'd rather deal with 2 scourges on a small point than 2 scrapper/tempest/guardians on foefire tyvm

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> You should actually be increasing the size of all points to be the size of Mid in Foefire. It's stupid that traps and scourge aoe can cover an entire point an entire fight. Please don't even waste resources now that I think about. Give us some different game modes. Conquest is stale AF! And a lot of classes are only overtuned because we only got Conquest. If we had a CTF mode things would be different. Please take a lesson from Blizzard in this regard, they have lots of pvp game modes in WoW. Every map is a new game type. Start developing different pvp modes instead of wasting time on this. please!


^just all of this. Increase the mid point size on other maps. Spend some development time on something that isn't conquest, it's incredibly boring at this point.

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I'm indifferent about the foefire changes, but I'd very much support a decision to make every capture point on other maps have the same size as Foefire side points. On most maps the average ground targeted AoE is exactly the size of a capture point which is ridiculous and promotes/rewards braindead spam.

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